In the small house in the alley behind the restaurant.

Lu Xiaowan was practicing his moves seriously.

The old Taoist priest had already transformed 30% of the internal energy in Lu Xiaowan's body into her strength, but the remaining 30% of the internal energy had not yet been transformed.

If you melt too much at once, even if you don't explode and die, it won't be a good thing.

Today, Lu Xiaowan has mastered most of the first level of the powerful magic skill, and the rest is to learn the moves.

There are nine levels of powerful magic power, each with nine moves, for a total of eighty-one moves.

But be aware.

It took Akun and Azhen more than a year to get started.

It took more than half a year to reach the first level.

It's been two years since then.

As a result, their junior sister only used it for two days.

Two days!


The two were so stimulated that they immediately picked out an iron block that was three times heavier than usual and started practicing.

Their punches hit harder than the last, and their kicks were harder than the last.

I vow to work hard, protect my junior sister, and set a good example for my junior sister.

The old Taoist priest stroked his sparse beard and looked at Lu Xiaowan with great satisfaction.

This time, not only can he participate in the martial arts competition and save the Tiangang Sect, but his father does not have to jump out of the coffin to find him with his eyes closed. The most important thing is that he has accepted a talented disciple like Xiao Wan who is rare in a century.

In a few years, Tiangangmen will also regain its glory.

The old Taoist priest couldn't help but laugh.

But as he smiled, the smile disappeared.

Xiaowan's extraordinary talent, coupled with the internal strength he bought, his martial arts training speed is no longer far beyond that of ordinary people, but unparalleled.

At this rate, Xiaowan can become a master within half a year.

However, the Bai family doll was only given for one month.

Although he didn't have much contact with the Bai family dolls, he could see that the Bai family dolls were not the kind of people who exaggerated and made things out of nothing.

Since she is so anxious, there must be someone extremely dangerous to Xiaowan.

Xiaowan must be made stronger in the shortest possible time.

What's more, the prince of Dajin is also looking for Xiaowan...

However, half a year is already the limit. One day less is impossible.

Internal strength can be bought.

But the moves can only be memorized by yourself, and you can master them only through repeated practice day and month.

But these are not enough.

To become a true master, you also need to practice.

Accumulated actual combat over time.

It is absolutely impossible to become a master in one month.

The old Taoist priest couldn't help but look at Lu Xiaowan with deep worry.

Bai Su came at this moment.

Lu Xiaowan happily showed Bai Su the eight moves he had just learned.

On the first day of learning, if you can memorize all eight moves and practice them correctly, you are already very good.

But Bai Su stared at it.

She learned more about the powerful magic technique from the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest explained one by one: "The powerful magic power is divided into nine levels, with a total of eighty-one moves..."

Bai Su's eyebrows gradually frowned.

There are too many moves, too complicated, and one month is simply not enough time.

"Taoist Master, don't teach these moves for now. From now on, you just need to resolve Xiaowan's body's internal force." Bai Su said seriously.

The old Taoist priest looked at Bai Su: "Bai family baby, do you have other plans?"

Bai Su nodded.

The old Taoist priest waited for Bai Su to continue, but since Bai Su didn't say anything, he couldn't get to the bottom of it.

Bai Su took Lu Xiaowan away.

Akun and Azhen walked to the old Taoist priest.

"Master, if Miss Bai can buy internal strength, can she really make the junior sister a master within a month?" A Zhen asked.

The old Taoist priest said nothing.

He looked at the closed wooden door with a conflicted expression.

Based on his understanding of the Bai family doll, since she could tell it, she must have had a plan in mind.

But, how can one become a master in one month?

It's too short!

Unless Daluo Immortal helps... (End of Chapter)

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