Hearing this, Murong Yue looked at Lu Xiaowan displeasedly.

Lu Xiaowan was thin and small, and she was still wearing clothes that were cut and stained with blood. Especially her face was still swollen, and she looked like a little beggar who had been beaten.

"What does you, a beggar, have to do with the Tiangang Sect?" Murong Yue said coldly.

"I am a disciple of the Tiangang Sect." Lu Xiaowan was neither humble nor overbearing, standing straight with her small body.

Murong Yue paused for a moment, then looked at Lu Xiaowan and burst into laughter.

The second senior brother next to him also laughed.

"My useless uncle is really crazy. In order to prevent the Tiangang Sect from being disbanded, he took in a woman without any choice." Murong Yue laughed again and glanced at Lu Xiaowan with disdain: "Why, the Tiangang Sect has now been reduced to begging on the street. ?You guys still want to come to the martial arts conference!"

"Hahahaha!" Murong Yue and the second senior brother laughed loudly.

Although the senior brother did not smile, he looked at Lu Xiaowan coldly.

"Tiangangmen will never disappear." Lu Xiaowan said firmly and turned to leave.

Murong Yue suddenly snorted coldly: "Do I allow you to go, little beggar!"

Lu Xiaowan stopped and turned to look at Murong Yue.

Lu Xiaowan looked weak, but her eyes were firm and stubborn.

"Ugly, who allows you to glare at our little junior sister?" The second senior brother stepped forward and kicked Lu Xiaowan.

Lu Xiaowan instinctively turned sideways to avoid the second senior brother's left foot.

But the second senior brother kicked him in a series of nine turns.

Lu Xiaowan still wanted to hide.

But after practicing for a whole day, her physical strength had long since disappeared, and her body's agility naturally couldn't keep up.


Lu Xiaowan was kicked hard to the ground by his second senior brother.

This time, the second senior brother bullied him, punching and kicking him hard and fast, giving Lu Xiaowan no chance to react.

"You disgusting ugly monster, die, die quickly!" The second senior brother punched Lu Xiaowan with one punch after another, feeling extremely disgusted.

Instinctively, Lu Xiaowan opened her mouth to call for help.

But when she looked at her family members who were still working hard in the restaurant, she gritted her teeth.

She didn't want her family to worry, and she didn't want her sister to worry either.

Sister, my father asked her to practice martial arts because he wanted her to be able to protect herself instead of having to be protected all the time.

She can protect herself.

Lu Xiaowan gritted her teeth hard and let her fists and kicks fall on her body. Suddenly, her right hand struck at the second senior brother's left foot. "ah!"

Suddenly, the second senior brother held his left foot and cried out in pain.

"What's wrong, Second Senior Brother?" Murong Yue stepped forward.

"Foot, my foot seems to be broken!" The second senior brother collapsed on the ground holding his foot, his face turned pale.

"How could the foot be broken? Is it her?" Murong Yue looked at Lu Xiaowan fiercely.

Lu Xiaowan was lying on the ground, curled up after being beaten, looking as pitiful as a dying kitten, with no trace of aggression at all.

"No, it's because this ugly monster has strong bones..." The second senior brother didn't believe that he was beaten by this disgusting ugly monster. It must be because this ugly monster has strong bones.

Lu Xiaowan struggled to get up from the ground.

She just stood up unsteadily.

At this time, the senior brother came over and hit Lu Xiaowan on the chest with a cold palm.

In an instant, Lu Xiaowan flew out like a broken rag doll.


fall to the ground.

Lu Xiaowan vomited out a large mouthful of blood, then closed his eyes tightly and lay motionless on the ground.

Murong Yue glanced at Lu Xiaowan coldly: "Elder brother is still more powerful."

Then, the senior brother supported the second senior brother with one hand, and the three of them got on the carriage and left, leaving only Lu Xiaowan motionless on the ground.

Two alleys away.

Bai Su was driving the carriage to the restaurant, but suddenly his chest palpitated.

She couldn't help frowning and speeding up.

In the small house.

The old Taoist priest was still thinking about the moves, but he suddenly stopped and said angrily: "You little junior sister just went back, why didn't you say anything?"

Ah Zhen, who was immersed in the moves, also thought for a moment: "Why did you forget about my junior sister?"

"Master, A-Zhen and I are going to take a look outside the restaurant now," A-kun said.

The two were about to go out when the old Taoist priest said, "I'm going with you."

In an instant, three tall and burly men walked out. (End of chapter)

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