Chapter 162 Sensing that she is in the hospital

The big white goose raised one wing, imitated a human hand, and patted baby An An on the shoulder comfortingly, "Hey, baby An An, whatever do you want to play? This goose will play with you!"

Qin Sui'an didn't have anything he wanted to play, so Big White Goose suggested to go shopping around. One villa in the bay was enough for them to spend the whole day.

A young goose and a goose strolled slowly and leisurely around the bay.

Qin Sui'an took small steps and asked seriously: "Big White Goose, why has Grandpa disappeared these days? Has Grandpa gone home?"

"Gah~" The big white goose knew and immediately replied: "An'an cub, your great-grandfather is going back to the underworld to apply for a travel pass for the human world. He also said that he just wanted to avoid you to participate in the chess competition, lest he couldn't help but secretly help you. Cheating."

Grandpa was reluctant to let Xiao Nai Tuanzi lose the chess game, and was afraid that he would accidentally help her out, which would be unfair to the other contestants and unfair to Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

Grandpa himself has never participated in a formal chess competition. He only knows that Xiao Nai Tuanzi is pretty good at chess and learns quickly. He is not sure whether she can beat an opponent who is more than ten years older than her.

Fortunately, my great-great-grandfather’s worries were unnecessary. Xiao Nai Tuanzi went through all the challenges without losing. Even Mr. Ji, the chess master, lost to Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

"Underworld, human world..."

Qin Sui'an didn't understand these unfamiliar words very well, but she probably knew that great-grandpa was the soul, and the underworld was the special home where great-grandpa lived.

This reminded her of her mother, whom she had only seen photos of but never met in person.

The big white goose clearly felt that the baby An An's pace was getting slower and slower. When he turned around, he found her frowning, her expression full of sadness.

"Gah~ An'an cub, what's wrong with you?"

"I want to see Mommy." Qin Sui'an lowered his head, his soft voice filled with unconcealable depression.

The big white goose couldn't see the melancholy side of the baby An An, so it quickly flapped its wings and said: "Gah~ This is easy! You can go directly to see your mother!"

The little girl paused and blinked in confusion, "An An doesn't know where Mom is."

The big white goose closed its small, bean-sized eyes. After a while, it opened its eyes, "Gah~ It's in a white place! I know it's called a hospital!"

In City A alone, there are countless large and small hospitals, not to mention the world is so big.

The big white goose closed its eyes again, trying to narrow down the area. Before it could detect the specific hospital address, a sudden roar of a motorcycle interrupted its concentration.

Qin Sui'an also heard the sound of the motorcycle, turned around curiously, and looked back.

I saw a bright red motorcycle speeding on the road of Bay Villa.

The motorcycle first circled the castle, stopped briefly, and the owner of the motorcycle seemed to be talking to the bodyguard on the other side of the castle, and then drove in the direction the bodyguard pointed, which was also the direction where Qin Suian was.

Qin Sui'an waved his little hands to the big white goose and stood aside together to avoid the motorcycle.

The rumbling sound gradually approached, and finally stopped in front of Qin Suian.

The man on the motorcycle took off his helmet and shook his messy hair neatly.

"Little brother?" Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes and looked at the red bike the little brother was riding. "Wow, the little brother is so awesome. He can also ride a bicycle!"

"Shh, don't let grandpa know, otherwise my legs will be in danger!"

Qin Qianyi's school arranged an exam today. He hurriedly filled out the test papers, bought his classmate's motorcycle at a high price, and went home directly.

Qin Qianyi got out of the car, strode in front of her, and squatted down, "Why did An An come here?" He looked around and saw no one else, leaving only a big white goose accompanying An An.

In an instant, he immediately hugged her and said with great distress: "Isn't there anyone to play with you? It doesn't matter, I'll play with you!"

The big white goose flapped its wings angrily: "Gah! Although this goose is not a human, I can still play with An An! As a human being, don't take this goose seriously!"

Qin Qianyi couldn't understand what it was squawking, but he felt its anger, "An'an, is it scolding me?"

"Big White Goose won't scold little brother." Qin Sui'an pursed his lips and smiled, and then said: "Little brother, An An can also play with himself, no need to accompany him!"

"So good!" Qin Qianyi rubbed her little head.

He first threw the car keys to the nearby bodyguard and asked the bodyguard to drive the motorcycle back to the garage.

Then he bent down and picked up An An, "Where do you want to go? I'll carry you there."

There is no need to bother An An to walk by herself!
Qin Sui'an smiled cheerfully with his eyes bent, and replied in a sweet voice: "I'm not going anywhere~"

"Oh, I understand, you are shopping, right?" Qin Qianyi hugged her and strode forward, not forgetting to look back at the big white goose, "make sure to keep up."

The big white goose glared at him angrily: "Gah!" This goose was walking very fast!

As soon as the little brother arrived, Qin Sui'an temporarily put aside what he had just said to the big white goose.

She had been home for so many days and rarely heard her brothers mention her mother, so she never mentioned it again.

The big white goose heard the inner thoughts of the baby An An and didn't mention it again, even though its goose language was incomprehensible to other humans.

After walking half a circle around Bay Villa, Qin Qianyi was not tired, but he was worried that his sister An An would be too hot, so he took her into the indoor basketball court and took her to play basketball.

The indoor basketball court is very spacious and has six basketball hoops. At this time, there are only Qin Suian, Qin Qianyi and Dabai Goose.

The big white goose doesn't know how to play, so it runs around, avoiding the randomly bouncing basketball, for fear of being hit.

Qin Qianyi held up his sister An An and led her to shoot and dunk, making An An laugh.

After playing until about four o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Qianyi carried An An towards the castle.

Qin Sui'an was so tired that he lay on his little brother's shoulder. A lump of flesh was squeezed out of his little face, which was so soft that it looked very easy to pinch.

Qin Qianyi looked sideways at her, raised the corners of his lips, and patted her back gently with the palm of his hand, "Are you sleepy, An'an? Why don't you just sleep for a while? I'll walk slowly. I can walk more than a dozen steps until I reach the castle." Two 10 minutes.”

"Well..." Qin Sui'an wasn't very sleepy at first, but when his little brother mentioned it, and because he walked very steadily, he felt very comfortable, and his round eyes blinked slower and slower.

Qin Qianyi looked at her again, lowered his voice, and asked her, "Did An An say something to the big white goose just now?"

Just now, it meant the time when he came to her on a motorcycle.

Little Nipples' little expression couldn't hide his thoughts, and the big white goose frequently looked at Little Nipples with hesitant eyes.

Qin Qianyi guessed it and held back from saying anything. He waited until she was tired from playing to make her happy, then took the opportunity to mention it.

(End of this chapter)

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