Chapter 163 An An is the principle!

Chapter 163

Qin Sui'an was half asleep and half awake. His little head was in a daze. When he heard his little brother's question, he mumbled softly: "Mommy... big white goose..."

Qin Qianyi listened carefully and could only hear these five words.

Qin Qianyi didn't have much dependence on his nominal mother Ye Chaosi. The brothers were used to being independent and didn't have a particularly strong attachment to their family members.

Furthermore, before Ye Chaosi married Qin Haochen, the role of "mother" did not exist in the lives of their brothers.

Qin Qianyi couldn't quite understand why An An suddenly mentioned her mother. Did she miss her?

Just as he was about to ask again, he turned his head and saw An An leaning on his shoulder, her mouth slightly open, sleeping soundly.

Qin Qianyi smiled silently, said nothing, slowed down, and headed towards the castle at the speed of a turtle.

A creature like my sister is simply not too beautiful.

Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin stood at the gate of the castle, looking forward to it.

"What is this kid Qian Yi talking about? Are you walking so slowly on purpose?" Mr. Qin clenched his cane and frowned anxiously.

Mrs. Qin comforted him: "Don't be anxious, be patient."

Seeing the figure of his grandson Qin Qianyi finally appearing at the corner ahead, Mr. Qin couldn't wait a moment and rushed forward with a cane.

Of course, he was welcoming his precious little granddaughter.

As he got closer, Mr. Qin was about to scold his grandson for walking too slowly. When he opened his mouth, he suddenly saw his precious granddaughter sleeping on his grandson's shoulder, and he swallowed all his words.

He immediately stood there without making any footsteps and winked at his little grandson: How long have you been sleeping peacefully?

"About half an hour." Qin Qianyi lowered his voice and replied, "I took her to play basketball."

Mr. Qin glared at him dissatisfied: An An is only so old, playing basketball is too dangerous!What should I do if I accidentally hit it?
Qin Qianyi said: "Don't worry, grandpa, I'm here. An An is not injured. She had a great time."

Even with him around, Mr. Qin wouldn't feel at ease.

This little grandson is whining so unreliably!

Qin Qianyi raised his eyes and looked at the sky, which was slowly getting dark.

Thinking that it was almost time to have dinner, he did not enter the castle, nor did he have the heart to wake up his sleeping sister, so he just carried her and walked around the castle in circles.

When Mr. Qin saw this, he didn't say anything. He just stared at him worriedly, fearing that he would be unsteady and drop his precious granddaughter.

Mrs. Qin shook her head and laughed, and whispered: "His legs are much easier to use than yours, so don't worry about it."

Mr. Qin was a little dissatisfied, but he had to accept it.

What Xiaojin said was the truth.

Qin Haochen rushed home before sunset. As soon as the car drove into Bay Villa, Qin Suian slowly woke up after sleeping.

She rubbed her eyes, and her little voice said with the confused energy of just waking up: "Daddy..."

Qin Qianyi turned his head to look at her and said with a smile, "An'an has really good ears. Dad's car just drove in."

Walking back to the gate of the castle, the car happened to stop.

Qin Haochen pushed the door open and got out of the car. With a clear goal in mind, he strode to the front of Xiaonuituan, stretched out his long hands and took her into his arms.

Seeing that her cheeks were pink and tender, and her eyes were still a little dazed, Qin Haochen smiled fondly: "Did An An just wake up?"

"Well... I'm tired of playing basketball." Qin Suian leaned in his arms, his round eyes as curved as crescent moons.It’s so happy to see my dad right after I woke up!
Qin Haochen carried her towards the castle while looking at her hands carefully: "Are you injured?"

Qin Sui'an shook his little head: "No~"

"That's good." Qin Haochen breathed a sigh of relief and praised, "An An is awesome."

In the restaurant, dinner had been prepared in advance. After dinner, Qin Haochen stayed with her every step of the way.

Qin Haochen had previously thought about delaying Xiao Naituan's admission to kindergarten by one semester, but when Xiao Naituan mentioned that he wanted to go to kindergarten, he started to prepare for it.

Qin Haochen sorted out the information of several kindergartens with good reputations, took out the one prepared for small breasts, opened it to her, and said, "An'an, look at these photos, which one do you like better?"

These are photos of various kindergarten environments, including some photos of class times.

Qin Sui'an looked through it curiously and asked seriously: "Daddy, is this a kindergarten?"

"Well, there are several kindergartens here. Let's take a look and see which one you like better."

Qin Sui'an was looking at photos of kindergartens. Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin and Qin Qianyi were sitting next to them looking at the information on these kindergartens.

Qin Qianyi saw quickly, "It doesn't look like there's any difference."

Selected from thousands of kindergartens, it must be the top kindergarten.

Mr. Qin had a serious expression on his face and looked at the information of each kindergarten attentively, trying to pick out the bones from the eggs. The kindergarten that his precious little granddaughter was about to attend must not be careless.

Seeing something familiar, Mrs. Qin pointed to one of the kindergartens and asked, "Are the children of the Shi family studying in this kindergarten?"

Qin Haochen took a look, nodded and said, "This is it."

"I think this family is good. It just so happens that the little girl Zhen is getting along well with An An." Mrs. Qin remembered that at the banquet, Shi Yi Zhen stayed with their family An An for a long time. From the bodyguard's report, she learned that Shi Yi Zhen Yi Min also likes their family An An.

The main thing is that Mrs. Qin has a very good impression of Shi Yimin. She is a little girl with a bit of temper. With her here, her precious granddaughter does not have to worry about being bullied by other blind people in the kindergarten.

Mrs. Qin put down the information, turned her head and focused her gaze on her little granddaughter, with a soft look on her face.

The worries she had at the previous moment disappeared, and she changed her mind: "Just go to whichever restaurant An An likes."

Whoever dares to bully her precious little granddaughter will fight with her old bones.

Qin Qianyi laughed when he heard what grandma said: "Grandma is so unprincipled."

Mrs. Qin clicked her tongue and corrected her seriously: "I am a very principled person."

Her principle is her precious little granddaughter.

Qin Qianyi saw through it without saying anything, and nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, yes."

Qin Sui'an flipped through the photos with gusto. It took him a while to look through all the kindergarten photos.

Qin Haochen asked softly: "Which family does An An like?"

Pointing her little finger at the photo of one of the kindergartens, Qin Sui'an raised her face, pursed her lips and said cutely, "An An likes this one."

"Okay, then this is the one." Qin Haochen glanced at the name of the kindergarten and asked He Yan to contact it.

Mr. Qin looked at his little granddaughter and said cheerfully: "An An is so discerning! I also like this kindergarten!"

Qin Qianyi glanced at the name of the kindergarten and then at his grandfather: "Grandpa, you haven't started looking at the information about this kindergarten yet."

(End of this chapter)

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