My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Is this sentence in Chapter 101 suitable for a 3-and-a-half-year-old baby?

Chapter 101 Is this sentence suitable for a three-and-a-half-year-old baby?

Across a cluster of flowers, Qin Sui'an saw a stranger wearing big black glasses.

She looked seriously at the stranger.

She looks so tall, she stands so straight, and her legs are so long~
As for what this stranger looked like, she only saw half of his face and thought he was so handsome.

Why did this stranger suddenly appear in the garden?

When Qin Suian looked at him curiously, the man was also looking at her.

Such a thin little nipple, it felt like he could pinch it with one hand - no, this was his sister, not his prisoner.

The man reacted suddenly and pushed the dangerous thoughts out of his mind.

He quickly adjusted his attitude and looked at the small breasts in front of him seriously again.

The little girl has a head of soft and fine hair. The word messy is not an exaggeration to describe it at this moment. After waking up, she didn't have time to comb it and played in the garden for a while. Her hair was so messed up that her pink lips were slightly pursed. A pair of eyes are like black grapes, big, round and bright.

She was wearing a cute pink tutu skirt and cute little pink slippers, and her whole body was full of childish innocence.

One big and one small looked at each other with exactly the same gaze, first from top to bottom, then from bottom to top, and finally looking at each other.

Qin Suian blinked his round eyes.

When the stranger didn't move, she stood still. When the stranger didn't speak, she didn't speak either.

The man, behind his sunglasses, imitated her in a subtle way, and blinked with deep eyes.

The thin lips parted slightly, and the man called out in a hoarse voice: "An'an."

"Huh?" Qin Sui'an tilted his little head again and asked in confusion: "Who are you? Why do you know An An?"

Listening to this soft little milk sound, the man's lips couldn't help but raise upwards.

He walked around the flowers and came to her, squatting on one knee and taking off the sunglasses on his face, "An An, I am Qin Nexun, your fourth brother."

As soon as he took off his sunglasses, Qin Sui'an finally saw his face. He was indeed handsome, and he looked somewhat similar to her brothers.

She curved her round eyes, pursed her little mouth, and said in a sweet and cute voice: "Fourth brother~"

Qin Niexun was stunned. It took him a few seconds to regain his composure, and the smile on his lips gradually grew bigger.

The life-threatening King of Hell in the eyes of the prisoner, the ruthless and cold captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, completely disappeared at this moment. He turned into an older brother who smiled stupidly at his sister.

Qin Sui'an almost forgot that she was still playing hide-and-seek with the big white goose. She yelled "Ah!" "An'an is still looking for the big white goose!"

"Huh? Looking for the big white goose?" Qin Niexun frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "Is the big white goose in the kitchen missing?"

"No~ you can't eat the big white goose, it's An An's big white goose!" Qin Suian patted his belly and said seriously with a small face.

"Ah..." Qin Niexun suddenly realized, "Pet goose."

No wonder he saw a lot of goosefoot footprints in the garden and thought they were specially printed embellishments of the garden. It turned out to be traces left by An An's pet goose playing in the garden.

Qin Sui'an spread her short legs and continued to look for the big white goose hiding in the garden. She said to her fourth brother in a sweet voice: "Fourth brother, An An is playing hide-and-seek with the big white goose. It's An An's turn to look for it." It’s a big white goose~”

The smile on Qin Nexun's face faded, and he glanced around with keen eyes.

His specialty is finding prisoners, and no prisoner can sneak away under his nose.

Finding a goose is an incredibly simple task.Recalling that when he first walked to the garden, he saw the little girl lying on the grass looking for her seriously. Qin Niexun did not tell the whereabouts of the big white goose. Instead, he followed her quietly and did not disturb her hide-and-seek game. Cat fun.

After looking at almost every cluster of flowers in the entire garden, Qin Sui'an was out of breath, frowned, and muttered: "The big white goose is so powerful this time, An An can't find it..."

Qin Niexun did not miss her words and immediately asked: "An'an, can I take you to find the big white goose together?"

Qin Sui'an looked around and found that he really couldn't find the big white goose, so he nodded his head: "Okay, fourth brother, help An An look for it~"

Qin Nexun squatted down and tentatively stretched out his hands towards her.

He originally thought that the small breasts would be tweaked or wouldn't be held by him, but unexpectedly, in less than a second, he would hold them in his arms.

The smile on his lips couldn't stop at all. Qin Niexun picked her up, adjusted her posture, and strode towards a certain place in the garden.

As if explaining a class to his subordinates, he said: "An'an, it's actually very easy to find a big white goose. The goose's feet are very unique in shape, rich in meat, high in protein, and low in fat. It is very suitable for fitness people. …”

No, why did you talk about eating?
"Ahem, no, I just said it wrong -" Realizing that he was off topic, Qin Niexun suddenly braked and said again: "An'an, look carefully, are there some places in the grass with different shades? These pits are just like the goose. The imprints on the palms are very similar, and the deeper ones indicate that the big white goose passed here not long ago."

Qin Sui'an stared at the grass on the ground with her round eyes widened seriously. Following her fourth brother's words, she immediately understood: "Oh~~ The grass pit here is deeper, so the big white goose is going this way!"

"Yes, that's it!" Qin Niexun looked at her and nodded approvingly.

With Qin Niexun's guidance and Qin Suian's careful observation, he finally found the big white goose hidden in a cluster of small flowers.

"The big white goose is hiding here!" Qin Suian happily pointed to the last flower bush where the goose's footprints disappeared.

The next second, the big white goose emerged from the flowers she was pointing at. It seemed to be uncomfortable hiding. It trembled all over and stretched its wings: "Gah~ I have found this goose!"

"The big white goose, the fourth brother helped An An find it this time, so the big white goose wins!" Qin Sui'an looked at it with round eyes and praised: "The big white goose is so powerful! It can get through such small flowers. Get in!"

"Gah~ This goose took a long time to get in~" The big white goose waved a wing and patted its chest, "Gah~ It has been eating well recently~"

The bodyguards did not dare to neglect the pet white goose fed to Miss An An. It was nutritious and delicious food.

The big white goose counted the numbers in his mind, and then said: "Gah~ The baby An'an lost to this goose in a game, so he wants to give me a skirt! I want a white one! A skirt as white as this goose~"

Qin Sui'an nodded his little head and said happily: "Okay~ An An has a lot of white skirts~"

Qin Niexun looked at the big white goose that kept squawking, and then at the little nub talking to the big white goose.

At first he thought that the little girl was just talking to the big white goose, but from her words, he could hear the sense of dialogue between you and me.

Qin Niexun was slightly surprised and asked: "An'an, are you talking to the big white goose?"

"Yeah~" Qin Sui'an didn't hide anything, "Fourth brother, An An can understand what the big white goose is talking~"

Although this kind of thing is unbelievable, Qin Niexun has also been exposed to even more unbelievable cases, so he quickly calmed down.

Qin Sui'an looked at his fourth brother, his round eyes bursting with admiration, "Fourth brother is so awesome, he can teach An An how to find a big white goose~"

"This is just a very simple method." Qin Nexun received her bright eyes and suddenly felt like he was floating in the sky. He was very comfortable: "Actually, in my work, I often have tasks similar to searching."

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes curiously, "What is the most difficult thing that Fourth Brother has ever found?"

Qin Nexun said seriously: "He was the murderer of a corpse dismemberment case 20 years ago."

(End of this chapter)

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