The two masked men in black were none other than Bai Su and the old Taoist priest.

"Didn't you let Xiaowan take revenge on his own?" the old Taoist priest asked in a low voice.

Bai Su coughed lightly: "Yes!"

The old Taoist priest glanced at her: "Then what are you doing here?"

"Oh, 10,000 yuan and 10% internal strength is too expensive, so I thought of robbing the rich and giving to the poor." Bai Su said.

The old Taoist priest paused, then looked at the sleeping second senior brother, and couldn't help but nodded: "What a wonderful idea!"

In the dim room, the two of them walked towards the second senior brother with a cold and sinister light. The moment they reached the bed, the second senior brother suddenly opened his eyes vigilantly.

But he was about to open his mouth and shout.

The old Taoist priest's knife and Bai Su's silver needle fell on him at the same time.

In an instant, the second senior brother passed out again.

Bai Su glanced at the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest stepped forward clearly and began to absorb the inner energy of the second senior brother.

"This internal energy is very pure and is very good for Xiaowan." The old Taoist priest retracted his palms.

Bai Su looked coldly at the second senior brother's left foot wrapped in a thick white cloth, and touched it gently: "You kicked my sister, so don't ever take it again."

Suddenly, Bai Su exerted force on his fingertips.

The old Taoist priest next to her couldn't help but look at her with slightly surprised eyes.

But just a hint.

Although the Bai family doll was fierce and harsh towards Xiaowan on the surface, he knew that the Bai family doll was sincerely planning for Xiaowan.

But he didn't expect that the Bai family doll would be so protective of his shortcomings.

The old Taoist priest couldn't help but smile.

Bai Su raised his head angrily.

The old Taoist priest followed her to another room.

Under the moonlight, the two of them stood in front of the house, their eyes particularly cold...

early morning.

A group of people was walking on the bumpy road, and the leader was Yuan Chong.

Yuan Chong was riding on his horse, looking at the gradually whitening sky in the distance, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise, as if the white light also shone into his heart.

One day ago, he and his team arrived at Pingliang Mansion.

After arriving, Xiao Chu divided the Xiao family into six counties one by one.

Sure enough, he was assigned to follow Xiao Jingzhong to Wanqiu County.

Wanqiu County has the largest population among the six counties, but it is also the poorest, so medicinal materials are very scarce in the county.

So Xiao Jingzhong asked him to buy medicinal materials nearby.

Yuan Chong looked back at the carts filled with medicinal materials and sneered.

These are not normal medicinal materials at all, but moldy and spoiled medicinal materials. Not only are they useless, but they may also be harmful.

But he did it on purpose.

When this was over, he had to die.

Since he will die, before he dies, he must do his best to leave everything he can to his young son.

He bought these bad medicinal materials at the lowest price, so that the remaining money could be left to his son.

He was sure that at this moment, Xiao Jingzhong was definitely ill and had no way to check these medicinal materials because the poisonous mosquitoes he gave Xiao Jingzhong and Xiao Jiajun were the latest poisonous mosquitoes bred by Divine Doctor Su. It only takes two to three days to cure them. Getting sick.

And today is already the third day.

Not only Xiao Jingzhong, but also many of the Xiao family soldiers who had been bitten must have fallen ill.

Yuan Chong looked at Wanqiu County, which was just around the corner, with a happy expression as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

At the entrance of the county, four Xiao family troops stood and saw Yuan Chong saluting.

Yuan Chong glanced.

The Xiao family troops were set up on the roads in the county, but the more Yuan Chong walked in, the more he frowned.

I saw these Xiao family soldiers along the road, all of them were in high spirits, helping the people in Wanqiu County, and they did not show any signs of discomfort.

"The sick Xiao family army must have stayed in the camp." Yuan Chong couldn't help but muttered, and led his team to the military camp.


Yuan Chong dismounted and asked, "Where are the brothers who are sick?"

The soldier who was asked couldn't help being stunned and said: "Vice General Yuan, none of our brothers are sick!"

"No?" Yuan Chong raised his voice fiercely.

The soldier nodded.

But Yuan Chong still refused to give up: "Not one?"

The soldier affirmed: "There is no one. Brothers are fine."

Yuan Chong couldn't help but frown.

How is this going?

How come there isn’t a single sick soldier?

Suddenly, Yuan Chong figured it out.

There must be too many Xiao family troops and too few poisonous mosquitoes. Those soldiers who were bitten by poisonous mosquitoes are not here.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Xiao Jingzhong is recruited.

However, Xiao Jingzhong will definitely fall into the trap.

At that time, there were dozens of poisonous mosquitoes chasing him, so it was absolutely impossible to think about it.

"Where is Da Sima?" Yuan Chong asked again.

"Da Sima has been in the main tent for two days and has never come out," the soldier said.

Hear the words.

Yuan Chong's eyes were clear.

Sure enough, he fell ill.

It seems that Xiao Jingzhong is seriously ill, otherwise he would not close his account and stay away, for fear of disturbing the morale of the army.

Yuan Chong happily strode towards the main tent.

"Da Sima, Yuan Chong is back." Yuan Chong said outside.

But there was no sound in the tent.

Yuan Chong couldn't suppress the smile in his eyes.

He couldn't even make a sound, and his illness was worse than he expected.


"Da Sima, my subordinates have come in." Yuan Chong opened the tent and walked in with his head held high. (End of chapter)

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