Chapter 158

Chapter 158

in the garden.

Qin Suian heard the footsteps first and pricked up his ears, "Grandpa is here."

There was another sound of unfamiliar footsteps, one she didn't recognize.

Qin Nexun listened carefully and said, "It's grandpa, yes. Mr. Ji should also be here with grandpa."

Mrs. Qin looked at her little granddaughter in her arms with fondness, "An'an's ears are really smart, even smarter than your fourth brother."

Qin Sui'an chuckled and pursed his lips happily.

Mr. Ji supported Mr. Qin and came to the garden. He scanned around and found no one.

He frowned: "Old Qin, are you kidding me? There is no one here."

Mr. Qin snorted, "What's the rush?"

Mr. Qin walked forward in a familiar manner and came to a cluster of flowers. He then put down his crutch and sat down slowly.

Through the gaps in the flowers, he first saw a few grandchildren sitting outside, with a look of disgust that could not be concealed in their eyes.

How old are you!Still squeezing and hiding in the flowers, how childish!
I looked inside again and finally saw my wife sitting in the middle seat, and his precious little granddaughter.

Mr. Qin raised his smile happily and said, "An'an, do you still want to stay and play among the flowers?"

Mr. Ji had a strange look on his face and looked at Mr. Qin with subtle eyes, sitting on the lawn without any image at all, even giggling at the flowers.

Is this still the Qin Huo he knows?As if possessed by a ghost!A completely different person!

At this moment, a soft and cute little voice suddenly came from the flowers:
"Grandpa~ An An is about to go out!"

Mr. Ji froze. This must be the voice of his future apprentice!
He couldn't wait to imitate Mr. Qin next to him, sitting directly on the lawn, bending slightly and lowering his head, and looked carefully into the flowers.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi, who was full of expectations, was not seen, but Mr. Ji saw several of Xiao Nai Tuanzi's brothers first.

Qin Qianyi: "Huh? Who is this?"

Qin Yaoyu: "Is it Mr. Ji that fourth brother mentioned just now?"

Qin Niexun: "Yes."

Qin Luzheng: "Don't scare people, be friendly."

Qin Fuga and Qin Yanyi: "Hello, Mr. Ji."

Mr. Ji was startled when he was suddenly looked at by six pairs of eyes. He stiffly twitched the corners of his mouth and forced a smile: "Hello, hello."

This flower bush looks so small and narrow, why are there so many people crammed in it!

Before he had time to take a look at the small breast dumplings that he missed so much, Mr. Ji stood up because he was too embarrassed.

He was embarrassed to continue to lie down and look into the flowers. After all, he was a guest, not the owner like Mr. Qin.

"Well, I'll wait for you over there first." Mr. Ji said to Mr. Qin, and then walked to the pavilion in the garden.

Mr. Qin didn't stop him, "Go ahead."

Knowing that An An was about to come out of the flowers, the six brothers no longer crowded in the flowers and came out one after another.

Mr. Qin looked at the tall grandsons around him and clicked his tongue: "It's so narrow inside, why do you have to get in?"

Qin Qianyi patted the grass clippings on his body and said, "Grandpa, you have gotten in before."

It's true that it takes fifty steps to laugh at a hundred steps.Mr. Qin glared at him. After all, the grandson was telling the truth and there was no way to refute it.

The big white goose also emerged from the flowers, stretched its neck and stretched its body.

Oops, it’s almost squeezed into a goose cake!

After the big white goose came out, it was Qin Sui'an's little milk ball.

The little body made a noise and got up among the flowers.

Mr. Qin hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her with joy in his eyes, "Ah, our An'an has finally come out of it. Let grandpa see if he has been squeezed by your brothers?"

Qin Sui'an puffed out her cheeks and pushed out her round belly, "An'an is not flat~"

"Hahaha... That's right, not flat, but round." Mr. Qin rubbed her little face lovingly, with a smile on his face.

Qin Qianyi and Qin Yaoyu gathered together and whispered to each other.

"Grandpa, is this a double standard?"

"What a complete double standard! Seeing how disgusted we are, when I saw An An, my face almost broke with laughter!"

Mr. Qin picked up his crutch and threw it in the direction of the two of them.

He can't use his legs, but he's not deaf!
The two of them were still shouting: "Look, look, look! Double standards! Grandpa beat and scolded us!"

Mrs. Qin came out from the flowers and saw her husband blushing with anger at the two naughty grandsons. She smiled and said, "Okay, okay, stop teasing your grandpa, otherwise I will have to measure your grandpa's blood pressure."

After hearing these words, Qin Qianyi and Qin Yaoyu restrained themselves a little and stopped making jokes about their grandfather.

Qin Yanyi stepped forward, took the pulse of his grandfather's wrist, and said seriously: "Grandpa, don't be too excited."

Mr. Qin glared at the young grandson and the fifth grandson, and took a deep breath to calm down.

Because the purpose of Mr. Ji's visit was to take An An as his disciple, the six brothers returned to the castle first and did not stay in the garden anymore.

Mrs. Qin glanced in the direction of the castle, "Do you need to ask Hao Chen to come over?"

Mr. Qin nodded and said, "I asked the bodyguard to call him over."

Qin Sui'an lowered his head and clapped his fingers, "Daddy has been busy for two hours!"

After returning home from the chess game, Qin Haochen went to the study.

Mrs. Qin knelt down, fearing that she would feel uncomfortable, and comforted her: "Your father has to be busy with work. Only with work can you have money."

"An An understands." Qin Sui'an patted the bonus in his pocket: "When An An has many, many bonuses, Dad won't have to be so busy!"

Mrs. Qin put her arms around her and said, "An An is great."

When Qin Haochen came out of the castle and walked towards the garden, they also arrived at the pavilion in the garden to meet Mr. Ji.

Qin Sui'an walked slowly with his short legs and saw the strange old man in the pavilion. His big round eyes blinked and then bent into the shape of a small crescent. He said in a sweet voice: "Grandpa Ji, you Okay~"

"Hey, okay, okay!" Mr. Ji had seen the small breast dumplings on the surveillance camera, but he couldn't see clearly. Now that he saw her from a closer look, he made no secret of his satisfaction with her, and even showed some affection towards Mr. Qin. A little bit of the emotion called envy.

Lao Qin has such a bad temper!How could there be such a cute and adorable little granddaughter!
Heaven is unfair!
Mr. Qin clearly felt the envy and jealousy from Mr. Ji. He raised his chin slightly and curled his lips proudly.

Go away with envy, go away with jealousy!
Mr. Ji carefully moved in front of Xiaonuituanzi, knelt down and kept eye level with her, and asked: "An'an, do you know me?"

Anyone who knows a little bit about chess must have heard of his famous name Ji Yi!

When Mr. Ji asked Xiao Nai Tuanzi this question, he was just trying to make himself look good.

(End of this chapter)

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