Chapter 164 The human cub ready to move

Mr. Qin picked up the information and patted his head, "Shut up!"

What's the point of tearing him down?
Mrs. Qin bent over with laughter, "Ahuo, just talk, don't do anything."

Mr. Qin put down the information obediently.

Qin Sui'an looked at them, his round eyes curved into small crescents.

Her little expression was so cute, Qin Qianyi couldn't help it, reached out and gently pinched her little face, "Hey, you were snickering at me, I caught you."

Qin Sui'an corrected in a sweet voice: "An'an didn't laugh secretly!"

"Okay, you are laughing at me openly." Qin Qianyi reached out and pinched her little face again.

This soft and slippery feel is so addictive.

The next moment, Qin Qianyi felt a knife being thrown towards his hand.

Qin Haochen stared at his hand, as if holding back murderous intent.

Qin Qianyi was frightened and quickly retracted his hand.

Things in the kindergarten were settled for the time being. Qin Haochen secretly wanted Xiao Naituan to stay at home for more time, so he specially asked He Yan to inspect the kindergarten carefully.

He Yan had followed him for many years, so he naturally understood that he was reluctant to let Xiaonuituan go to kindergarten. It was rare for him to be lazy and not finish the matter immediately.

At early nine o'clock in the evening, Qin Haochen took the small milk ball back to the room to wash up and prepare to rest.

Qin Qianyi sent them upstairs until the door was closed.

He scratched the back of his head, feeling like he had forgotten something.

"never mind……"

No matter what the matter is, if the soldiers come to cover it up with water and earth, it won't be a big problem.

As usual, Qin Fuga took the big white goose to meditate and chant sutras every morning, hoping to wash away its animal nature as soon as possible and become a truly harmless pet goose.

At 08:30 in the morning, there was a vague sound of Bentley leaving outside. It was Qin Haochen who went to the group to do business.

Qin Fuga finished his meditation and looked up at the big white goose sitting on the sofa, "That's it for today."


The big white goose jumped off the sofa and ran away without looking back.

Its first favorite is to be around the An An cub, and its second favorite is flowers full of energy.

Qin Fuga didn't stop it. After breakfast, he left the Bay Villa.

Qin Sui'an didn't sleep for long today and woke up before nine o'clock.

After having a good morning video call with her father, she obediently washed herself, changed her clothes, put on her cute little slippers, and moved downstairs.

Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin were able to go to bed early and get up early in the first few days, and gradually began to sleep in, but they haven't gotten up yet.

In the huge castle, An An was suddenly the only one left, as well as countless bodyguards, both covert and covert.

Qin Sui'an walked to the restaurant in a familiar manner.

The bodyguard immediately brought her breakfast to the table, watching her eat her breakfast carefully and with a smile.

Without the company of his family, Qin Sui'an ate very quickly. He drank a bottle full of fresh and fragrant milk in one go, and then ate breakfast one after another.

The portions of the food were carefully calculated so that she would be full without being overly stuffed.

After finishing his breakfast, Qin Suian licked his lips with satisfaction: "Uncle bodyguard, An An is full!"

"Miss An An is great!" The bodyguard took her out of the children's dining chair. "Miss An An, is there anything else you need me to do for you?"

"No need~" Qin Sui'an walked outside with a hesitation, while Xiao Naiyin muttered: "An'an goes to play with the big white goose~"

By the way, feed the silver bracelet~
The silver bracelet on her wrist gave off a faint light, responding to her.Qin Sui walked into the garden quietly.

The bodyguards saw her cute little figure disappearing into the special cluster of flowers, with smiles in their eyes, guarding outside the garden.

From time to time, they could also hear the call of geese coming from the flowers.

In the flowers.

The big white goose sat next to baby An An, "Hey, baby An An, do you still want to know which hospital your mother is in?"

Last night, the big white goose had sensed the specific location of An An's cub's mother, but could not find a chance to talk to An An's cub alone.

Qin Sui'an immediately nodded his head, his round eyes full of expectation, "I want to~"

Big White Goose reported the name of the hospital, and then added: "Gah~ It's not far from Bay Villa, it only takes about an hour's drive."

"But An An can't drive." Qin Suian hugged his legs and asked seriously: "Can An An walk?"



This journey can take an adult more than eight hours, and An An, a cub, needs at least a full day.

The big white goose looked at the bright and expectant eyes of baby An An. The goose opened and closed its beak, closed and opened it again: "Gah... it's not impossible, but it's not necessary. Baby An An, you let your family I’ll just drive you there, you’ll be there in no time.”

Qin Sui'an turned his little head and looked in the direction of the castle.

At this point, her family members were either awake or out.

She clapped her little fingers and muttered, counting. After a while, she said, "An'an, walk fast!"

Seeing her high interest, the big white goose quickly shook its head wildly: "It's not a question of whether you can walk fast or not. Baby An'an, you are still young. It is very dangerous to go out by yourself!"

Qin Sui'an suddenly became quiet, staring at the big white goose with his big round eyes, "Can't the big white goose dream about whether An An is in danger?"

The big white goose was stunned.

Yes, that’s right!
It has had a lot of dreams recently, but they were all nightmares about itself being plucked out of its goose feathers. It did not have any dreams about An An's cubs being in danger.

Seeing that it didn't refute, Qin Sui'an raised his round eyes happily: "That means An An is not in danger!"

"Gah..." Wait, wait for this goose to think about how to persuade the human cub that is about to make a move.

Before it could think of it, it saw cub An An emerging from the flowers, and it quickly caught up: "Gah! Cub An An, wait a minute, don't be impulsive!"

Qin Sui'an was very excited, but not impulsive. She stopped obediently and looked back at the big white goose.

The big white goose quickly advised: "Hey, little An'an, going out is very troublesome. You have to bring food and drink, and you have to tell your family that you can't just leave like that."

"Okay, An An understands!"

Qin Suian nodded vigorously and walked towards the castle.

The big white goose breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Gah~ Just understand. You are a human cub and it is very unreliable to go out alone."

It followed her into the castle and into the dining room.

No... An'an cub, do you really understand?

The big white goose was sluggish.

Qin Sui'an found the bodyguard who had breakfast with him just now and pulled his trousers: "Uncle bodyguard, An An needs something to eat and drink! Take it away!"

The bodyguard knelt down and listened to her words carefully, "Where do you want to take Miss An An? I'll help you carry it."

Qin Sui'an pointed outside the castle and said, "Go outside."

(End of this chapter)

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