Chapter 17

The man in the back seat slowly opened his eyes and stopped twirling the beads in his hand.

He looked sideways at the castle, his eyes calm, as if nothing that happened could cause him trouble.

The bodyguard quickly got out of the car, opened the back seat door, bowed slightly, and carefully escorted him out of the car, while saying: "Master Fujia, the president, Miss An An, Master Yan Yi, and Master Qian Yi are in the living room on the first floor. "

Qin Fuga nodded lightly, got out of the car, and walked toward the castle with a steady pace.

In the living room on the first floor of the castle.

The bodyguard came in early and announced: "President, Master Fujia has arrived."

Qin Haochen glanced at the time displayed on the clock.

As luck would have it, it was exactly "an hour later" that the big white goose said.

Qin Sui'an was fascinated by the cartoon, but his little ears still noticed what the bodyguard uncle said when he came in.

She blinked her round eyes, looked away from the TV screen, raised her little face to look at Daddy beside her, and asked in a low voice: "Daddy, is eldest brother home?"

The bodyguard uncles like to call the second brother and the younger brother "Master". Then "Master Fujia" must be the eldest brother who is going home!
"Yes." Xiao Naituan also watched several episodes of cartoons in a row. Qin Haochen bent down and asked softly: "An'an, let's continue watching cartoons tomorrow and go find your big brother first, okay?"

Qin Sui'an looked at the TV. Although she felt a little reluctant to let go of Peppa Pig, she still nodded her head vigorously and replied obediently: "Okay~"

Qin Qianyi took the lead to turn off the TV and rubbed his ears.

Oops, there was no pig snort anymore, and he was afraid that he would be misled by Peppa Pig.

Qin Haochen picked up the small breasts and was about to walk out when he saw a figure appear at the door of the living room, followed by a voice:
"Dad, I'm back."

When Qin Sui'an heard the unfamiliar voice, he first hid in Dad's arms, and then looked cautiously at the door of the living room.

The tall figure stopped at the door. The man's features were deep and he had a dignified and cold appearance, but his eyes were clean and clear, giving him a calmness that could see through everything in the world.

As if he had discovered something, his eyes slowly fell on the small breasts.

The little girl raised her hands to cover her little face, but the fingers of her little hands were widely spread apart, as if trying to cover up, and she was "secretly" looking at him.

There was a faint smile in the man's eyes, and his voice was much gentler than before: "Is this, An An?"

Qin Sui'an blinked his big round eyes, slowly put down his little hand, and nodded his little head gently.

"An'an, do you know who Qin Fuga is?" The man took a few steps forward, came to the little breasts, lowered his waist slightly, and asked.

"I know." Qin Sui'an nodded her little head again. She looked at Daddy first, and after receiving Daddy's encouraging gaze, she said in a sweet voice: "He's An An's big brother~"

"By the way." The man's lips curved slightly, and he patiently guided the small nipple: "I am Qin Fuga."

"So you are An An's eldest brother~" Qin Sui'an pursed her lips and smiled. Feeling her eldest brother's kindness to her, her round eyes immediately curled up, and she called out in a sweet voice: "Hello, big brother~ "

"Be good, An'an." Qin Fuga stretched out his long hand, covered her little head with his palm, and rubbed it gently.

He wears a string of Buddhist beads on his wrist, and his movements bring out a burst of sandalwood fragrance, which is refreshing.

Qin Sui'an sniffed with his little nose, and his attention was attracted by the Buddhist beads on his elder brother's wrist.

She lowered her little head again and looked at the silver bracelet on her wrist.The elder brother is wearing something on his wrist, and An An is wearing something on his wrist too~
As if he had found something in common between the two parties, Qin Sui'an was extremely happy, his little face was flushed, and he couldn't hide the joy in his heart.

When Qin Qianyi saw his eldest brother, he was filled with awe. He put away his usual idleness and asked seriously: "Brother, how are you doing in the mountains?"

Qin Yanyi looked their eldest brother up and down and asked, "Brother, are you not injured?"

"Not bad, no injuries." Qin Fuga answered the two brothers' questions simply and concisely.

He sincerely worships Buddha and will not contact them unless necessary, nor does he like them contacting him.

The biggest reason for going home this time is An'an, the little tit girl.

Thinking of this, Qin Fuga's eyes swept around the living room, and then fixed on the motionless big white goose in front of the sofa, which seemed to be asleep.

Qin Haochen asked Fujia to go home mainly because of the big white goose.

He was about to leave the living room with the small breasts in his arms, leaving space for Fujia and the big white goose, but after seeing the small breasts, he gave up the idea temporarily.

The little girl seemed to be very interested in this big brother who had just arrived home. Her big round eyes kept secretly looking at him.

Qin Haochen thought for a moment and raised his chin towards Qin Fuga, "This can be considered the first time you and An An have met. Let's sit down and chat."

"Okay." Qin Fuga also had this intention.

There was an emergency at the hospital, so Qin Yanyi hurriedly left first, while Qin Qianyi was also kicked away by Qin Haochen because of academic problems.

In the living room, on the left of Qin Sui'an is his father Qin Haochen, and on the right is his eldest brother Qin Fuga.

After getting close to his elder brother, Qin Sui'an discovered that the sandalwood scent was not the Buddhist beads in his hand, but the scent of his body.

She felt it was so magical that she sniffed her body with her little nose, then leaned into Daddy's arms and sniffed vigorously.

Everyone's taste turns out to be different.

Qin Haochen looked at the little nipples lovingly and sniffed here and there. Her little actions made her heart melt. He couldn't stop the smile on his face. He asked: "What is An'an smelling?"

"The taste of daddy is delicious, and the taste of big brother is also delicious, but it is a different fragrance~" Qin Sui'an raised his little face and replied seriously in a small voice.

Qin Haochen bent down, imitating the appearance of the small breasts, and smelled her body. There was a sweet milky fragrance in his nose. He smiled and said, "An An also smells good."

"An'an doesn't stink~" Qin Suian happily patted his belly.

Then, she raised her little face again, staring at her elder brother's hair with her dark round eyes, showing a puzzled expression: "Huh?"

Has the eldest brother’s hair fallen out?Not a single one~
After observing his eldest brother's hair, Qin Sui'an turned his little head and took a look at daddy's hair.

Daddy has a lot of hair~
Qin Sui'an raised his little hand and touched his hair again.

An An also has hair~
Qin Fuga's expression remained unchanged. Even when he noticed that the little nipple was looking at his head again and again, he was not displeased at all.

Qin Suian was very curious about his eldest brother's hair, but he didn't dare to ask. It was rude.

If An An loses all her hair, An An will definitely be sad.

(End of this chapter)

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