My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 153: Underestimate your opponent and slap him in the face

Chapter 153: Underestimate your opponent and slap him in the face

On the other side, Ji Yi sold a favor to Mr. Qin and helped Mr. Qin’s granddaughter register.

Next to him, his apprentice asked curiously: "Master, Mr. Qin's granddaughter is only three years old. Is she really going to participate in the chess competition?"

Although it was just a small competition, the contestants were basically new to chess and were not considered very powerful, but it was still a formal competition.

"Hmph, this Lao Qin, I helped him register his name anyway, and I will never turn his back on him because of him." Ji Yi's warning eyes fell on his apprentice: "You too, don't worry about whether this young player is The daughter of the Qin family let her pass."

"Master, don't worry, I will make a decision based on the rules." The apprentice immediately nodded seriously.

Ji Yi put his hands behind his back, looked at the eye-catching age "three years old" on the registration form, and snorted again.

Everyone knows recently that the little daughter of the Qin family has been found. Unexpectedly, Old Qin doted on the little daughter so much and even found him.

Ji Yi only thought that Lao Qin wanted to sign up his little granddaughter for the chess competition just to play chess for his little granddaughter, so he didn't take it to heart.

The next day, Qin Haochen handed over the group's affairs to his special assistant He Yan, freeing up time to focus on Xiao Naituan.

After breakfast, Xiao Nai Tuanzi followed her father, grandfather, and grandmother to the chess competition.

Her six brothers wanted to go with them, but Mr. Qin refused, lest their large group would cause unnecessary rumors.

Several luxury cars parked at the entrance of the competition venue, and there were a line of bodyguards in black standing there. It was impossible to keep a low profile even if they wanted to.

Qin Haochen got out of the car and took the little girl sitting in the child safety seat into his arms, "An'an, are you nervous?"

"A little nervous~"

This was Qin Sui'an's first time participating in a competition. His mouth was slightly pursed and his round eyes looked at the unfamiliar environment around him, but he did not show any timidity.

Qin Haochen rubbed her little head soothingly, "Dad and grandparents are with you. If you feel any discomfort, you must tell us as soon as possible."

"Yeah!" Qin Sui'an also followed the sound of milk and comforted her: "Don't worry, daddy!"

"Be good." Qin Haochen's heart felt warm, the little breasts were his caring little cotton-padded jacket.

The banquet hall on the second floor was arranged like a chess match, with dozens of square tables placed at standard distances in between. Security guards pulled up red ropes around them to circle a place where no one else could enter.

At the entrance, there is visitor registration.

Qin Haochen helped Xiao Naituan fill in their names, and then the staff asked them to leave separately. One side was the viewing area, and the other side was the contestant area.

As soon as Qin Sui'an's little figure landed, he instantly became the youngest person on the scene, let alone a player.

The staff member glanced at the family of four, and finally turned his attention to Mrs. Qin, and asked uncertainly: "Are you contestant Qin Sui'an? Please follow me."

There is indeed no age limit for the competition, and you can participate if you are older.

Mrs. Qin smiled cheerfully and touched her little granddaughter's head, "I'm not, my little granddaughter is."

Qin Sui'an raised her little hand and waved it in front of the staff, "Big sister~"

"Huh?!" The staff member stared suddenly, unable to conceal his shocked expression: "You? You..."

How old is this little baby?

The staff calmed down, but was still shocked by the news that the little baby was participating in the competition, "Okay, kid, you follow me, the competition starts in 10 minutes."

"Okay, eldest sister." Qin Sui'an nodded obediently, opened his short legs, and followed up with eldest sister.

Qin Haochen, Mr. Qin, and Mrs. Qin walked towards the viewing area worriedly, their eyes fixed on the little breasts.

If the staff hadn't led Qin Suian into the contest area, everyone else would have thought he was some ignorant kid running around.

The contestants' first battle is to randomly draw numbers, one-on-one, the winner will play against the winner, and the loser will be eliminated directly.Qin Sui'an grabbed the roller with her little hand and drew the number "3", and the staff took her to sit in the "3" position.

Fortunately, the table is not high, and Qin Sui'an can see the chessboard and the chess pieces while sitting on the chair.

Qin Sui'an was a little nervous when he first entered the venue, but now he is completely relaxed.

She looked towards the viewing area and saw her family members sitting in the first row of the viewing area. She happily waved her little hands in their direction with round eyes.

Qin Haochen felt relieved when he saw that the little nipple was in a good mood. He raised his lips and smiled, waving in response to her.

Mr. Qin nervously grasped the crutch with one hand and his wife with the other, "An'an seems to be in good condition."

"Anyway, it's much better than yours." Mrs. Qin poked the back of his hand, "Can you be less nervous? My old bones can't withstand your pinching, and A'an is not as nervous as you."

Mr. Qin quickly relaxed his grip.

He didn't care whether his granddaughter would win or lose. It was her first time competing, and she was also the youngest in the competition. He was worried that her granddaughter would be scared, but at the moment, it seemed that he was indeed more nervous than her.

Qin Sui'an happily greeted her family, and when she turned around, a young lady sat down opposite her.

It was also the first time for a girl to participate in the competition. She didn't expect that her opponent was only three years old, and she was still a pretty little baby. It was a pleasure to look at, and she immediately became happy, "How are you, little sister."

"Hello, little sister~" Qin Suian replied in a sweet voice.

The girl asked: "Little sister, do you recognize the words on the chess pieces?"

"You can recognize it. Grandpa taught An An." Qin Sui'an didn't recognize all the characters, but he knew all the words related to chess.

"So smart." The girl was in a good mood. It looked like her little opponent was a little baby who didn't know how to play chess. She would definitely win this game quickly.

When the game time is up, the referees stand at the players' tables and announce the start of the game.

The odd number goes first, Qin Sui'an is "3", he holds the round red chess pieces in his small hands and plays chess seriously.

The girl had a smile on her face at first, but after a few moves, her smile disappeared and her brows became more and more frowned.

Less than 5 minutes later, the referee raised his sign: "The red side wins, Qin Suian advances."

The girl's face turned white and white as she stared at the chessboard, as if she still refused to believe that she had lost to a three-year-old baby.

The preliminary round has come to an end, and the numbers are drawn again, and the battle is random.

This time without the help of the staff, Qin Sui'an found his seat, climbed up on the chair and sat down, obediently waiting for the game to begin.

Opposite her, her opponent also met.

This time it was a boy in his teens. When he saw the little baby in front of him, he smiled and said, "God is going to help me."

Qin Sui'an didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, but she could clearly detect the sarcasm in the little brother's smile, which made her uncomfortable.

She tightened her little face, pursed her lips, and didn't say hello to him.

The referee announces the start of the game.

Qin Sui'an didn't want to face someone he didn't like, so he decided quickly, which was completely different from the way he played chess in the previous game. That was called acting vigorously and resolutely.

One minute later, the referee raised his sign: "Black wins, Qin Suian advances."

Qin Sui'an hummed and jumped out of the chair. Without even looking at his opponent, he went to draw his new number in a familiar way.

The opponent was left stunned, muttering ferociously to himself: "Impossible, this is impossible..."

(End of this chapter)

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