
Xiao Jingzhong waved his palm and killed the mosquito that was about to bite on the side of his neck. He also waved away several other mosquitoes.

But the mosquitoes were numerous and small. Xiao Jingzhong waved his hands repeatedly, but still received two bites on the back of his neck.

Yuan Chong looked at it with a sinister smile on his lips, but lowered his head and said politely: "Da Sima, I'll help you pack your bags."

"Yeah." Xiao Jingzhong was still swatting the mosquitoes and cursing: "His grandma is a mosquito on the legs..."

Yuan Chong did not go directly to the main tent, but went to a place with many soldiers, secretly opened two porcelain bottles, and released the mosquitoes.

The mosquitoes seemed to have been hungry for a long time, and they quickly looked for soldiers to bite. Soon, many soldiers were bitten.

Yuan Chong watched each soldier being picked up, and then he turned around and went to the main tent to clean up.

In his plan, not only did Xiao Jingzhong fall ill and let him command the actions of the Xiao family army, but he also wanted the Xiao family army to be infected with the miasma.

Once the Xiao family army is infected with this miasma:

First, it will shake the morale of the military. The more severely the infection is, the more serious the morale of the military will be shaken. In this way, the Xiao family army who is afraid of being infected may even take the initiative to kill the people of Pingliang Mansion.

The more people in Pingliang Mansion died, the greater his contribution.

Secondly, the more soldiers who are infected and die, the greater the losses to the Xiao family's army and the Xiao family.

The prince of Jin Dynasty must be happy, then his achievements will be even greater, and his heirs will also receive more gifts.

When Xiao Chu arrived at the military camp, all the soldiers had packed up and were ready to go.

This time, not only Xiao Danqing, but also Xiao Chu brought Xiao Wulang and Xiao Yijian with him.

Xiao Wulang was weak and sick since he was a child because he was poisoned at birth. He even escaped death from illness last time. However, thanks to Bai Su's care during this period, Xiao Wulang's body is now no different from that of ordinary people.

Therefore, Xiao Chu took him with him this time.

Yuan Chong looked at the people brought by Xiao Chu with clear eyes.

Sure enough, it was exactly as he suspected.

When they get to Pingliang Mansion, Xiao Chu will definitely let the Xiao family go to a county respectively, six people, six counties, just right.

But because Xiao Wulang and Xiao Yijian lacked experience, they sent two brothers, Xiao Shan and Xiao Hai, to follow them respectively.

In this way, there is no one else around Xiao Jingzhong except him. As soon as Xiao Jingzhong is hit by the miasma and falls down, all the Xiao family troops below will listen to him.

He can kill the people in the county to his heart's content.

Xiao Chu led the army to prepare and set off.

At this time, Bai Su walked into the military camp.

Xiao Jue's eyes suddenly lit up.

But Bai Su walked past him and came to Xiao Chu, and Xiao Jue's eyes couldn't help but darken.

"Susu, you came just in time!" Xiao Chu immediately dismounted: "Smallpox broke out in Pingliang Mansion. Do you have any way to cure smallpox?"

Yuan Chong suddenly raised his head and looked at Bai Su.

He had almost no interaction with the young general's wife, but he also knew that the young general's wife had excellent medical skills and was called a miracle doctor by the people of Kyoto.

Otherwise, that adult would not specifically ask Su Yang to find out. Hearing this, all the soldiers also looked at Bai Su.

Smallpox was a fatal disease.

There is no way to solve it since ancient times.

But they looked at Bai Su with hope in their eyes.

During the time they were stationed in Kyoto, they really heard too many stories about the young general's wife's wonderful rejuvenation, and those diseases that were originally fatal were cured just like that.

The fifth young master of their Duke's mansion is the best proof.

Bai Su couldn't help but lowered his head and shook his head.

Yuan Chong's expression immediately relaxed.

But the light in the eyes of the soldiers went out.

"Grandpa, I will definitely try my best to find a way." Bai Su said.

Xiao Chu harmonized: "Smallpox is a plague that has no cure since ancient times. Don't oppress yourself too much."

Bai Su nodded obediently.

"Grandpa, I heard that you were rushing to Pingliang Mansion, so I brought some food to see you off." Bai Su waved his hand, and a group of people came in instantly, including the waiters from Xiao Lu's Restaurant, Mrs. Zhou, Lu Min'an and others.

The order from Emperor Xuanqing came suddenly this morning, and Xiao Chu set off without having time to tell Mrs. Zhou and others in person.

In an instant, a scent enveloped the entire military camp.

This order was indeed sudden. The soldiers had been packing their bags and had not even had lunch.

When the soldiers smelled the rich fragrance, their stomachs that could not hold back were rumbled for a moment.

"Susu, you are still thoughtful." Xiao Chu praised.

Bai Su led the crowd and began to distribute.

When the soldiers received the food, they wolfed it down and said, "It's delicious, it's so delicious!"

"I have never eaten anything so delicious, especially this turtle soup, it is so fresh and delicious..."

So much so that those soldiers who haven't lined up in the right place are in a hurry.

Yuan Chong also lined up, and soon it was his turn.

Bai Su prepared a meal for him, then handed a bowl of turtle shell soup to him and said, "Vice General Yuan, this turtle shell soup is good for your body, so you must drink more of it."

Yuan Chong said politely: "Thank you, young general's wife."

Yuan Chong left with the food.

Bai Su looked at Yuan Chong, and as far as he could see, in addition to Yuan Chong's back, there were mosquitoes buzzing and flying, and they even bit the soldiers lining up to receive meals.

Bai Su lowered the corners of his mouth and smiled.

This time, she has prepared a big surprise!

Yuan Chong, Su Yang, Sikong Yan... you will definitely like them. (End of chapter)

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