Chapter 155 Proud, this is their sister!
After Ji Yi hung up the phone, it didn't take long before he received a video recording from his apprentice.

[Apprentice: Master!If you really want to accept her as your disciple, can you let me have a game with her?Maybe I'm slightly better than her. 】

It is good to have confidence, but blind confidence is not advisable.

Ji Yi didn't reply to his apprentice's message, so he clicked on the video and took a look.

From the initial indifference to the later - Ji Yi's eyes were shining, and the hand holding the phone was trembling slightly with excitement.

Before he finished watching the video, Ji Yi couldn't wait to make a call to Mr. Qin.

As soon as the call was picked up, he said without saying a word, "Old Qin, I want your little granddaughter!"

Mr. Qin: "I want your head! You beast! Get out!"


After being scolded, Ji Yi was stunned and suddenly realized that his words were ambiguous.

He quickly called back, but was rejected.


This is a big misunderstanding!

Ji Yi stood up quickly, pushed everything away, and ordered: "Get the car ready and go to Bay Villa!"

A villa on the bay, a living room on the first floor of the castle.

After returning home, Qin Sui'an's little breasts were taken to the garden by her six brothers to play, while Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin were resting in the living room.

Mr. Qin was panting heavily and had not yet recovered from his anger. "Humph, this Old Ji, I didn't expect him to be just a sanctimonious beast!"

When he thought of his inappropriate thoughts towards his precious little granddaughter, Mr. Qin slapped the table angrily, "I really want to chop him!"

Mrs. Qin looked at his angry expression in confusion, "What's wrong?"

If she remembered correctly, the "Lao Ji" Ahuo mentioned was the old friend who helped his granddaughter register this time.

What happened?But I just answered a phone call, why are you scolding and angry?
Mr. Qin gritted his teeth and repeated what Ji Yi had just said on the phone.

Mrs. Qin frowned at first and almost started to curse, but she quickly calmed down and said, "Does he mean to take An An as his disciple?"

Mr. Qin:...

The burning anger in her heart slowly weakened because of her words.

"Is this what Lao Ji meant?" Mr. Qin was unsure.

Mrs. Qin glanced at the mobile phone he had left on the sofa, "I also guessed it. You can call me back and ask if you want to know."

Mr. Qin did not intend to call back and ask.

Who makes Lao Ji's words so ambiguous and loves to explain but not explain.

Mrs. Qin didn't persuade him any more, she got up and walked outside, "The living room without my little granddaughter is boring."

in the garden.

The Huacong, which could only accommodate three or five people, was about to be overcrowded by the six young masters of the Qin family.

Qin Sui'an was sitting in the center of the flowers, but her brothers didn't dare to squeeze in and make her uncomfortable.

On her right is her eldest brother Qin Fuga, on her left is her second brother Qin Yanyi, in front is her third brother Qin Luzheng, and behind her is her fourth brother Qin Niexun.

The fifth brother Qin Yaoyu and the sixth brother Qin Qianyi were squeezed to the edge of the flowers.Because of the limited space, the big white goose curled up in the arms of the baby An An, blinking its small eyes as big as dots, and listened intently to the story told by the baby An An.

Tell the story of going to a chess tournament.

"The first young lady is very nice. She has been watching An An smile. But when she started playing chess, the young lady stopped laughing. Later, she seemed to be crying." Qin Sui'an's little brows frowned, as if she was worried again It’s back to the mood I had during the game.

Qin Sui'an had a good impression of her first opponent, the young lady. She originally wanted to play chess with her for a while, but seeing that the young lady was not in a good mood, she had to end the game quickly so that the young lady could go home early.

After talking about the first opponent, Qin Sui'an continued, frowning again: "An An doesn't like the second little brother! Not long after the game started, An An won."

She didn't want to face her annoying little brother, so she made a quick decision and let him go.

"The third young lady is also very nice, but she is very nervous and it is easy for her to move the chess piece. She has to think about it for a long time." Qin Sui'an was anxious to get the bonus and was afraid of wasting too much time, so he did it very quickly. Let the third opponent, the young lady, go home first.

The six brothers listened to their sister with serious expressions.

Qin Qianyi listened, touched his chin, and guessed curiously: "An'an, do you want to play chess with the other person for a while if you like whoever you like more?"

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes in confusion: "Is it pleasing to the eye?"

What does this word mean?

The big white goose explained in a way that human cubs can understand: "Ga~ An'an cub, it means that you think the other person will not be annoying, and you are willing to talk to the other person more and stay with the other person for a while, that's what it means. .”

Qin Suian let out a long "Oh" and understood.

She looked at her little brother and nodded her head: "Yes! If An An is pleasing to the eye, you can play chess for a while~"

Qin Qianyi's eyes widened: "An An is so awesome!"

This is a sincere emotion.

Having learned his younger sister An An's chess skills a long time ago, Qin Qianyi only felt that his skills were inferior to others. Unexpectedly, An An's chess skills were so superb that he could send his opponent home at any time.

He began to wonder if An An played chess with An An because he was more "pleasing" to his brother, so she played with him longer.

Seeing that the little brother's expression was not right, Qin Sui'an quickly comforted him with a sweet voice: "Little brother, your chess skills are also great! Even better than the ladies and brothers An An met today! "

With the Qin family's genes there, no matter how bad their chess skills are, they won't be super bad.

Qin Qianyi was moved in his heart, "Thank you An An!"

He finally felt a little more comfortable.

Qin Sui'an continued to talk about the "rules" for the opponents she met later. If the opponent is pleasing to her, she will win later. If the opponent is not pleasing to her, she will win quickly without wasting any extra time. time.

After telling the story, Qin Sui'an pursed his lips and happily took out a slightly thick red envelope from his pocket.

She raised the red envelope, bent her round eyes, and said with a smile: "This is the bonus An An won~"

It was similar to the reaction of Qin Haochen, Mr. Qin, and Mrs. Qin when they saw this red envelope for the first time.

In the past, this little money was nothing in their eyes, but at this moment, the six brothers had proud and proud smiles on their faces at the same time.

"An'an is awesome!"

"An An is so awesome!"

This is the prize that their sister won personally!
As soon as Mrs. Qin walked into the garden, she saw a certain cluster of flowers swaying, as if they were about to be squeezed over at any time.

She shook her head and laughed, and walked over: "Why don't you come out? Are you all asleep in there?"

(End of this chapter)

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