Chapter 154 A three-and-a-half-year-old little senior sister? !

No matter what, it was a fact that the three-year-old little breasts he looked down on beat him in one minute.

From the preliminary rounds, to the preliminaries, and then to the semi-finals, Qin Sui'an advanced easily. She even felt that the chess skills of these young ladies and brothers were not as good as her little brother Qin Qianyi.

In the last round of the finals, no one dared to underestimate the youngest three-year-old girl in the audience. There were whispers in the viewing area and they were talking about the little contestants who stayed in the finals:

"How old is this kid?"

"You look only three years old, right?"

"My God, are you so good at chess? You can advance to the finals!"

"What's her background? It looks like someone has taught her chess skills..."

Qin Haochen, Mr. Qin, and Mrs. Qin were sitting in the front row, and their ears were filled with the audience's comments, praises, or surprises about their small breasts.

At first, some people were surprised by the appearance of the little nipple group, thinking it was just a child playing house, but now that it is the finals, no one will foolishly question the strength of the little nipple group. After all, the competition is public and they can see it. .

Short breaks.

Qin Sui'an couldn't leave the contest area, so he ran to the side and happily said to the family members in the viewing area: "Dad, grandpa, grandma, An An has never lost!"

She had a rare expression of pride, her little head raised slightly, revealing her less obvious jawline.

Qin Haochen, Mr. Qin, and Mrs. Qin had already left their seats and were separated by a line from her.

Qin Haochen wished he could just take the little breasts into his arms and kiss them. There was unconcealable pride in his expression, "An'an is great!"

Mr. Qin happily praised: "An An is so awesome, he has won so many people!"

Mrs. Qin asked: "An'an, do you still want to continue playing chess?"

She felt sorry for her precious little granddaughter, who was competing with people who were more than ten years older than her at a young age.

"Think!" Qin Sui'an naturally wouldn't give up halfway before he got the bonus.

Mrs. Qin naturally wouldn't stop her and rubbed her little head encouragingly.

The intermission ended and the final round ushered in.

There are ten players in total. Opponents are randomly selected and scored based on the best of three games. The one with the highest score in the end wins.

Qin Sui'an stood with other players, his small figure could not be ignored.

After the random drawing was over, Qin Sui'an sat down facing the seat.

At the referee's order, the final round began. People in the viewing area could not help but breathe softly and did not dare to make any noise for fear of affecting the competition between the players.

Qin Sui'an looked at the chessboard seriously. As soon as her opponent made a move, she would immediately raise her hand to take the next step, as if every move her opponent made was expected by her.

The little breasts were getting easier and easier, and victory was imminent, but the opponent was sweating profusely and panting frequently.

The referee stood by and looked surprised from time to time, glancing at the small nipples with praise.

competition is over.

Undoubtedly, Qin Suian, the smallest player in the field, had the highest score and won the No. 1 spot in this chess competition.

Qin Sui'an stood on the stage, holding a trophy bigger than her face in her small hands, looking expectantly at her big brother who was presenting the award to her.

The guest of honor for this competition was none other than Ji Yi's apprentice. He squatted on his knees and praised without hesitation: "Kid Qin Suian, your chess skills are very superb. May I ask, how long have you been learning chess? "He knew that she was only three years old and would not start learning chess right after she was born.

"Well..." Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes, "An An doesn't remember."

She met her great-grandfather not long after returning home, and then her great-grandfather taught her how to play chess.

"It doesn't matter, you are very smart." Ji Yi's apprentice took out a business card from his pocket, "This is my contact information. If you have any questions about chess in the future, you can call me."

Seeing her little hands busy holding the trophy, he carefully put the business card into her skirt pocket.

Qin Sui'an nodded his little head to show that he understood, then blinked his round eyes and looked at him.

He asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

With her round eyes shining brightly, she asked in a sweet voice: "Brother, what about the bonus? You haven't paid the bonus to An An yet."

He chuckled, it turned out that the small breasts were for the prize money from the competition.

The top three players in the competition, as well as the referee and presenter took photos, and then registered her personal record and total personal score under Xiao Naituan's name, so that she could continue to participate in various chess competitions in the future.

Afterwards, someone handed the prize money from this competition to Xiao Naituan.

Qin Sui'an held the trophy, clutched the bonus tightly, ran in the direction of her family, and threw herself into her father's arms, "Papa~ An'an got the bonus!"

Qin Haochen had been waiting at the door for a long time and immediately picked her up with a smile in his eyes: "An An is great!"

The bonus is not much, only a few thousand dollars.

In the past, this small amount of several thousand dollars would not have caught the attention of the Qin family at all, but now, Qin Haochen, Mr. Qin, and Mrs. Qin are proud of it. This is Xiaonaituan "earning money" by herself through her own ability. "The first money that came.

The Qin family left the game with their little milk balls.

the other side.

Not long after the game ended, Ji Yi received a call from his apprentice.

"Master!" The always rational disciple now spoke with excitement: "Master, guess who is the No. 1 player in this competition?"

"What's there to guess? In such a small competition, you can get No. 1 with your eyes closed." Ji Yi sneered, and suddenly remembered something. He frowned and guessed uncertainly: "Could it be Lao Qin's little kid?" granddaughter?"

"Master is amazing! You even dared to guess this! And you guessed it right!" The apprentice suddenly started talking.

After the game, he went to adjust the monitoring system and watch again how Mr. Qin's granddaughter played chess and how she won all the way.

Don't look at it, look at it!
"Master, she is definitely a genius! I have reasonable doubt that she can control the chess game!"

He found that as long as the little girl frowned, the game would definitely end within 2 minutes. But if the little girl pursed her lips and smiled with joy on her face, it was like teasing her opponent, and she could play more. Five six minutes.

Not to mention that not many people can master this level of chess skills, not to mention that the little girl is only three years old!
After Ji Yi learned that Lao Qin's little granddaughter was No. 1, he felt itchy. When he heard his apprentice say this, he immediately ordered: "Send me the surveillance camera and I will take a look!"

"Okay!" The apprentice chuckled: "Master, am I going to have a little junior sister?"

"If she is really as powerful as you say, based on her strength, you should call her senior sister." Ji Yi accepts apprentices, regardless of their age or the order of apprenticeship.

The apprentice was confused.

Three-year-old, senior sister? !

(End of this chapter)

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