Chapter 159 An An deliberately let him
Qin Sui'an nodded his little head, and replied cutely with a cute little voice: "I know, you are Grandpa Ji~"

"Oh! You know me." Mr. Ji smiled happily and narrowed his eyes, "Then do you know what I do, Grandpa Ji?"

Qin Suian nodded again: "Brothers said that Grandpa Ji plays chess."

I got this information from my brothers’ chats.

"So smart, so smart!" Mr. Ji was full of praise for her, already 100% satisfied with the little breast dumpling.

Mr. Qin looked at him with a silly smile on his little granddaughter, and snorted.

Look, this worthless expression doesn't look like a chess grandmaster!

Mr. Ji didn't say anything else and said directly: "An'an, I watched the video of your game this morning. You have a very thorough understanding of chess and are very talented."

Qin Sui'an didn't quite understand what he heard, but he knew that Grandpa Ji was praising him. His little face was flushed, and he couldn't hide his joy.

Mr. Ji asked: "An'an, do you still want to continue participating in the chess competition?"

"I want to~" Qin Sui'an immediately nodded his little head, "An An wants to win!" Only if you win can you get a lot of bonuses!

"What an ambition!" Mr. Ji's blood boiled with enthusiasm, "An An, I want to accept you as my disciple. From now on, I will lead you and keep winning!"

"Keep winning!" Qin Sui'an repeated his last words happily, because this was also her goal.

Mr. Ji's face was overjoyed and he clenched his hands excitedly: "An'an, are you promising me?"

Qin Sui'an tilted his little head in confusion: "What do you promise?"

"Promise to be my apprentice!" Mr. Ji pointed at her and then at himself, "From now on, I will be your master!"

Qin Sui'an blinked in confusion, and after realizing it, he immediately shook his little head: "No, An An already has a master!"

"What?! Who? Who is your master?" Mr. Ji turned back and glanced at Mr. Qin, "Your master is not your grandfather, is he? With his little chess skills, there is no way he can teach you!"

"Not grandpa." Qin Sui'an looked at his grandparents and then at Grandpa Ji.

It was her great-grandfather who taught her chess, and her great-grandfather was her master.

Mr. Ji was about to ask who Xiao Naituanzi's master was, but when he saw her expression that was hard to explain, his heart softened and he couldn't bear to ask her, "Okay, then An'an, if you want to be my master in the future, , I’m available at any time! I’m waiting for you!”

Qin Sui'an nodded seriously, "An An will remember it."

Mr. Qin saw Mr. Ji's melancholy and lost look and smiled: "Old Ji, don't be too sad. Who made my little granddaughter so popular? Someone has accepted her as a disciple a long time ago."

The pride in his tone could not be concealed.

Mr. Ji glanced at him and said, "Why are you so proud? It's not you who is great, it's your little granddaughter."

"My little granddaughter is so good, I'm naturally proud of it!" Mr. Qin's smile only grew. "Old Ji, you don't know, my little granddaughter is not only good at chess, but also in other aspects!"

Mr. Ji was dubious about what he said. He had only seen Xiao Nai Tuanzi's chess talent.

When Qin Haochen came to the garden, he happened to hear that Xiao Naituan refused to accept Mr. Ji as his teacher.

This is what he expected.

Qin Haochen strode into the pavilion, squatted down first, took the little breasts into his arms, and then looked at Mr. Ji: "Hello, Mr. Ji."

Mr. Ji was surprised: "Hao Chen is really becoming more and more talented!"

The genes of the Qin family, from Lao Qin to Xiaonuo Tuanzi, are all traces of Nuwa's preference, and everyone looks too good.

Looking at Lao Qin's wife, Lan Jin, the eldest daughter of the Lan family, although she is older, she can still see her beautiful appearance when she was young.Mr. Ji then thought of Lao Qin's daughter-in-law, Ye Chaosi, the jewel in the eye of the Ye Group. He had met her once at the wedding of Qin Ye's marriage, and she was also stunningly pretty.

Mr. Ji's eyes fell on Xiaotuanzi's small face, which indeed looked somewhat similar to the apple of the eye of the Ye family.

I heard that Ye Chaosi was an extremely smart woman. Coupled with the genes of the Qin family, it was no wonder that Xiao Naituanzi had such an extraordinary talent at such a young age.

Qin Sui'an leaned in her father's arms and noticed that Grandpa Ji was staring at her face motionless. She was extremely puzzled. She stretched out her little hand, touched her face, and then asked her father in a low voice: " Daddy, is An An’s face dirty?”

"It's not dirty." Qin Haochen touched her little face, turned to look at Mr. Ji, and said loudly: "Mr. Ji, please stay and eat together at noon."

Mr. Ji suddenly came out of his thoughts and said, "I'm really sorry. I was thinking about something just now and was lost in thought."

Back then, the young daughter of the Qin family was kidnapped, and the jewel in the Ye family's eye was injured. After that, the Ye family seemed to have lost contact with the Qin family, and they would never have any contact with each other until death.

Mr. Ji kept silent about this matter, and followed Qin Haochen's words, and continued: "Then I would rather obey his orders than be respectful. It's been a long time since I've eaten with Lao Qin."

Mr. Qin glanced at him and said, "You are such a busy man, you spend all your time at the chessboard."

"Oh, yes, talking about the chessboard -" Mr. Ji looked at Xiaonuituanzi again and asked with a smile: "An'an, can you play chess with me later? Just one game, just one game."

Mr. Qin frowned and spoke first: "You, a chess grandmaster, play chess with my little granddaughter?"

Isn't this bullying his little granddaughter?
Mr. Ji patted his chest and said happily: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Fortunately, I was born early. Otherwise, I would definitely not be awarded the title of Grand Master."

Hearing that he was praising his little granddaughter, Mr. Qin was happy and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Mr. Ji "coaxed" Mr. Qin and asked him again about the little milk dumplings.

Qin Sui'an naturally has no problem, why not just play a game of chess.

After lunch, Qin Haochen came to the chess room with her little breasts in her arms.

Mr. Ji followed them and looked around, "Have you checked specifically? The layout of the chess room looks like a competition."

Mr. Qin nodded, "We are worried that An An will be too nervous at the competition site. This chess room is arranged according to the rules of the competition."

A square mahogany table was placed in the center, and the bodyguards had placed the chessboard in advance.

Qin Haochen put the little nipples on one of the chairs, took two steps back, and stood behind the little nipples to watch.

Mr. Ji sat opposite her and said dotingly: "An'an, you go first."

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an did not refuse. For her, there was basically no difference in leaving first and then leaving.

She picked up a red chess piece and started to take the first step.

The smile on Mr. Ji's face remained unchanged, but his eyes looking at the chessboard became sharper, and his eyebrows became more serious.

After he moved a chess piece, Qin Sui'an picked up the red chess piece again and took the second move, without spending much time thinking about it, as if she had already calculated it.

Mr. Ji glanced at her, and the smile on his face disappeared unconsciously, replaced by a serious look.

Others stood behind them, keeping quiet, silently watching the young and the old playing chess back and forth.

Several brothers were the first to see the clues and made eye contact with each other.

Because An An told them in the flowers that if she likes someone, she will play chess with them for a while longer.

So - An An now deliberately wants to accompany Mr. Ji and play chess for a while longer.

(End of this chapter)

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