Mrs. Zhou snorted coldly: "You heard wrong, you have a male duck voice!"

Xiao Yijian: "..."

At this time, Xiao Chu strode towards Xiao Yijian.

Xiao Yijian couldn't help but look at his old father: "Dad..."

Xiao Chu nodded in response and patted Xiao Yijian's shoulder with his big palm: "Yijian, we, father and son, haven't sparred for a long time. Come on, let's have two moves tonight."

"Okay!" Xiao Yijian cheered up.

He rolled up his sleeves and was about to start to move when Xiao Chu had already pushed him to the ground, and his big iron-like fists fell on his face.

The entire nave was filled with the roar of Xiao Yijian.

After a long time, Xiao Chu clapped his hands and stood up.

Xiao Yijian was lying on the ground miserable.

There were no injuries on his body, but his handsome face was bruised and bruised, and even more swollen than a pig's head, making him completely unrecognizable.


Lu Xiaowan laughed out loud.

"Xiaowan, what's your face?" Mrs. Zhou asked with concern.

"It's rubella. Sister has already checked it out for me. It will be fine in a few days!" Lu Xiaowan replied softly.

Everyone felt relieved when they heard that Bai Su had already seen it.

At this time, Lu Xiaobao and Xiao Zai came out dragging a big bag.

The two little guys took out a jade deer, a golden turtle and a golden carp from the cloth bag, and ran to the three old ladies.

"Great-grandmother, this is for you!" Lu Xiaobao gave the jade deer and golden carp to Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Qian respectively.

The two old ladies were holding things, their hearts melting.

"Grandma, I give this to you. Grandma will live as long as the golden tortoise!" Little Ah Zai held the golden tortoise to Mrs. Wang.

"Our little boy is so good!" Mrs. Wang dotingly held the little man in her arms and couldn't put it down.

After sending off three old ladies.

The two little ones each gave something away.

Lu Xiaobao dragged a heavy sword to Xiao Jingzhong. Xiao Jingzhong squatted down with his tall and burly body.

Lu Xiaobao didn't look at him, and gave away the long sword: "Here!"

The little guy still remembers the differences we made last time.

Xiao Jingzhong also remembers this.

"Oh! Thank you!" Xiao Jingzhong said unnaturally and roughly.

At this time, Xiao Chunhua came in with Zhang Gang and Zhang Yuexi.

In the middle hall, everyone has good things in their hands, and the two little guys are still dividing them one by one.

At this time, Xiao Azai and Lu Xiaobao each held a luminous pearl as big as an egg in their hands, which was priceless at first glance.

The three people's eyes lit up.

Especially the owl spring flower.

She immediately narrowed her wrinkled eyes, walked up to Lu Xiaobao with a smile, and said in a low voice: "Oh, Xiaobao is so good, he is sharing gifts! Then give me this bead!" "

With that said, his big hand was about to take away the Night Pearl in Lu Xiaobao's hand.

Lu Xiaobao immediately hid the Night Pearl behind his back, straightened his little chest, and said angrily: "You are so strange as an adult. I don't even know you, why should I give you something? If I don't give it to you, you can take it yourself. You are so old. Okay, don’t you still know etiquette, justice and shame?”

Lu Xiaobao's childish voice echoed in the middle hall.

Xiao Chunhua's smile froze.

Zhang Yuexi felt her cheeks burning, and she regretted coming with her grandmother.

Fortunately, Brother Jue is not here.

Lu Xiaobao ignored her at all, went straight to Bai Su, and said sweetly: "Auntie, I give you this luminous pearl, one for you and my little aunt. In my heart, you are more beautiful than the luminous pearl!"

Bai Su smiled and kissed him.

The little Zai gave another luminous pearl to Lu Xiaowan, and Lu Xiaowan gently touched the little Zai's furry little head.

Xiao Chunhua was jealous, but she could only stare.

If you don’t want something, you need money.

Originally she was here to ask for money. (End of chapter)

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