Chapter 161 An An’s pet is no ordinary pet
Shen Shuwen was a little puzzled when her daughter Xinxin suddenly said this, "Xinxin, you have already signed up for a chess training class. You don't need to be a teacher of Mr. Ji. Your chess skills are much better than other children." Besides, we don’t have to participate in any formal competitions.”

Shao Xinxin immediately said: "Mommy, I want to participate in the chess competition!"

Shen Shuwen frowned, "There's nothing interesting about this game. It's just a waste of time."

After muttering, and seeing her daughter's firm expression, Shen Shuwen immediately changed her tune, "Okay, okay, participate. No matter what Xinxin wants to do, I will support you."

"Thank you, Mommy." Shao Xinxin hugged her happily, and then asked: "Mommy, can you contact Grandpa Ji? I want to apprentice with Grandpa Ji earlier."

"You can definitely do it, just give me some time." Shen Shuwen patted her head lovingly. Although she was confused as to why her daughter suddenly became so interested in chess, she still fully supported her hobby.

But, will Mr. Ji still accept disciples?

I heard that Mr. Ji has stopped accepting new apprentices for a long time.

Forget it, put in more money and give more gifts when the time comes. No matter how famous these old people are, won't they bow down to money in the end?
Shen Shuwen disagreed and smiled happily when she saw that her daughter had regained her energy and was no longer depressed about the banquet.

Shao Xinxin would not cause trouble for herself. After knowing that her family was not up to par and could not seek justice for herself, she treated the banquet as if it had never happened.

At least, no one dared to mention it in front of her.

——Except Shi Yimin.

Shao Xinxin rested for three days in a row before returning to kindergarten.

Her body is still that of a six-year-old child, but her soul is already a teenager. Watching a group of children competing for toys during recess, she just feels bored and childish.

Shao Xinxin was sitting where the teacher's seat was, staring boredly at the children in the same class playing.

Suddenly, someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"Xinxin! Why are you so stupid?" Shi Yimin ran over with bright eyes, showing the innocence of a child: "It couldn't be that you became stupid after you were kicked out of Uncle Qin's house that day. Bar?"

Shao Xinxin's hand hanging by his side immediately clenched into a fist.

Did she do it on purpose? !
However, Yi Min still looked concerned: "Xinxin, have you seen a psychiatrist? My mother said that if you are stimulated, you may become a fool!"

Shao Xinxin gritted his teeth and forced a smile: "I'm fine, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense. It was my mother who told me that this kind of thing really happened in the news!" Shi Yimin thought about it seriously, "What is that word called psychological sequelae?"

"That's enough, I said I'm fine, I'm fine!" Shao Xinxin glared at her angrily.

"Oh..." Shi Yimin was suddenly glared at by her, feeling very confused, "Why are you angry? You are so weird."

Shao Xinxin couldn't sit down anymore, so she stood up and walked towards the class.

Shi Yimin hummed softly, feeling that Shao Xinxin had a weird temper, but Shao Xinxin had always been like this, so he didn't take it to heart and turned around and walked towards the other children.

The child saw the goose feather in her pocket at a glance and asked curiously: "Yinmin, why did you put a goose feather in your pocket?"

"Sister An An gave this to me. This goose feather is very powerful!" Shi Yi took out the goose feather from his pocket and stroked it lovingly. "I found that as long as I carry it, I will not You’ll get wet!”

She discovered this when she was taking a bath. As soon as she touched this goose feather, the water on her body would disappear and her whole body would feel refreshed.

Shao Xinxin, who was just about to go back to class, suddenly stopped.

She turned around and fixed her gaze on the goose feather in Shi Yimin's hand.She had the impression that these were goose feathers plucked from Qin Sui'an's pet white goose.

What Shi Yimin said also reminded her of something.

At the banquet, she jumped into the swimming pool, and Shi Yimin also jumped into the swimming pool to save her.

Obviously they had all been in the swimming pool, but after they left the swimming pool, she was all wet and in a miserable state.

Shi Yimin, on the other hand, still maintained her original appearance and did not look like she had been soaked by the swimming pool water at all.

Could it be because of this goose feather?
If this is the case, then Qin Sui'an's big white goose is definitely not an ordinary pet big white goose!
Shao Xinxin suddenly remembered that Qin Sui'an went to her house to ask for the little diamond apple, and the big white goose followed the Qin family here for no reason.

It's really suspicious.

So suspicious!

That big white goose must have some secrets that she doesn't know about!

Shi Yimin felt a gaze directed at her. Looking back, she saw Shao Xinxin staring at the goose feather in her hand with an uncomfortable look.

She immediately put the goose feather back into her pocket and said to Shao Xinxin: "Xinxin, this is the goose feather that sister An An gave me. I won't give it to you. You don't have to read it."

Shao Xinxin came back from her thoughts, twitched the corner of her mouth, and said disdainfully: "Who cares about your goose feather?"

After saying that, she turned around and continued walking to the class.

Shi Yimin felt that Shao Xixin was particularly strange today and wrinkled his nose depressedly.

The kid next to him whispered, "Xinxin, Xinxin has been acting weird lately and doesn't like to play with us anymore. We gave her snacks and gifts, but she didn't want to ask for them anymore."

We all played well before, and although we occasionally quarreled, it was just a tantrum between children.

Shi Yi shook her head in shock, wondering what was wrong with Shao Xinxin, "Ignore her, let's play with ourselves."

At the same time, a villa in the bay.

The big white goose curled up in the flowers and slept while sucking spiritual energy, as if awakened from a nightmare, its small eyes as big as bean dots opened.

It was trembling all over, curling up its long neck and gently stroking the goose feathers on its body with its beak.

very scary!
It actually saw itself being plucked with all its feathers!
"Big White Goose~Big White Goose~"

In the distance, the cry of An An's cub was heard.

The big white goose's eyes lit up, and he immediately rushed out of the flowers and rushed into the arms of An An's cub: "Gah~"

Qin Sui'an squatted down and touched its little head doubtfully, "What's wrong with the big white goose?"

"Gah~" The big white goose shook its head, not wanting to worry cub An An, and to ease the fear in its heart, it asked: "Gah~ cub An An, why are you the only one?"

"Brothers are all busy. Grandpa and grandma are reading the newspaper, and daddy is at work."

In the huge villa on the bay, she was the only one with her small breasts free.

(End of this chapter)

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