Chapter 100 The fourth brother is home
Thanks to Qin Suian's phone call, the subsequent meeting went very smoothly, and there was no more serious atmosphere.

The executives of various departments couldn't help but pray in their hearts that every time there was a meeting, Chairman Qin of Xiaonaituan would call the president.

And on the other side of the phone.

Even though he and Dad could only see each other through their mobile phones, Qin Suian was still very happy.

After the video call ended, she held the phone in her two little hands and lay down on the bed. Her little body rolled over and over happily, and she could not hide her joy at all.

The old man couldn't help laughing when he saw the little breast dumpling rolling on the bed, "An'an, won't you get hungrier if you roll like this?"

The little body stopped immediately. Qin Sui'an lay on the bed. Sure enough, he heard his stomach growling. He raised his head with difficulty: "Grandpa is right~ An'an is even hungrier than before~"

She put the phone into her pocket, patted it twice, and then climbed out of bed using her hands and feet.

Putting on his cute little slippers, Qin Suian opened his short legs and walked out of the bedroom step by step.

On the sofa in the living room outside the bedroom, a figure sat quietly there, it was her third brother Qin Luzheng.

Qin Suian blinked his round eyes and subconsciously covered his mouth.

The third brother is taking a nap~ Keep your voice down~ Don’t wake the third brother~
She tiptoed to the door of the room, stood on tiptoes, opened the room with all her might, and then quietly left the room.

When the door to the room was closed again, Qin Sui'an breathed a sigh of relief.

Going down the stairs was her favorite thing to do. Sitting on her little slide, she slid to the first floor in no time. It was much easier than climbing the stairs.

The bodyguards patrolling the castle heard movement at the top of the stairs and ran over vigilantly. When they turned the corner, they saw their Miss An An lowering her little head and patting the hem of her skirt seriously. She was so cute.

The bodyguard's indifferent expression instantly changed to something different. He quickly came to Miss An An, squatted down, and asked gently and respectfully: "Miss An An, do you need help?"

Qin Sui'an shook his little head, then suddenly remembered something and nodded.

She looked at her bodyguard uncle and said in a sweet voice: "Uncle bodyguard, An An is hungry~"

"Ah, okay! Miss An An, wait a moment, I'm going to make the milk!" The bodyguard immediately ran towards the kitchen.

The old man was floating in the air, his eyes fixed on the bodyguard's operations, for fear that this bodyguard with strong limbs would not be able to make milk.

After watching for a while, the old man nodded with satisfaction: "Well, not bad, it seems that he has been specially trained."

After returning home from Qin Sui'an, the bodyguards of Bay Villa spent the night training on a series of common sense techniques for taking care of little milk babies, and making milk was naturally one of the trainings.

The bodyguard was very nervous, but more excited. Looking at the entire Bay Villa, he was the first bodyguard to make milk for Miss An An!

Qin Sui'an followed behind the bodyguard uncle, looking expectantly at the bodyguard uncle as he made milk for him.

In less than 3 minutes, the bodyguard handed her the bottle and said, "Miss An An, you can drink it."

"Thank you, uncle bodyguard~" Qin Sui'an hugged the bottle happily and couldn't wait to drink it, her round eyes narrowed with satisfaction.

The temperature of the milk is controlled just right, the milk is fragrant, silky and delicious.

Qin Sui'an drank all the milk in the bottle in a short while.

The bodyguard immediately asked again: "Miss An An, do you want more?"

"No, An'an isn't hungry anymore~" Qin Suian shook his little head and touched his slightly bulging belly.

"Okay, Miss An An." The bodyguard took the empty milk bottle from her and looked at it with a sense of pride.

Qin Suian rolled his eyes, looking left and right, as if he was looking for something.Seeing this, the bodyguard didn't wait for her to speak and said, "Miss An An, the old gentleman and the old lady went back to the room to take a lunch break. They haven't come downstairs yet. The big white goose is in the garden."

"Thank you, uncle bodyguard~ Then An'an went to play with the big white goose~" Qin Suian walked out of the castle with his short legs and headed towards the garden.

As if sensing her arrival, the big white goose emerged from the flowers and circled around her, "Gah~ Baby An'an woke up~ Why are you alone? Where is your third brother? Where are your grandparents?"

Qin Sui'an replied obediently: "Third brother and grandparents haven't woken up yet~"

"Gah~ That goose is here to play with baby An An~" The big white goose flapped its wings excitedly, "Baby An An, what do you want to play?"

The next second, two voices said in unison: "Hide and seek~"

One is the young and innocent voice of a little girl, and the other is the voice of an old man who still has a childlike innocence.

The big white goose glanced at the old grandfather who was floating around excitedly, "Gah~ Grandpa is a ghost, why are you playing with us?"

"Yeah..." The old man sighed, "Then I'll just watch you play with An An. I won't cheat."

The little girl tilted her head in confusion: "What does cheating mean?"

"I helped An An find it, because I helped An An cheat." The old man patted his chest and promised: "I have lived and died for so many years, and I have been working and sitting upright! I have never cheated!"

Qin Sui'an was confused after hearing this, and nodded his head in confusion, "Oh~"

The old man carried out what he said to the end. When An An was playing hide and seek with the big white goose, he was just a bystander and watched with great enthusiasm.

Just when one person, one goose and one ghost were having fun, a majestic black Hongqi L5 drove into Bay Villa and stopped at the main entrance of the castle.

The two red flags on the front of the car swayed in the wind, dazzlingly red and shocking.

As the saying goes: Don’t be afraid of red flags, just be afraid of red flags!

The driver in the driver's seat got out of the car and opened the back seat door neatly and respectfully.

A pair of dark green military shoes landed on the ground. The man wore straight black trousers and a white shirt with two buttons unbuttoned at will. His strong chest was looming, and the chain bones were full of indescribable strength.

The man wore a pair of large black sunglasses, and his face only revealed thin lips that were slightly pursed inadvertently, a high bridge of nose, and slightly raised eyebrows.

Through his sunglasses, a pair of deep eyes glanced around, and finally, the man fixed his sight on the road leading to the garden.

With his keen observation, he discovered a small footprint no bigger than his hand.

This is……

There was no need to waste any effort to ask the bodyguard. The man raised his long legs and walked decisively towards the garden.

in the garden.

This time it was the turn of the little breasted dumpling to find the big white goose. She lay on the grass with her little butt stuck out and looked at every flower bush carefully with her round eyes.

Qin Sui'an did not see the figure of the big white goose, but saw a tall figure standing in the flowers opposite.

"Huh? Who is this?"

She blinked her round eyes in confusion, got up from the grass, and looked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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