My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 156: What kind of guest is he who shows up uninvited with ulterior motives?

Chapter 156: What kind of guest is he who shows up uninvited with ulterior motives?
Hearing grandma's voice, the little girl in the flowers immediately responded with a milky voice:
"Grandma, no one is asleep~"

Qin Sui'an originally wanted to invite his grandma to hide among the flowers, but when he looked left and right, he saw that there was no place for his grandma to sit.

She was just about to climb out of the flowers and give up her seat to grandma, when she raised her little buttocks and the other six brothers said in unison:

"An'an, you don't have to move!"

The little breasted dumpling almost wrote all his thoughts on his little face. How could the six brothers be willing to give up their seat to the youngest and only sister.

Qin Qianyi was closest to the edge of the flowers. His neat body rolled out and he rolled out of the flowers.

He didn't get up and just lay there: "Okay, there's room for grandma."

Qin Yaoyu clicked his tongue in disgust and rolled out of the flowers, not forgetting to say: "With your little seat, there is nowhere for grandma to sit."

Qin Niexun glanced at the remaining space. Even though two people had "rolled out", it was still not spacious.

He did not hesitate and left the flowers.

Mrs. Qin just watched her grandchildren emerge from the flowers one after another. She couldn't hide her smile: "What? Am I fatter than the three of you? Isn't it just to make room for me, but the three of you are actually needed? leave?"

That's what she said, but she knew in her heart that her grandchildren were worried about crowding her old bones.

Qin Qianyi half-hidden into the flowers. When he heard grandma's words, he stepped out again and said, "It's more than enough for grandma alone! When grandma goes in and sits in the flowers, we can stuff some more and lie down." It doesn’t matter if you lie down or curl up.”

Mrs. Qin couldn't hold back her laughter.

Qin Sui'an sat among the flowers and patted the space vacated by his brothers: "Grandma, come in quickly~"

Mrs. Qin quickly responded: "Okay, come right now!"

When Mrs. Qin entered the flowers, Qin Niexun, Qin Yaoyu, and Qin Qianyi continued to squeeze into the flowers.

Except for Mrs. Qin and Qin Sui'an, who were sitting comfortably in the center, everyone else was a little uncomfortable being squeezed.

Those who didn’t know, thought there was some good treasure hidden in the flowers.

There is indeed a treasure among the flowers, a little treasure like a small breast ball.

Mrs. Qin looked at her grandchildren and said happily: "Fortunately, I'm here. If your grandpa comes, then this small place will not be crowded enough."

Qin Sui'an raised his little face and asked, "Grandma, what is grandpa doing?"

"He..." Mrs. Qin thought of the big mistake she made on the phone just now and shook her head with a smile: "I guess he is waiting for the guests to come."

Qin Qianyi was very surprised, "Grandpa, do you still have guests?"

No wonder he was so surprised. Except for banquets, grandpa rarely contacted his old friends, let alone guests coming to see grandpa.

Mrs. Qin glanced at him and said, "That's what you said. Fortunately, your grandpa is not here, otherwise you would be angry."

After a pause, she looked at her little granddaughter with gentle eyes, "This guest is here to see us An'an."

Qin Niexun immediately thought of something: "Grandma, is Mr. Ji coming?"

Mrs. Qin glanced at him appreciatively: "Smart."

Qin Luzheng looked at An An, "Does Mr. Ji want to take An An as his disciple?"

Mrs. Qin rubbed An An's little head and said with a smile, "Maybe."

Qin Sui'an didn't understand what he heard, "Accept An An as your disciple?"

What does this mean?

Mrs. Qin patiently explained: "I just want to teach An An how to play chess."

In his tone, it is not difficult to hear the pride for his little granddaughter.Mr. Ji is a well-known figure in the chess world. Being accepted as a disciple by Mr. Ji is a great affirmation of the chess skills of his little granddaughter, who is only three and a half years old.

Hearing what grandma said, Qin Sui'an's little head shook his head: "An'an doesn't want it~"

Grandpa is teaching An An how to play chess!
You don’t need anyone else to teach you~
Mrs. Qin blinked in surprise, "An An doesn't like playing chess?"

"There's no one I don't like, An An likes it." How easy it is to win bonuses by playing chess!

"Then, An'an doesn't like Mr. Ji?" After Mrs. Qin asked, she felt that she had asked too much. After all, her granddaughter had not met Mr. Ji yet.

Qin Sui'an shook his little head again: "I don't know An An~"

She didn't know him, and she didn't know whether she liked it or not.

Qin Fuga answered on her behalf: "Grandma, someone taught An An how to play chess. No need to trouble Mr. Ji anymore."

"Who? It can't be you guys who are teaching An An, right?" Mrs. Qin has seen them play chess. She is a layman, but she can also see that her granddaughter's chess skills are better than those of her brothers. .

"No." Qin Fuga said calmly, "Grandma will know about it later, but I can't tell you now."

"So mysterious." Mrs. Qin muttered, but didn't ask any more questions.

Speaking of guests, Qin Luzheng turned to look at grandma, "Grandma, grandpa has guests coming, what about your guests at the door?"

After Mrs. Shao took An An to participate in the chess match, she came to Bay Villa, just like yesterday, to see Mrs. Qin and then to attack the Qin family for bullying her granddaughter Xinxin.

"What kind of guest do I have?" Mrs. Qin thought of the countless missed calls in the morning and hummed, "What kind of guest do you think you are if you come uninvited and have ulterior motives?"

Even though he said he had no time, he still insisted on blocking the door.

Mrs. Qin doesn't like this kind of unreasonable and dishonest way.

Last time, I gave Mrs. Shao a favor and gave her an invitation to a banquet. The Shao family was kind. The little daughter was only six years old, but she made her precious granddaughter angry and even made her so angry that she sent the bodyguard to go. Drive away the daughter of the Shao family.

Fortunately, the little granddaughter has a gentle and kind personality and doesn't take this matter to heart.

Otherwise, she would never let the Shao family go so easily.

Entrance to Bay Villa.

The Shao family's car had been parked for more than three hours, and the sun slowly rose from the east to directly above.

Mrs. Shao must enter the Bay Villa today to meet Mrs. Qin.

She didn't believe it. For an old man like her, who had half a leg in the coffin, the Qin family had the nerve to continue to thank guests behind closed doors.

At this moment, a black Ghost drove towards the entrance of Bay Villa and was immediately stopped by the bodyguards.

Mrs. Shao had closed her eyes and meditated in the back seat. When she heard the noise, she opened her eyes and looked straight at the car.

It doesn't look like the Qin family's car.

She sneered and prepared to wait to see others suffer the same fate as herself, but was stopped outside Bay Villa.

The next second, he saw the Qin family's bodyguards politely withdrawing, and the door of Bay Villa opened, allowing the car to drive into Bay Villa.

Mrs. Shao's anger suddenly surged to her head.

Okay, the Qin family is really good!You didn't see her on purpose, right?

She slammed the armrest of the seat and gritted her teeth: "Check who owns that car."

(End of this chapter)

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