Chapter 166 The grandma with small breasts appears
Big White Goose: God is going to destroy this goose!

Just in case, the big white goose ruthlessly pulled out five goose feathers from his body. After thinking about it, he pulled out five more feathers and handed them to baby An An, "Baby An An, put all these feathers on you. You can’t take it away!”

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an obediently put the goose feathers into her pocket. The pocket was bulging. She patted her pocket and said, "Don't take it away."

The big white goose was reluctantly relieved. With its goose feathers, An An's baby would be safe and sound.

Unfortunately, its aura is almost as exhausted as the silver bracelet.

It's just pity, it doesn't feel bad, as long as An An's cub is safe, it's no problem to pluck all its goose feathers!
As soon as the aura barrier covering their bodies with silver bracelets disappeared, the figure of a goose with milky balls slowly appeared on the sidewalk.

It wasn't a weekend or a holiday, nor was it a busy street. There weren't many people around, and the number of vehicles coming and going was also very sparse.

Although the big white goose doesn't want to admit it, its physical strength is a bit inferior to that of the baby An An, perhaps because it plucked too many goose feathers at once.

It was panting: "An, An'an cub... why don't we go back to Bay Villa?"

Qin Sui'an stopped, turned to look at the big white goose, and frowned worriedly, "Can the big white goose not be able to walk anymore?"

"Yes, a little bit." The big white goose looked at the road ahead, "It's still a long, long way away."

It shouldn't have mentioned her mother to the An An cub, and it shouldn't have been soft-hearted and led the An An cub around.

Qin Sui'an thought for a while, then bent down slightly and hugged the big white goose with both hands, "Don't be tired, An An will hold you."

The big white goose screamed in fright: "Gah!"

All the white hair on his body exploded.

It used to be quite thin and was afraid of being killed and eaten by humans, so it always restrained itself from being greedy.

Ever since arriving at Bay Villa, knowing that the Qin family would not kill it, the big white goose has eaten more and more every day, and it has become unstoppably fatter.

The big white goose, weighing at least ten kilograms, was being held in Qin Sui'an's arms at this moment.

The big white goose was so anxious that it wanted to break free, but was afraid of accidentally causing her to fall: "Gah! Baby An'an, you don't need to carry me, this goose is too heavy! You are also carrying a schoolbag!"

"It's not heavy~" Qin Sui'an continued to walk forward, and Xiao Naiyin said seriously: "The big white goose is responsible for guiding the way, and An An is responsible for walking."

The big white goose couldn't defeat her, so it could only stay as still as possible so as not to cause any trouble to the baby An An.

After turning an intersection and arriving at a busy section of the city, there were more and more cars.

"Am I right? Why is there a child walking alone on the street?"

"Oh my god, you're carrying a piggy schoolbag, are you running away from home?"

"There's no adult around!"

"Is he a lost child?"

"Should we call the police?"

When the passing vehicles discovered the small milk ball on the sidewalk, they slowed down and paid attention to the movement of the small milk ball.

Slowly, there was obviously no traffic accident, but there was a traffic jam inexplicably.

A black Maserati Quattroporte was driving in traffic.

In the back seat, a middle-aged woman leaned on the back of the chair and closed her eyes to sleep.

Her facial features tend to be that of a southern woman's gentleness, and the makeup on her face is delicate and elegant, making her look younger than her peers. There is lingering sadness between her eyebrows and eyes.

The phone on the side vibrated slightly. The woman opened her eyes and picked up the phone. It was a message from the hospital nurse.

She replied the message and looked up at the road ahead, "Is the traffic light broken? Or is there an accident?"

Why did it stop for so long?
The driver cautiously replied: "Old lady, it's not broken and there's no accident. It's just a traffic jam."

She frowned, "At this point, there is actually a traffic jam." She passed this road every day, 360 days and five days a year. It was the only way to go to the hospital.

Except for some congestion on weekends and holidays, it is basically smooth on weekdays.

In the passenger seat was her female special assistant.

The female special assistant knew that the old lady was in a hurry to go to the hospital, and immediately said: "Old lady, I'll get out of the car and take a look."


After receiving her permission, the female assistant opened the door and got out of the car, walking forward to investigate the cause of the traffic jam.

Soon, the female special assistant noticed that the passing vehicles were driving extremely slowly, and the people in the vehicles frequently looked towards the sidewalk.

She walked through traffic and followed their gaze to the sidewalk.

About ten meters away from her, there was a child walking alone on the road.

The child looked short and small, probably no more than four years old.

The female special assistant thought for a while and quickly caught up with the child, "Child, kid..."

Qin Sui'an walked carefully, one step at a time, almost without stopping.

She blinked in confusion when she heard a shout from behind her.

It seems to be calling yourself?
The big white goose in her arms nodded affirmatively: "I'm calling you, baby An An, you are the only child on this road."

Qin Sui'an stopped and turned his little head back.

It’s a strange older sister wearing business attire.

She softly shouted: "Big sister."

Then he blinked his round eyes in confusion, and his smart eyes were asking the other party what happened.

When she turned her little head, the female special assistant froze when she saw her appearance, and her eyes widened in shock.

The female special assistant covered her mouth and murmured in disbelief: "Why do you look so much like Miss Chaosi..."

She has been with the old lady since she first got married. When Miss Chao Si was young, she helped the old lady take care of Miss Chao Si.

At this moment, the small breasts in front of me look so similar to Miss Chao Si’s when she was a child!
The female special assistant quickly came to the little breasts, squatted down, and kept staring at the little breasts: "Kid, what's your name?"

Qin Sui'an noticed her deliberately suppressed emotions and was very confused. He was about to answer her question. The next moment, he saw her excitedly pointing to the silver bracelet on her wrist.

"You, you..." The female special assistant trembled all over and her emotions fluctuated greatly: "You are a young lady!"

This was an affirmative sentence. She was very sure that the little girl in front of her looked very similar to Miss Chao Si, even wearing the pair of silver bracelets!
Xiao Naitan is Miss Chao Si’s biological daughter who disappeared three years ago.

Yes, I heard that the Qin family found the young lady.

It's just that Miss Chao Si was in the hospital with her life and death uncertain. She had been in a coma for three years and there was still no sign of waking up.

The old lady, old gentleman and several other young masters of the Ye family have been immersed in the sorrow of Miss Chaosi's accident in the past three years. They have cut off contact with the Qin family and refused to receive any news from the Qin family.

Although the female special assistant knew the news about the Qin family, she never dared to mention it in front of the Ye family.

Now, the little lady was unexpectedly met by her!
The female special assistant's eyes were red and the tip of her nose was sore. She looked around and found no other Qin family members.

The female special assistant asked respectfully: "Little miss, why are you here alone?"

Qin Sui'an looked at her blankly, wondering why she called herself "little miss". No one had ever called her that.

(End of this chapter)

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