The three masters and apprentices hid outside the restaurant, anxiously looking for Lu Xiaowan.

They already know that this restaurant is opened by Bai Su, and they also know the relationship between Bai Su, Lu Xiaowan and the Duke of Guo's Mansion.

But Bai Su had said that it was best not to expose his relationship with Lu Xiaowan in case of being discovered by Sikong Yan.

Therefore, the three of them did not enter the restaurant, fearing that Sikong Yan would follow suit.

But they had searched back and forth outside the window several times, but they couldn't find Lu Xiaowan.

The three of them really couldn't wait any longer and were ready to go in and ask.

At this time, Bai Su's carriage stopped outside the restaurant.

When the old Taoist saw him, he immediately stepped forward and told the whole story, asking Bai Su to go in quickly and ask Lu Xiaowan if he had gone to the restaurant.

"I know." Bai Su said with cold eyes as he was about to go in.

"Sister, master, senior brother..." At this time, Lu Xiaowan came over.

"Little junior sister, why are you outside?" A Zhen asked.

"I was afraid that the dirty look would scare the guests, so I took a walk outside." Lu Xiaowan explained softly.

Bai Su's eyes fell on her pale face, and then on her blood-stained skirt.

"Sister, this is what I got from shooting locusts today. It's a little flesh wound, it's not a problem." Lu Xiaowan said and smiled.

The old Taoist priest touched the blood and his eyes darkened.

"Really, sister, look..." Lu Xiaowan pretended to be relaxed and jumped towards Bai Su.

But she was jumping and her whole body suddenly fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Bai Su caught it quickly with his quick eyes and hands, but Lu Xiaowan had already passed out and blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Bai Su suddenly turned cold.

When she took a pulse, her eyes became cold: "It was injured by internal force."

The old Taoist priest immediately stepped forward to check.

He doesn't know how to see a doctor, but he understands the internal strength of martial arts.

In an instant, the old Taoist priest's face turned cold: "This kind of internal power can only be mastered by the Sky Eagle Sect."

Bai Su narrowed his eyes and spat out word by word: "What a Skyhawk!"

Bai Su took Lu Xiaowan back to the Duke's residence without alerting anyone else in the restaurant.

The three old Taoist priests were worried and followed.

inside the house.

After Bai Su's treatment.

Lu Xiaowan finally woke up.

As soon as she saw Bai Su and the three old Taoist priests standing beside the bed, she knew that she still didn't hide it.

"I'm sorry, sister, master, senior brother, for making you worry!" Lu Xiaowan blamed herself.

"Little junior sister, it's all the fault of senior brother. He thought that the house and the restaurant were only one step away, so he was negligent, and that's why you..." Akun muttered, looking at Lu Xiaowan, who had a miserable face, and was so uncomfortable that he couldn't go on.

Lu Xiaowan shook her head quickly. She was about to comfort Akun.


Ah Zhen slapped himself hard: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

Lu Xiaowan hurriedly stood up: "It's not my fault, Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, it's me..."

When Lu Xiaowan moved, his little face wrinkled up in pain.

The two brothers helped her lie down.

Next to him, the old Taoist priest was deeply silent.

"What's going on?" At this time, Bai Su asked.

Lu Xiaowan then told the whole story, looked at the old Taoist priest and said firmly: "Master, our Tiangang Sect will never disappear."

Hear the words.

The old Taoist priest did not speak, but clenched his fists tightly, as if suppressing something... Bai Su couldn't help but look at him.

The old Taoist priest then looked at Lu Xiaowan and said word by word: "Xiaowan, master, I'm sorry for you. You are right, our Tiangang Sect will never disappear."

There was a flash of hatred in the old Taoist priest's eyes, but it was fleeting.

But Bai Su still saw it and couldn't help but stare.

"Little Junior Sister, I will avenge you right now! Whatever they did to you, Senior Brother will repay them double!" A Zhen clenched his fists angrily and turned around to settle the score with the Sky Eagle Sect.

This time Akun didn't stop him and said in a deep voice: "I'll go with you."

The two turned around and walked out.

"You're not allowed to go." At this time, Bai Su said.

"Why?" A Zhen was puzzled.

Bai Su said quietly: "Since it was Lu Xiaowan who was beaten, she should avenge this revenge by herself, and repay this injury by herself."

"Xiao Wan is just practicing martial arts, how can he defeat them! It's natural for our senior brothers to avenge this revenge!" A Zhen said in a rough voice.

Bai Su looked at him coldly: "You can avenge her this time, but what about next time, and the next time?"

Ah Zhen was about to speak.

Bai Su didn't give him a chance at all: "You can protect her for a moment, but can you protect her for a lifetime and guarantee that she will never leave her for a moment?"

Ah Zhen wanted to refute, but was speechless.

He is willing to protect his junior sister for the rest of his life, but will he never leave his side for a moment?

No two people can be together all the time.

"But..." Ah Zhen wanted to say, but was stopped by the old Taoist priest's look.

Bai Su looked at Lu Xiaowan and said seriously: "Lu Xiaowan, this martial arts competition is the time for you to take revenge openly and honestly. If you have the ability, you can return all the humiliation and injuries you have suffered to them. But if you No, then you can only continue to be beaten."

"Do you know?" Bai Su looked at Lu Xiaowan indifferently, but she held the hand under her sleeve tightly.

"Sister, I know! I will definitely work hard to avenge myself in the martial arts competition and never let anyone bully me again." Lu Xiaowan said obediently and firmly.

She knew that Sister A was really doing it for her own good.

No one can protect her forever, let alone protect her all the time.

Only when you are strong can you be truly safe.

Moreover, she also wanted to protect her sister and her family.

She could vaguely feel that something big had happened at home.

She wants to help.

Lu Xiaowan was at peace.

The three old Taoist priests also went back.

Bai Su also left.



A masked black shadow sneaked into a house.

The person sleeping in the room was the second senior brother wrapped in a thick cloth.

The masked shadow stepped towards the second senior brother who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

At this time, another masked shadow jumped in from the window.

In an instant, two masked black figures looked at each other.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

The two masked black figures spoke at the same time, their words fell, and each other's eyes were filled with embarrassment. (End of chapter)

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