Chapter 160
Mr. Ji, a chess grand master, naturally saw the clues, so that his expression became more and more solemn.

He frowned in thought, as if he wanted to get rid of the chessboard designed by Xiao Naituanzi.

But no matter which step he took, Xiaonuituanzi still took the next step easily, as if every step he took was already expected by her.

Fifteen minutes later, Mr. Ji suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. His mind and body seemed to have experienced a war, and he felt an indescribable sense of relief all over his body.

It was Mr. Ji's turn to play chess, but he did not get any more chess pieces. He just said: "An An's chess skills are very superb. I was too proud before and wanted to take An An as my disciple."

He smiled self-deprecatingly, "I should be the one to take An An as my teacher."

When Qin Sui'an heard Grandpa Ji's words, he immediately shook his little head, looked at Grandpa Ji seriously with his round eyes, and said in a sweet voice: "An'an does not accept disciples~"

Mr. Ji laughed loudly, "Hahaha..."

The little breast dumplings are so cute!
Mr. Ji has played countless games in his life and met many opponents, but none of them made him feel like he was just a pawn on the chessboard.

And the opponent who made him feel this way was just a three-year-old girl with small breasts.

At such a young age, my chess skills have reached a state of perfection, and I will be able to do so in the future!
It also made Mr. Ji extremely curious, who taught Xiao Nai Tuanzi to play chess? If Xiao Nai Tuanzi is so good, wouldn't her master directly become a god?

Mr. Ji admitted defeat and did not continue playing chess with Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

Qin Sui'an had eaten and drank enough, and also played chess for a while. It was time for a nap. Qin Haochen picked her up in his arms and took her upstairs to his room for a nap.

Mr. Qin and Mr. Ji moved to the living room, and the others dispersed.

The bodyguard brought afternoon tea and snacks and placed them in front of them.

Mr. Ji took a sip of tea and sipped his mouth, as if he was savoring the aroma of the tea or thinking about the chess game just now.

Mr. Qin drank tea slowly and leisurely. He caught a glimpse of his astonished expression and asked him: "I played a game of chess with my little granddaughter. You seem to have learned a lot of truth?"

"You don't understand." Mr. Ji smiled cheerfully, as if he was not the one who lost to the three-year-old little breast dumplings. He looked in a very good mood, "Old Qin, you have found a treasure. There is such a A smart little granddaughter.”

"Don't be envious, don't be jealous." Mr. Qin raised his lips, looking very proud and arrogant.

Mr. Ji put down his tea cup and couldn't hide his excitement: "I was thinking just now that not many people in your Qin family are interested in chess, and then -"

He paused deliberately.

Mr. Qin clicked his tongue and asked, "What next? Just tell me."

Seeing that he was interested, Mr. Ji continued: "Then I suddenly thought of your father! I remember when we were still in school, you often complained to me that your father loved chess more. Spending time at the chessboard every day.”

"It seems that there is such a thing." Mr. Qin can't remember clearly. His father has passed away many years ago. The most recent memory for him is that he often asked him to burn paper money in his dreams, saying that he didn't have enough money to spend in the underworld. .

Mr. Ji regretted not being able to play chess with Mr. Qin's father before, and he didn't know what his father's chess skills were because his father did not participate in any competitions and only regarded chess as a hobby. .

After drinking tea for a while, Mr. Qin saw that he was in good spirits, so he asked him: "Would you like to play golf for a while?"

My granddaughter played golf with some of her grandsons before, and I heard that she is also a pretty good golfer.

Thinking of this, Mr. Qin showed that proud look again: His precious little granddaughter is so amazing!
Mr. Ji didn't know what he was thinking, so he glanced at him inexplicably, "Aren't you terrible at golf? What are you proud of?"

"You don't understand." Mr. Qin returned his original words to him, stood up, and held onto his crutches, "Let's go play golf."

Upstairs, in Qin Haochen's bedroom.

Qin Sui'an's small figure was lying comfortably on the bed, her round eyes almost narrowed into a slit, and she was very sleepy.

Qin Haochen covered her with the quilt and lay beside her, patting her gently with one hand, "Go to sleep, An'an." "Daddy..." Qin Suian opened his eyes, and the only sound left was the sound of her milky voice. The next breath: "Do An An and Mama look alike?"

She still remembered that when her father and Uncle He went to pick her up from the orphanage, Uncle He said that she looked a lot like her mother.

In the morning, Grandpa Ji looked at her face and didn't know what he was thinking. She guessed that maybe Grandpa Ji was thinking of her mother.

But she had no impression of her mother, and she never saw her mother after returning home.

Qin Haochen's movements froze, and he was very surprised by the sudden question about the small nipple, but he still answered patiently: "An'an is very much like your mother."

The first time he saw Xiao Naituan in the orphanage, he knew that Xiao Naituan was his biological daughter and there was no need for any identification at all.


Qin Sui'an said something drowsily after that, and then fell asleep.

Qin Haochen didn't hear clearly and kissed the little nipple's forehead: "Go to sleep, An'an."


In the living room on the first floor, Mrs. Shao scolded everyone in the Qin family. Her mouth was dry and her anger was not reduced by half.

Shen Shuwen heard the servant say in the morning that she had gone to the Qin family, so she guessed that she would definitely get into trouble there. She was hiding in her daughter's room, not wanting to go downstairs, lest she become her punching bag.

Shao Xinxin sat on the bed, flipping through childish children's books boredly.

From time to time, her grandmother's screams and curses could be heard downstairs.

Shao Xixin frowned irritably.

After resurrecting his life, there is no advantage at all. Should he be suppressed by the Qin family, he should still be suppressed by the Qin family.

And Qin Suian will not be affected by him at all.

Damn it, it must be the effect of those silver bracelets, otherwise Qin Sui'an wouldn't be so smooth!

Is there any other way to avoid the protection of the Qin family and snatch the pair of silver bracelets?
Shen Shuwen suddenly muttered: "Why did you scold Mr. Ji too? What did Mr. Ji do to offend her?"

After Mrs. Shao finished scolding the Qin family, she started scolding Mr. Ji because Mr. Ji didn't answer her call.

"Mr. Ji?" Shao Xinxin suddenly raised her head and looked at her mother: "Mommy, are you talking about Grandpa Ji?"

"Yes, Xinxin, do you remember Grandpa Ji?" Seeing that her daughter finally regained her energy, Shen Shuwen immediately came over and said, "Grandpa Ji came to our house before and hugged you. At that time, you seemed I’m only a few months old, I didn’t expect you to still remember it!”

How could Shao Xinxin still remember something that happened just a few months ago?

She just thought that in the last century, the old man wanted to accept Qin Sui'an as his apprentice, but Qin Sui'an refused, and Mr. Ji was depressed for a while.

If she remembers correctly, Qin Suian will often participate in chess competitions in the future and win countless No. 1 prizes.

And Mr. Ji is a chess grandmaster...

If she could take Mr. Ji as her teacher and learn his chess skills, she would definitely be able to crush Qin Sui'an in the chess world!

Shao Xinxin said eagerly: "Mommy, I want to take Grandpa Ji as my teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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