Chapter 151 An An wants to participate in the competition

Shao Yongkang frowned when he heard that it was not Qin Haochen who answered the call, "Is President Qin busy?"

He Yan answered very briefly: "Yes."

"Okay, it's like this. I came to Bay Villa with my mother. My mother hasn't seen Mrs. Qin for a long time and wants to visit her. Isn't it convenient?"

After hearing what Shao Yongkang said, He Yan looked forward with questioning eyes.

Qin Haochen was sitting at his desk, handling official business.

For him, working hours are working hours. Except for the small breasts, no personal matters can disturb him, otherwise it will affect his off-duty time.

Now, he can get off work as soon as he can. After all, he still has small breasts waiting for him at home.

Catching a glance at Special Assistant He Yan, Qin Haochen frowned and raised his hand to wave.

He Yan nodded immediately, turned slightly and said to the person on the other end of the phone: "Sorry, President Shao, this is the old lady's private matter. We have no right to make decisions for the old lady."

"Okay, okay." Shao Yongkang had already prepared in his heart. Assistant He Yan wouldn't agree so easily. He thought for a while and asked again: "Well then, my mother and I are also here. We can't get in at the entrance of Haiwan Villa for the time being. Why don't we let us in first? After meeting Mrs. Qin, if Mrs. Qin doesn't want to receive guests, we can leave immediately, okay?"

This time, He Yan did not disturb the president, "Sorry, President Shao."

Bay Villa is not a tourist spot, you can go in if you want.

Shao Yongkang's patience was almost exhausted, and his voice was somewhat angry: "Assistant He Te, tell me directly, how can we get in?"

"President Shao, I'm afraid you need to go and ask our old lady's opinion in person." After He Yan said this, he said: "If there is nothing else, President Shao, I will go and get busy first."

Before Shao Yongkang could respond, He Yan ended the call.

Shao Yongkang closed his eyes and took several deep breaths before suppressing his anger.

This Qin Haochen is taking him less and less seriously!
After all, the Shao family and the Qin family have been friends for many years!

When Mrs. Shao saw that her son was silent, she knew that she had gotten into trouble with Qin Haochen, "Is this Qin family deliberately targeting our Shao family?"

Come to think of it, the Shao family has never done anything to offend the Qin family, right?

"Yongkang, did the group steal Qin's project?" she asked.

Although his own group has enjoyed a lot of Qin's good soup, Shao Yongkang also dislikes some of Qin Haochen's work styles, "Qin Haochen likes it, who can beat him?"

Mrs. Shao didn't think about her precious granddaughter at all. She just kept thinking that the Shao family had become stronger, so the Qin family was jealous.

When she heard what her son said, she clicked her tongue, "This Qin family has no ambition at all. Lan Jin seems to be easy to get along with. How could he raise such a son who is greedy for fame and fortune?"

Just after saying bad things about others behind her back, her cell phone rang in the next moment, and the caller ID read: Lan Jin.

Mrs. Shao was startled. She looked left and right first to make sure the car window was closed tightly, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

She calmed down and picked up the phone: "Lan Jin, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Shao, I saw you called me. What's wrong? Do you want to see me for anything?"

"Oh, that's right, Lan Jin, I'm at the entrance of Bay Villa now, but the bodyguard stopped me and didn't let me go in to see you. Please tell your bodyguard quickly." Mrs. Shao said , while glaring at the bodyguard guarding the door.

"Ah, why didn't you tell me in advance?" Mrs. Qin replied casually: "Mrs. Shao, tell me in advance next time so that I can explain it to my bodyguard."

"It's okay, it's not too late to say it now." Mrs. Shao urged: "Hurry up, I've been waiting at the door for a long time."

"Mrs. Shao, there was a banquet last night, and the mess in the house is being cleaned up." Mrs. Qin paused, "It's true that you didn't come to the banquet last night, but came today instead."

Seeing her mention last night's banquet, Mrs. Shao became angry instantly, "To be honest, Lan Jin, I came here just for last night's banquet." "Then you are too late, the banquet is over. Well, next time."

Mrs. Qin didn't talk to her any more, "Oh, by the way, next time you want to come to Bay Villa, you have to tell me in advance, and you suddenly come to the door. How presumptuous. I still have something to do, so that's it. .”

After saying a few words, Mrs. Qin decisively ended the call without any hesitation.

"Hello? Hello!" Mrs. Shao gasped in anger, "This, this Qin family is really bullying people too much! Bullying people too much!"

As if a breath was stuck in her chest, and her heart was beating rapidly again, Mrs. Shao rolled her eyes and suddenly fainted.

"Mom, Mom!" Shao Yongkang was shocked and quickly ordered the driver: "Go to the hospital immediately!"

The Shao family's car made an emergency U-turn at the entrance of Bay Villa and left quickly.

Inside the castle.

Mrs. Qin had just watched cartoons with her precious little granddaughter. She wanted to find some snacks for her little granddaughter to pad her belly. Then she came to the restaurant and returned Mrs. Shao's call.

The little daughter of the Shao family was just kicked out of the Bay Villa last night. Today she came to the door without saying a word. Didn't she just want to cry out for the little daughter?

What a joke!How dare you visit her precious little granddaughter who is bullying her?Not letting the bodyguards blow up the Shao family's car was her last act of kindness to the Shao family.

Mrs. Qin didn't take the Shao family seriously, and quickly carefully selected the snacks and brought them to the living room herself.

Qin Sui'an, a small-breasted dumpling, has watched several episodes of the cartoon and is now playing chess with her brothers.

Mr. Qin stood up and went up to take the dinner plate from Mrs. Qin's hand, "Why do you still have to hold it? Xiaojin, let the bodyguard do this next time."

"No, please sit down and rest." Mrs. Qin refused his help and took the dinner plate to the sofa next to her little granddaughter and sat down.

She glanced at the chessboard she was moving on and said, "Oh, An An is going to win again."

Qin Qianyi immediately said: "Grandma, you don't even know which chess piece An An is playing."

"You don't have to think about it, it must be the winning side." She had never seen anyone who could beat her granddaughter in chess.

Oh, there was one, her son Qin Haochen, who was still the granddaughter who deliberately let him go.

Mrs. Qin scooped up a mouthful of snacks and fed it to her little granddaughter's mouth, "Come on, An'an, eat something delicious."

"Thank you, grandma~" Qin Sui'an opened her little mouth and ate it in one bite. She ate happily with round eyes. After eating, she did not forget to tell her: "Grandma is right, An An is a red chess piece. Win."

Qin Fuja sat opposite An An and was playing chess with her.

He didn't give in, but he still couldn't win against his sister, and could only get a draw at most.

After two more moves, the game of chess came to an end.

Mr. Qin looked at the whole situation and was proud of his little granddaughter, "An An is of such a level that she can participate in the competition."

Mrs. Qin fed her little granddaughter another bite of snacks, "Do you want to go to the competition, An An?"

"Competition?" Qin Suian blinked, "Grandma, if you win the competition, will you be rich?"

She remembered that her brothers played golf and boxing in the afternoon, and "chips" were mentioned in every game. She didn't know what chips were, but she saw her brothers transferring money to each other.

Seeing her bright eyes, Mrs. Qin nodded with a smile: "Yes, if you win the competition, you will get medals, trophies, and bonuses. The bonus is money."

Qin Sui'an immediately raised his little hands: "An An wants to participate in the competition~!"

(End of this chapter)

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