Chapter 152 The three-and-a-half-year-old chess boy airborne
Qin Qianyi touched his chin, "Let me guess, does An An want to participate in the competition to get the bonus?"

The little breasted dumpling nodded his little head very straightforwardly: "Yes~!"

Qin Qianyi guessed again: "You won't be using the bonus money to support our father, right?"

The little head nodded vigorously again: "Yes~!"

Qin Qianyi chuckled, reached out and pinched her little cheek gently: "As expected of An An, this goal is set very well! Great!"

When it came to money, Qin Yaoyu immediately took out his mobile phone and checked the prize money he could get in the competition.

He frowned and secretly clicked his tongue again and again.

This little bonus is not enough to fill his teeth.

Looking at his sister An An's enthusiasm and enthusiasm, Qin Yaoyu wanted to persuade her to make money in other ways, but he couldn't say a word. Instead, he encouraged her: "An An's idea is very good! Fifth brother, I support you!"

He was reluctant to pour cold water on An An.

The bonus should be as small as possible, being safe and happy is the most important thing!

Hearing the words of his fifth brother Qin Yaoyu, Qin Sui'an curled up his round eyes happily and became even more eager to participate in the competition!
Qin Luzheng also quickly checked and found that there was no age limit for participating in chess competitions, but he needed to accumulate personal points from small competitions first. The total points reached a certain condition before he could participate in large-scale competitions with bonuses.

Qin Luzheng was worried that An An was still young and if she suffered a setback in the competition, it would affect her mentality.

He looked at An An and saw that her round eyes were bright and her excited expression made people's blood boil inexplicably: "I also support An An!"

do not care!Support my sister unconditionally!
Qin Yanyi seemed to have thought of the same thing as Qin Yaoyu, and there was a knot between his eyebrows. After a moment, his expression slowly relaxed, "An'an, I support you too!"

He can take the psychiatrist qualification certificate in advance. If An An is hit during the game, he can also help An An get out of her depressed mood.

Qin Niexun thought about it carefully. In an elegant game like chess, no one would dare to touch it. An An also received some boxing lessons from their brothers in the afternoon and received unanimous approval from them.

After eliminating the danger, Qin Niexun nodded cautiously: "I also support An An!"

Qin Fuga stretched out his hand, bringing with it a refreshing fragrance of sandalwood. His palm covered An An's head. His calm tone contained endless love for his sister: "An An, I support you too."

The six brothers expressed their full support for their sister!
Mrs. Qin glanced at them with satisfaction, then turned to look at her wife beside her, "Ahuo, I remember you have a friend who knows a little bit about chess?"

Mr. Qin immediately understood her intention and said, "I will contact him later."

Saying "wait a minute", Mr. Qin stood up, leaned on a cane in one hand, picked up his mobile phone in the other, and left the living room.

When Qin Haochen finished his official duties and returned to Bay Villa, he learned that his little breasts were about to participate in the chess competition.

Qin Haochen rarely showed a surprised look in his eyes, and hugged the small breast in his arms tightly: "Is it so sudden?"

Soon he returned to normal. He had personally learned Xiao Naituan's chess skills. Participating in this type of competition would be beneficial to Xiao Naituan.

"Okay, when is An'an's first game? Dad will go with you." No matter how busy the group is, he still has to take time to accompany the little girl.

Qin Sui'an didn't know when he looked towards his grandfather.

Mr. Qin contacted his old friend Ji Yi and signed up his granddaughter for a small regional chess competition as quickly as possible. "I asked, and there happened to be a small competition in the city tomorrow morning. Old Ji said, You can let An An give it a try first and practice her skills."

Ji Yi is a chess grandmaster and has won many chess competition championships. He is currently semi-retired and rarely shows up.

As soon as he said this, Mr. Qin's cell phone rang, and it happened to be Ji Yi calling.

He pressed the answer button: "What's the matter, Lao Ji?" "Old Qin, I forgot to ask, how old is your granddaughter?" At this time, Ji Yi was helping Mr. Qin's granddaughter fill out the registration form.

Mr. Qin's heart immediately skipped a beat, "Didn't you say there is no age limit?"

What if I don’t want to sign up because I think my granddaughter is too young?
"Yes, there is no age limit, but you have to fill in your age on the registration form."

"I was shocked." Mr. Qin breathed a sigh of relief and then replied: "Three and a half years old, let's count it as three years old."

"Huh? How old are you?"

"Three years old."

"... How old are you?"

"Three years old!"

"Three, three years old? Are you sure you're right? Not 13 years old?"

"It's three years old! One, two, three, three!" Mr. Qin frowned, "Old Ji, are your ears so heavy? How about I type it and send it to you?"

Ji Yi seemed to have heard some joke, "Your granddaughter is only three years old?! She wants to participate in a chess competition at the age of three? Lao Qin, although this is a small competition, it is not a joke. As far as I know, the players in this competition are Minimum age is 15."

Mr. Qin was very calm: "Oh, from now on, the youngest contestant is three years old, and that's my granddaughter."

"..." Ji Yi was speechless.

But his old friends came to him in person, and he couldn't refuse. He just said: "Let me say it first. I am not involved in any chess competition. Although I know the referee, I will never help you go through the back door. The competition , you have to use your own strength to compare."

"Who wants to go through the back door?" Mr. Qin snorted disdainfully, "Old Ji, I also agreed first that my little granddaughter is still young and will not become a disciple. Don't beg me to accept my little granddaughter as your apprentice."

"You're quite confident." Ji Yi didn't take his words seriously at all. The Qin family's genes are good, but a three-and-a-half-year-old child hasn't even been weaned yet. How can he be good at chess?

Forget it, just think of it as selling a favor to Lao Qin.

Ji Yi said: "Okay, I filled out the three-year-old registration form. Remember to take your little granddaughter to compete tomorrow."

After ending the call, Mr. Qin snorted again, "Old Ji, who do you look down on?"

He opened the rules of the competition sent by Ji Yi and handed them to Qin Haochen, "Haochen, take a look."

Qin Haochen took the phone, first wrote down the time and place, and then looked at the rules carefully.

The little nipple in her arms followed her and looked at it carefully. After looking at it for a while, she raised her little face and pursed her lips: "Daddy, An An is illiterate and can't understand~"

Qin Haochen raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "Dad, I will read it to you."

He followed the above rules, slowed down his speaking speed, read it to Xiao Naituan, and then explained to Xiao Naituan what she didn't understand.

Qin Sui'an listened very attentively and nodded his head vigorously: "An An understands!"

Not only did An An have to be familiar with the rules of the competition, her brothers, as well as her father, grandfather, and grandma also memorized the rules.

After dinner, the bodyguard temporarily tidied up an empty room and set it up as a chess room. Everyone took turns playing chess with An An, strictly following the rules of the game and allowing her to adapt in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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