Chapter 16 Big brother is like a god

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an nodded happily, with an expectant expression on his face.

Qin Qianyi was about to check online for cartoons suitable for three-and-a-half-year-old babies when he heard a sentence coming from beside him:

"Watch Peppa Pig."

He Yan was very efficient in his work. He had sorted out the cartoons and sent them to Qin Haochen in just a few minutes. He also clearly marked which cartoons were most suitable for children of each age group to watch.

"Peppa Pig? This cartoon is quite popular." Qin Qianyi agreed very much. According to his father's words, he searched for this cartoon for Xiao Sui'an to watch.

Of course An An also wants to watch the cartoons that other children have watched!
Otherwise, what should we do if we have nothing in common with children of the same age in the future?
Qin Sui'an held his two little hands and looked at the big TV screen excitedly.

The TV screen flashed and began to play Peppa Pig, which is loved by little milk babies.

"Hello everyone, I'm Paige~"

Qin Sui'an opened his round eyes wide and opened his little mouth slightly in surprise: "Wow~ the pink pig~ can talk like a big white goose~"

Hearing the human cub mentioning itself, the big white goose stretched its neck and called out twice: "Quack~"

It’s different~ This Goose is not a cartoon!

Qin Sui'an pursed his lips and smiled, touched the little head of the big white goose with his little hands, and corrected what he had just said in a sweet voice, "Yes~ the big white goose is not a cartoon, it is not on the TV~"

Qin Yanyi heard from the bodyguard that a big white goose slipped away from the kitchen and hid in the garden. The sixth brother stayed in the garden to guard the big white goose all day.

He was surprised to see the big white goose follow Xiao Sui'an and the others into the living room just now, but since Xiao Sui'an was present, he didn't ask any more questions.

At this moment, Qin Yanyi vaguely noticed something was wrong.

He looked at the big white goose and then at Xiao Sui'an, with some doubts in his eyes.

Is he thinking too much?Why do you think Big White Goose can talk to their family An An?

Qin Yanyi turned to look at his father and sixth brother. Their expressions were very normal, as if they were not aware of the conversation between Xiao Sui'an and Big White Goose.It seems that I really have too much imagination.

Qin Yanyi secretly denied his outrageous idea.

This was Qin Sui'an's first time watching a cartoon other than JOJO. The pink pig instantly made her addicted to the cartoon. Her big round eyes couldn't help but stare at the TV, unable to look away.

Qin Qianyi couldn't stand it after watching just one episode. This cartoon was too young for him.

His eyes fell on Xiao Sui'an, who was watching TV with gusto, and a doting smile couldn't help but appear on his brows.

Oops~ An An still looks much prettier~
In the castle, Qin Haochen, Qin Yanyi, and Qin Qianyi quietly accompanied Qin Suian to watch Peppa Pig.

On a road fifteen kilometers away from Bay Villa, three dark Bentley cars were driving evenly.

In the car in the middle protected by the two cars in front and behind, the car was quiet and solemn at this time, and the bodyguard's breathing became softer, for fear of making the slightest noise and offending the people in the back seat.

The bodyguard quietly glanced at the man in the back seat through the rearview mirror.

In the back seat by the right window, a man was sitting there with his legs crossed and a string of Buddhist beads twirled in his slender hands.

It was already completely dark, and the light in the car was very dim. It was difficult to see the man's face clearly, but the noble temperament of the man that was not stained by the world was really hard to ignore, as if he was a god descending from the sky.

As if he had finished reciting a string of sutras silently in his mind, the man stopped turning the prayer beads, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he said briefly: "How long until we arrive?"

The bodyguard was startled at first, and then replied respectfully: "Master Fujia, there are about 15 minutes left."

The man said nothing and continued to twist the beads in his hand.

Fifteen minutes later, three Bentley cars drove into Bay Villa one after another and stopped at the main entrance of the castle.

(End of this chapter)

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