This little bitch Bai Su has wasted all her money, she has to ask for money.

"Chuchu, I have no choice but to open my mouth to you!" Xiao Chunhua cried when she said she was going to cry. She sat down on the ground and cried as soon as she clapped her legs: "Sister, I really have no money, otherwise I can't ask you. Yes……"

"I need money!" Mrs. Zhou said coldly.

Xiao Chunhua cried and nodded.

"You can eat, drink and live in this mansion. What do you need money for? Are you leaving?" Mrs. Zhou said slowly.

Xiao Chunhua was busy explaining.

But Mrs. Zhou didn't give this chance at all: "If you want to leave now, you have to give some money. Liu Quan, hurry up and help clean up, and then go to the accountant to pay..."

"No money, no money..." Xiao Chunhua immediately changed her tune when she heard that she wanted to drive them away.

"You really don't want it?" Mrs. Zhou stared at Xiao Chunhua teasingly.

Xiao Chunhua gritted her teeth: "No!"

Compared with spending so little money now, of course it would cost the entire Duke's Mansion.

But the prerequisite for getting the Duke's Mansion is to stay here.

Xiao Chunhua and the other three returned dejectedly.

As soon as the three of them left, Bai Su asked Lu Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, where did you get these things?"

"My classmates insisted on giving it to us!" Lu Xiaobao said.

Bai Su looked at the egg-sized luminous pearl in his hand: "..."

royal palace.

A side hall.

Regardless of her image, Ge Zhaoyi was spanking the thirteenth prince, Changsun Yao, on the buttocks. While spanking him, he asked: "Where is the Night Pearl? Where did you steal the Night Pearl? That is the most valuable thing the emperor gave me... …”

Changsun Yao and Lu Xiaobao are classmates.

If you want to see the Wolf King, you have to exchange it for the most valuable treasure at home. These two night pearls were given to you by Changsun Yao.

Several children went to wash up first, especially Lu Xiaowan, who was extremely dirty...

The adults sat in the middle hall for a while. After a tiring day, they only had time to chat for a while. At this time, Xiao Jue came back.

His face and armor were splattered with blood.

The stab wound on the left shoulder in the morning had not been bandaged yet, and a new wound was added to the body.

In the night, Xiao Jue saw Bai Su at a glance.

Bai Su also saw him.

The two looked at each other.

"Ouch!" Mrs. Wang walked towards Xiao Jue excitedly: "Ah Jue, are you okay?"

"Grandma, it's okay, it's all the blood of bandits." Xiao Jue let Mrs. Wang look around him, his eyes falling heavily on Bai Su.

The two were more than ten feet apart.

Bai Su sat upright, as if he hadn't seen him before.

"Susu, bandage up Ah Jue quickly!" Mrs. Wang waved to Bai Su.

"I'm going to get the medicine box." Bai Su got up, brought the medicine box back, and started cleaning Xiao Jue's wounds.

Bai Su looked calm and indifferent, as if Xiao Jue was just a patient in the medical clinic.

"Susu, what do you think of the wedding dress? Do you like it?" At this time, Shen Huiyun asked: "If there is no one who likes it, we will find the best embroiderer and make it ourselves!"

"Mom, actually..." Bai Su just spoke, and Xiao Jue held her hand fiercely.

"What's wrong, Susu?" Shen Huiyun looked at Bai Su.

Everyone also looked over.

Xiao Jue's rough palm tightly held Bai Su's hand, as hot as a soldering iron, and Bai Su's fingertips couldn't help but curl up.

Suddenly, all eyes fell on the two of them.

"It hurts!" At this time, Xiao Jue said. (End of chapter)

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