After eating, the team was ready to set off.

Xiao Jue left a group of people to Bai Su: "Su Su, the smallpox in Pingliang Prefecture is very serious this time. There will definitely be more people from Pingliang Prefecture fleeing to Kyoto to seek refuge in the medical center. The medical center will definitely be very busy. I We have asked Huo Dao and the others to go to the medical center to help."

"Okay." Bai Su responded.

Xiao Jue didn't leave, he still stood in front of Bai Su.

His tall and straight body was as strong as steel.

After a long while, he said: "Susu, when I come back, I will give you an answer."

Bai Su paused.

This reply refers to Bai Su's reply that he wanted to end their relationship.

"Okay." Bai Su responded calmly.

Xiao Jue got on his horse.

Xiao Chu was at the head, followed by the descendants of the Xiao family, and the team set off in a mighty manner.

Shen Huiyun helped Mrs. Zhou watch off, both of them looking worried.

On the battlefield, although the sword has no eyes, there is still room for change...

But this smallpox...

Once infected, you will die.

"Grandma, Aniang, don't worry. Grandpa and the others will successfully control the smallpox and return safely." Bai Su said softly.

Mrs. Zhou nodded.

Everyone started picking up the leftovers.

Xiao Lu's restaurant was closed today, and we had to go back and open it after cleaning up.

Bai Su followed suit, but mosquitoes were buzzing around.

"What the hell are mosquitoes here? It's already hard in the military camp, but there are mosquitoes here so early..." Mrs. Zhou muttered dissatisfied.

"Yes, it's not even summer yet, and there are just so many mosquitoes. Then when summer comes, the soldiers will not be bitten all over their bodies..." Shen Huiyun said.

"Grandma, Aniang... I brought powder to kill mosquitoes." Bai Su took out a packet of powder, grabbed a handful and sprinkled it into the air where mosquitoes were flying.

Sure enough, the mosquitoes that had been sprayed with powder fell to the ground one by one and died.

"Susu, let me sprinkle some for you." Shen Huiyun stepped forward.

"I'm coming too." Mrs. Zhou also said.

Others continued to pick up the scraps.

When they finished cleaning up, the three of them swabbed the entire military camp until no more living mosquitoes were seen.

But Bai Su gave several packets of powder to the soldiers on duty and asked them to spread it when they saw mosquitoes.

Others don't know, but Bai Su knows it.

These are no ordinary mosquitoes, but female Anopheles mosquitoes carrying human malaria parasites.

Once bitten, you can become infected with malaria.

The reason why there are so many female Anopheles mosquitoes in the military camp is naturally because Su Yang gave them to Yuan Chong, and Yuan Chong used them to harm Xiao Jingzhong and the Xiao family army.

Because the environment and climate in Nanyue are not suitable for the survival of Anopheles mosquitoes, there are no Anopheles mosquitoes in Nanyue.

Without Anopheles mosquitoes, there would be no malaria.

Even in ancient Chinese history, the ancients did not really understand malaria but classified malaria into miasma.

The ancients thought that they got sick due to inhaling the poisonous smell of decaying animals and plants in the mountains and forests, so they classified this type of disease as miasma.

Not to mention that under the deliberate guidance of Su Yang and others, the people in Nanyue who saw malaria for the first time naturally mistook it for smallpox.

There is no defense against these parasitic Anopheles mosquitoes.

Just treat it as an ordinary mosquito.

But no matter what, she must not let these Anopheline mosquitoes fly out of the military camp and harm people again.

After cleaning up, everyone was ready to go back to the restaurant.

"Susu, grandma will go to the hospital with you," Shen Huiyun said.

It's not that she's not afraid of smallpox.

But she is not only a doctor, but also a member of the Xiao family. She must save lives and heal the wounded and help the people of Pingliang Prefecture.

What's more, she must never let Susu fight alone.

"Okay, grandma." Bai Su responded warmly.

"Su, just help the people in Pingliang Mansion, and the food will be taken care of by us." Mrs. Wang also patted her chest.

"When the time comes, uncle will bring you food." Lu Min'an said.

"Okay." Bai Su smiled.

Mrs. Wang and the others returned to the restaurant, while Bai Su and Shen Huiyun led a group of people back to the hospital.

"Madam, Madam General." Huo Dao and the guards from the Duke's Mansion were already waiting outside the hospital.

Bai Su nodded. Huo Dao said: "Madam, young general, if you have anything to do, just ask me!"

