Chapter 102 How scary!An An is afraid...

Qin Suian looked at his fourth brother blankly.

The murderer of the corpse dismemberment case?What does this mean?

When the big white goose heard this, it trembled all over, flapped its wings and shouted at Qin Niexun: "Quack! Quack!"

How could this human being say such things to the An An cub?

The cub An An is only three and a half years old!What if An An's cub is frightened?Can he afford it?

Qin Nexun lowered his eyes and looked at the big white goose.

He couldn't understand what the big white goose was calling, but he felt that it seemed very excited.

Qin Niexun raised his eyebrows slightly and asked in surprise: "Do you want to hear the details?"

When the big white goose heard this, its wings flapped even more fiercely: "Quack! Quack!"

What a damn detail!Shut up!No more talking!
When Qin Niexun saw that it was more excited than before, he thought he was right and said: "Okay, let me tell you a little bit about the process. Although this should be my work privacy, this case has already been The case is closed, it doesn’t matter much.”

He paused for a moment, then looked at the small breasts in his arms, "An'an wants to know how I found the murderer?"

Qin Sui'an didn't understand, but she was very curious and immediately nodded her head: "I think~"

The big white goose stamped its feet anxiously: "Quack! Quack!"

An'an cub, this is not suitable for cubs to listen to!

Qin Niexun glanced at the goose and said, "Don't rush me, I'll start talking now."

Big White Goose: "Gah!"

Who urged it!I want you to shut up!

Qin Niexun found a shaded area, sat down with the little nipple in his arms, and said slowly amid the curious gaze of the little nipple and the excited squawking of the big white goose:
"Twenty years ago, there was a very loving and harmonious couple. Suddenly one day, the wife disappeared, and the husband called the police. Ten days later, the police found parts of the wife's body in sewers, stinking ditches, and garbage dumps. The wife was murdered. The body was dismembered, her hands and feet were chopped off and thrown into the sewer, the body was chopped into pieces and thrown into the smelly ditch, and her head was thrown into the garbage dump..."

Qin Suian blinked, then blinked.

She lowered her little head, looked at her little hands, feet, and then touched her little head.

Well, it's scary!
Qin Sui'an crawled into his fourth brother's arms and hugged his waist tightly with his two little hands. "This is not scary, An'an. The murderer has been arrested." Qin Niexun patted her back comfortingly and continued: "Part of the body was found, but the murderer was not found. This search took 20 years. time, until a while ago, I took over this case..."

The big white goose shivered when he heard it, and leaned close to the baby An An.

The stupid human was so engrossed in talking about this horrific and bloody case that it had given up its struggle and stopped squawking in vain, because this stupid human could not understand its words at all.

at the same time.

Qin Yanyi worked in the hospital for several days and finally returned to Bay Villa the day before the banquet.

The silver-white Ferrari Raphael drove into Bay Villa, flicked its tail beautifully, and stopped exactly at the main entrance of the castle.

Qin Yanyi opened the door and saw a Hongqi L5 parked next to him. When he saw the familiar red flag on the front of the car, he knew who the owner of the car was.

He was extremely surprised: "Fourth brother came home earlier than me?"

I thought my fourth brother would not be able to get home until tomorrow night.

Qin Yanyi turned to ask the bodyguard at the gate of the castle: "Besides me and my fourth brother, who else has gone home?"

The bodyguard replied respectfully: "Master Yan Yi and Master Lu Zheng also went home the day before yesterday."

"Third brother? They have been so busy recently." Qin Yanyi couldn't help but feel envious.

It would be great if everyone was healthy and there wasn't a single sick person in the hospital.

Getting back to the topic, Qin Yanyi glanced at the castle, "It's so quiet. Isn't An An at home?"

The bodyguard replied again: "Yes, Master Yan Yi, Miss An An and Master Nie Xun are in the garden."

"Okay, thank you."

Qin Yanyi immediately turned around and walked towards the garden.

Would a workaholic like Fourth Brother play with An An?Didn't he teach An An something he shouldn't have?

Thinking like this, his pace became faster and faster.

(End of this chapter)

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