They were sorted, but the hospital couldn't accommodate more than a hundred patients, so before Bai Su left yesterday, he asked the waiter to book all the inns on the left and right.

The clerks and doctors went to take care of the sick.

At this time, Li Langzhong came up: "Second shopkeeper, go and see the big shopkeeper! Ever since the top shopkeeper learned yesterday that you were going to treat these smallpox patients for free, he locked himself in the room and refused to eat or drink. And ignore people.”

"I understand." Bai Su said.

Mr. Li nodded and went to help.

Old Man Hu's medicinal shop - Baicaolu and the medical center are connected.

Although he doesn't live here, he often rests in the attic of the medicine shop.

Affected by the smallpox incident, starting yesterday, no one dared to come to not only the medical clinic, but also the medicine shop.

Bai Su walked up to the attic.

The attic door was closed, except for the side window, which was slightly open.

Bai Su passed by.

The room was dark, and Old Man Hu was sitting, beating himself with a heart-wrenching heart: "What an evildoer! What an evildoer..."

Bai Su couldn't help but chuckle, then he took out a money bag, opened it, weighed a silver ingot in his hand, and threw it into the house.


The silver ingot landed at Old Man Hu's feet. The old man, who was beating his chest, suddenly had his eyes lit up and bent down to pick it up.

As soon as he picked up the silver ingot and looked up, he saw a silver ingot lying quietly a step away. The old man stood up and went to pick it up, but he found it all the way to the door.

Old Hu instinctively opened the closed door and saw Bai Su standing outside, looking at him with a smile: "Grandpa Hu!"

Old Man Hu raised his hand to close the door.

Bai Su immediately held the door open: "Grandpa Hu, please don't be angry. I promise, when this matter is over, I will make back double the money I lost."

Old Man Hu pointed out two fingers: "You give me 20% profit."

"One percent." Bai Su said firmly.

Old Man Hu had a dark face, but in the end he grabbed the silver ingot tightly and turned around and entered the house.

Bai Su looked at his back and smiled.

She knew that if Grandpa Hu disapproved of this matter, he would never allow her to do it, instead of locking herself in the attic and sulking like this.

Of course, it is true that the old man cares about money.

However, today Emperor Xuanqing’s decree has come down...

Bai Su stared at the sky outside the attic.

Sure enough, at noon, Xiao Jue came.

As soon as he entered the hospital, he grabbed Bai Su's hand and said with a solemn expression: "Su Su, have you taken in the people of Pingliang Mansion?"

"Yes." Bai Su responded and pulled his hand back.

But Xiao Jue's big palm was hot and hard, leaving no room for him to break free.

"They fled to Kyoto because smallpox broke out in Pingliang Mansion and many people died."

"I know." Bai Su said quietly.

Xiao Jue squeezed Bai Su's hand fiercely: "There is no cure for smallpox. Do you have a solution?" He stared at Bai Su closely, his usually resolute eyes filled with panic and fear.

At this moment, there were only two people in the room, Bai Su and Xiao Jue.

The two looked at each other, Bai Su whispered a few words, and then Xiao Jue's expression relaxed.

"This morning, the emperor ordered my grandfather to take people to Pingliang Mansion to control the spread of smallpox. We will set off tonight." After finishing speaking, Xiao Jue looked at Bai Su deeply.

There was expectation in his deep eyes.

"I know." Bai Su said quietly.

Xiao Jue's eyes dimmed and he said, "I will go back home and tell my grandfather."

"Yes." Bai Su responded lightly.

Xiao Jue looked deeply at Bai Su before letting go and leaving.

In the morning, Xiao Jingzhong and Xiao Jue went to court together.

After going to court, Xiao Jingzhong came directly to the military camp to prepare.

Xiao Jue returned to the palace to inform Xiao Chu about the matter, but on the way he heard that Bai Su was taking care of people from Pingliang Prefecture who had contracted smallpox, so he came to the hospital first.


Xiao Jingzhong is directing the Xiao family army to pack up and prepare to set off.

Yuan Chong followed silently.

His right hand was clenched tightly, as if he was holding something, and the cuffs covered his fists and couldn't be seen.

At this time, his fist was slightly opened, and then Wei Wei saw that what he held in his hand looked like a porcelain bottle.

He put his thumb on the cork of the bottle and opened it with a push.

I saw mosquitoes flying out of the bottle one by one and flying towards Xiao Jingzhong in front.

Yuan Chong looked at Xiao Jingzhong's back coldly.

These are not ordinary mosquitoes, but poisonous mosquitoes carefully developed by Su Yang.

Once bitten, the poison will enter the body and cause a miasma similar to smallpox.

Smallpox is terrible, but there was no cure for this miasma before Su Yang, and he was bound to die.

What's more, this was carefully bred by Su Yang. It is more poisonous and will definitely lead to death.

However, this miasma is not extremely poisonous and takes one to two days to take effect.

At this time, he gave Xiao Jingzhong a miasma, and when he arrived at Pingliang Mansion, Xiao Jingzhong also fell ill.

Pingliang Prefecture has a total of six counties.

When the time comes, Xiao Chu will definitely separate the Xiao family. He is Xiao Jingzhong's long-term follower, so he will naturally follow Xiao Jingzhong.

Therefore, as long as Xiao Jingzhong falls ill, he will definitely be asked to manage the Xiao Family Army and act on his behalf.

The dark mosquitoes flew toward Xiao Jingzhong one by one, getting closer and closer, and one of them had already landed on the side of Xiao Jingzhong's neck...

Yuan Chong looked at it, his eyes filled with coldness. (End of chapter)

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