"There really is something wrong." Bai Su said: "Take people to seal off a small road from the medical center to the city gate. Do not let it come into contact with the people in the city. It is only for the people who come from Pingliang Mansion."

Now the people in the city thought that the outbreak in Pingliang Mansion was smallpox, and they were extremely afraid of the people in Pingliang Mansion, lest they come into contact and be infected.

Then seal off a road specifically for the people of Pingliang Mansion to minimize the fear in the city.

In addition, the people who fled to Pingliang Mansion can come to the medical center and receive treatment as soon as possible without taking any detours.

"Yes, Madam General." Huo Dao immediately took the people there.

Bai Su and Shen Huiyun entered the medical clinic.

In just a few hours, dozens more people from Pingliang Mansion arrived.

However, Mr. Li has already sorted the guys into different categories and settled them down.

Two days later.

Inside the Daming Palace.

Sikong Yan grabbed the vase on the side and threw it at Su Yang who was kneeling on the ground: "It's been two days. Why are the people in this city not only not afraid but also becoming more and more stable?"


The vase was smashed at Su Yang's feet, and the fragments made a small cut on her face, and blood beads immediately overflowed.

Su Yang did not dare to wipe it and said hurriedly: "This is because Bai Su took all the people of Pingliang Prefecture into her medical clinic and specially ordered people to seal a path for the people of Pingliang Prefecture. The people in the city were originally afraid. Seeing that I will not come into contact with these people in Pingliang Prefecture, I am not afraid of being infected, and gradually I no longer panic."

"They are not afraid, won't you make them afraid? Those bugs you let go will bite them all to death!" Sikong Yan's eyes were shining with bloodthirsty light.

Su Yang curled up his fingers, gritted his teeth and said, "Prince, Su Yang can let mosquitoes bite the people in the city and make them all sick and die, but this will not make the Xiao family even more ruined."

Suddenly, Sikong Yan narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Su Yang hurriedly explained: "If all the people in the city are infected with the disease, then the court cannot pretend to be ignorant and must take action. If accountability is to be held in the future, it will not be Bai Su's responsibility alone."

"But now, Bai Su has secretly proclaimed himself a Taoist priest, and has connected all the people of Pingliang Prefecture to the medical center. Then these people of Pingliang Prefecture who died of illness were all killed by Bai Su's willful actions, and they were also caused by Xiaoguo Duke's government. dead."

Hearing this, Sikong swallowed his eyes and shot out murderous intent.

At this time, the old man standing next to him said respectfully: "Prince, what Su Yang said is right. Our purpose is to discredit the Xiao family and lose all the support of the people."

Sikong Yan suppressed the bloodthirsty murderous intent in his eyes and waved his hand at Su Yang.

Su Yang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, you still can't relax these days. You have to continue to watch Bai Su." The old man said.

"Yes." Su Yang agreed.

Su Yang left the palace and came to the medical center.

I saw people from Pingliang Mansion walking towards the medical center.

She spent some money to inquire about the situation with the staff at the medical clinic, and what she got was that Bai Su had not come up with any prescriptions in the past two days, but only gave the most basic treatment to patients with aversion to cold and high fever.

Hearing this, Su Yang snorted coldly.

Bai Su's medical skills are indeed mediocre.

Treatment requires eradication of the root cause. Just lowering the fever is of no use.

Of course, this is a miasma that she personally created. How can Bai Su solve it?

The adult asked her to keep an eye on him every day.

It's unnecessary.

Ten thousand steps back, even if Bai Su really develops a prescription, she would just hire a killer to kill her.

Once and for all.

However, that won't happen at all.

She was waiting for hundreds of people from Pingliang Prefecture to die in the medical center before she came forward to treat them.

Let these fools be grateful to her...

Inside the hospital.

In just two days, the number of people in the museum has reached more than 600.

Fortunately, Bai Su had booked all the nearby inns in advance, so the people in Pingliang Mansion had a place to stay.

It doesn't look like a place with more than 600 patients.

Bai Su drank tea and looked out the window.

She struggled to get rid of that old fox Sikong Yi. She did this trick just to lure out the old fox's henchman, the man in white robe.

Now, it's time.


Blood Killing, the most mysterious killer organization in Nanyue.

Bai Su raised a stack of banknotes: "I want you to help me kill someone."

"Who is it?" A cold voice asked from the shadows.

Bai Su spat out a few words.

In the shadow, the expressionless man paused and looked at Bai Su like a monster. (End of chapter)

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