My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 157: You are willing to accept a disciple and become a teacher.

Chapter 157: You are willing to accept a disciple and become a teacher.
Chapter 157

"Okay, madam." In the passenger seat was Shao Yongkang's assistant. Shao Yongkang was unable to accompany her to Qin's house today, so he sent an assistant to accompany her.

Ten minutes later, the assistant reported the found information: "Madam, the car that just drove in belongs to Mr. Ji."

"Mr. Ji?" Mrs. Shao thought for a moment and was suddenly startled: "Ji Yi?!"

Chess Grandmaster Ji Yi!

The assistant nodded: "Yes."

Why did Mr. Ji suddenly come to Qin's house?I have never heard of how good the relationship between Mr. Ji and the Qin family is.

Mrs. Shao took out her mobile phone and searched through her address book, and she really found Ji Yi's contact information.

Looking at the closed door of Bay Villa in front of her, Mrs. Shao did not hesitate and directly dialed Mr. Ji's number.


After dozens of seconds, unanswered calls are automatically disconnected.

Mrs. Shao slapped the armrest of the seat hard.

This damn.

Why can Ji Yi enter Bay Villa but she can't?
With a fit of anger, Mrs. Shao called Mrs. Qin for the nth time.

She couldn't remember how many calls she made to Mrs. Qin today. In order to get into the Bay Villa, she was really sold out, but Mrs. Qin still didn't buy her face, so she was stunned and refused to let her. Enter a villa in the bay.

Mrs. Shao was mentally prepared that the call would be rejected. Unexpectedly, the next second, the call was picked up.

"Mei Fen, why did you call me again?" Mrs. Qin's impatient voice came from the receiver.

Mrs. Shao's real name was Cao Meifen. At this moment, she had no intention of thinking about the impatience in Mrs. Qin's words. She just asked her: "Lan Jin, are you at home now? We haven't seen each other for a long time, let's meet up."

"It's true that I'm at home, but I'm lazy and don't want to entertain guests." Mrs. Qin chuckled: "You're not still waiting for me at the door, are you? Don't waste time, go home and rest, you are already old , Are you panicking? Stay at home."

The anger in Mrs. Shao's heart instantly grew stronger.

Don't want to entertain guests?

So who is Mr. Ji who just came in?
Isn't he a guest?
Mrs. Shao gritted her teeth, "Lan Jin, I'm thinking that I haven't offended you before, so why do you dislike me? Now you don't even want to see me."

Mrs. Qin frowned: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Mrs. Shao smiled evilly and said: "I saw Mr. Ji's car entering your Bay Villa. Didn't you say you didn't want to entertain guests? Then why did he go in?"

"Oh, Mr. Ji didn't come to see me, so of course I don't need to entertain him." Mrs. Qin was too lazy to explain to her, "That's it, you go home quickly, I won't see you."

"Hey, you—"


Before Mrs. Shao finished speaking, Mrs. Qin hung up the phone.

She was so angry that she threw her phone on the seat, "Damn it!"

The Qin family is really going too far!
Mrs. Shao clenched her gums and stared at the closed door of Bay Villa with hatred.

This Qin family is just waiting for others to order the dishes!He just wants to go against the Shao family!
She finally understood that decades of friendship meant nothing. If she didn't have some status, she really wouldn't be able to enter the gate of Bay Villa.

Mrs. Shao patted the chair lady hard and yelled angrily: "Let's go!"

The driver couldn't make up his mind, "Old lady, do you want to go home?"

"Otherwise? Do you still dare to break into Bay Villa?" Mrs. Shao scolded angrily: "Do you have any brains! You can even ask such nonsense!"

While cursing and cursing, the Shao family's car turned around and was no longer parked at the entrance of Bay Villa.In the garden of Bay Villa.

The Qin family's bodyguard reported the news of Mrs. Shao's departure to Mrs. Qin.

Mrs. Qin is still accompanying her precious little granddaughter, and is reluctant to leave this beautiful flower bush that is said to have "aura".

The small breasts rested comfortably in grandma's arms, with her six brothers beside her.

Hearing what the bodyguard uncle said, Qin Sui'an raised his face curiously and asked, "Grandma, why does Mrs. Shao insist on seeing you?"

"Who knows." Mrs. Qin would not let this kind of thing affect her granddaughter's mood. "I won't talk about her anymore. She is going home anyway."

Qin Sui'an didn't ask again. If grandma said she didn't want to tell, she wouldn't tell.

But she still had a new question: "Grandma, what about Mr. Ji?"

"He should be still in the living room apologizing to your grandpa right now." Thinking of this, Mrs. Qin laughed out loud, "We'll go out after they come looking for us."

This was one of the reasons why Mrs. Qin was not in a hurry to leave the flowers. She had to leave some time to let them clear up the misunderstanding first.

Mrs. Qin is right.

As soon as Mr. Ji entered the living room and saw Mr. Qin, he began to apologize and explain: "Old Qin, what I said on the phone was not careful enough. You misunderstood! What I meant was that I wanted to accept your little granddaughter as my disciple. No other meaning."

Mr. Qin sat on the sofa, glanced at him, and snorted: "I'm so old, I still don't know what to say!"

"It's my fault, I didn't think of my words well." Seeing that he was no longer angry, Mr. Ji relaxed, looked around, and said in a casual tone: "You are the only one in such a big family?"

"Do you think our bodyguards are all fakes?" Mr. Qin saw through that he wanted to see his little granddaughter, but it was not what he wanted and he didn't take the initiative to bring it up.

My granddaughter is my own treasure!How could it be so easy for others to see.

Mr. Ji had his heart set on his future apprentice and couldn't wait to see it in person, "Old Qin, where is your little granddaughter?"

Mr. Qin slowly picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, "Stop looking, she's not here."

Mr. Ji looked away in disappointment, sat on the sofa next to him, and asked: "Has she gone out? When will she be back?"

"I haven't gone out." Mr. Qin glanced at him, "Why are you in such a hurry? It's your business to accept a disciple. I won't get involved, but I'll say something ugly first. My little granddaughter may not want to admit you as a disciple. Master."

Mr. Ji glared and was about to retort when he blocked him again:

"Do you think you can take on a disciple if you want? Well, you don't even want to see whose family the disciple you want to take on belongs to." Mr. Qin put on airs and was very arrogant.

Mr. Ji was stunned to hold back the dissatisfaction in his heart, and said in a calm tone: "Don't worry, I won't force you. Accepting a disciple and becoming a master must be your own free will."

The bodyguard brought tea and placed it in front of Mr. Ji.

Mr. Qin raised his hand: "Drink, it's not easy to come all the way here."

"It's considerate of you to think that we are friends." Mr. Ji picked up the cup and drank slowly.

After he finished his glass of water, Mr. Qin stood up and said, "Let's go."

Mr. Ji glared: "Are you going to drive me away? I won't leave!"

The sofa is not even warm yet!

"You're not leaving, are you?" Mr. Qin snorted, "Then I'll go see my little granddaughter by myself."

Mr. Ji's face changed instantly, and he immediately stood up with a smile, and supported his arm diligently, "Let's go! Let's go! Old Qin, watch your step."

(End of this chapter)

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