Chapter 167 Recognizing Grandma

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes and answered her question: "An An is going to see Mom."

"Meet mom?"

The female special assistant was covered.

President Qin and Miss Chao Si have not divorced, but they have already found a stepmother for the young lady?

unacceptable!Miss Chao Si was unconscious in the hospital, but President Qin...

The female special assistant's eyes turned redder. This time she was angry. She forced herself to calm down and asked in a gentle voice: "Little miss, where are you going to see your mother?"

"Hospital." Qin Sui'an looked at the road ahead. He still had to walk for a long, long time, "Big sister, goodbye."

After saying goodbye to her neatly, Qin Sui'an continued walking forward.

"Wait! Little Miss!"

The female special assistant immediately realized that she had misunderstood. The young lady did not have a stepmother. The young lady was going to the hospital to visit Miss Chao Si!
"Little miss, the old lady is also going to the hospital. You can go with the old lady." The female special assistant stopped her hurriedly, "Little miss, the old lady is your grandmother."

"Grandma?" This word is very unfamiliar to Qin Sui'an, and she has zero memory of her grandmother.

The mobile phone in the female special assistant's pocket rang. It was the old lady calling.

A woman's impatient voice came from the receiver: "What's going on? Why did it take so long?"

The female special assistant couldn't help but be excited: "Old madam! I'll go back right away!"

After hanging up the phone, the female special assistant looked at the little breasts again and said, "Miss, come with me. I will take you to see your grandma and your mother in the hospital."

Qin Sui'an frowned and looked at the strange eldest sister, finally feeling a little bit more aware of the crisis.

She shook her little head firmly: "I don't know you, so I can't go with you."

"I am the old lady's assistant, your grandma's assistant." The female special assistant opened the photo album on her mobile phone, flipped through it, found a family photo taken by the Ye family a few years ago, and handed it to her:

"Little miss, look, this is your mother, these are your grandparents, these are your uncles, and this little baby, do you see it? This is you."

The female special assistant enlarged the photo to its maximum magnification and said seriously:

"Look, the silver bracelet you are wearing is exactly the same as the silver bracelet worn by the baby in the photo! This pair of silver bracelets was made by Miss Chaosi and your father, President Qin, all by themselves. There is only this pair in the world!"

The female special assistant spoke steadily and quickly, with a clear accent. As she spoke, she pointed at the people in the photo.

Qin Sui'an listened very attentively, staring at everyone in the photo with his big round eyes.

She didn't recognize any of these people, except for the woman holding the baby, who looked exactly like the mother in the photo her father showed her before.

She was holding the big white goose in her arms, unable to move her hands, so she could only stare at it like this. Her little voice sounded confused: "Is this... Mom? Is this An An?"

"Yes, little miss!" The female special assistant smiled at her, "little miss, can I take you to see your grandma? Your grandma is in that black car."

The female special assistant pointed in the direction of Maserati.

Qin Sui'an looked at her hesitantly, then at the car she was talking about, "Sister, you won't lie to An An, right?"

The female special assistant said firmly: "Of course, young lady!"

Qin Sui'an lowered his little head, leaned close to the big white goose's ear, and asked softly: "Big white goose, can An An trust big sister?"

After the female special assistant appeared, the big white goose remained alert, and the goose mouth was always ready.

Until the female special assistant took out a family photo, it used its little remaining aura to sense that what the female special assistant said was true.

The big white goose leaned weakly in the arms of baby An An, "Gah... baby An An, you can trust her. She is your grandma's special assistant. She also knows your mother."

With these words from the big white goose, Qin Sui'an raised his little face and looked at the eldest sister again: "Trouble, eldest sister, take An An to find grandma and go to the hospital to see Mommy." The female special assistant was almost caught in her arms The big white goose suddenly squawked and was startled. I thought the big white goose was just a goose doll, but it turned out to be alive!
The female special assistant regained her composure, nodded repeatedly, and led the way: "Okay, young lady, please come with me."

It seemed that the small breasts had been taken away by a woman in professional attire who seemed to be very reliable. Other vehicles gradually returned to their usual driving speed and did not cause any more road congestion.

Maserati also joined the traffic.

The driver looked surprised when he saw the female special assistant on the side of the road with an extra child.

The Maserati slowly pulled over and stopped.

The female special assistant carefully protected the small breasts and came to the car.

She opened the passenger door first, then looked at the old lady in the back seat who had her eyes closed and was concentrating, and said excitedly: "Old lady! I met the little lady!"

in the backseat.

Mrs. Ye raised her eyelids and frowned tightly. She was very impatient because the traffic jam took too long: "What did you encounter?"

"Little miss! Old lady, it's the little miss!"

Madam Ye frowned even deeper, "What little lady?"

The female special assistant explained: "Old Madam, she is Miss Chaosi's daughter, your granddaughter."

Mrs. Ye was stunned for a moment, as if her brain was confused for a moment and could not move.

Seeing this, the female special assistant carefully opened the back seat door, "Old lady, look -"

Mrs. Ye lost the ability to think at this moment. She just followed her words, turned her head and looked out of the car.

Her eyes moved downwards, and the small breast balls appeared in her sight.

A very familiar little face reflected in her pupils.

It was as if time had suddenly returned to more than twenty years ago, as if she had seen her daughter Ye Chaosi's childhood.

If you look carefully, you will see that she is still completely different from her daughter Ye Chaosi.

The face of the little girl is rounder, and her black eyes are as bright as black grapes. She is staring at her curiously. Her small cherry mouth is defensively pressed into a straight line, and the cute pear dimples on both sides are faintly sunk.

"An... An An?"

Mrs. Ye has not mentioned this name for nearly three years, and her tongue is raw.

The little baby who could only be held in my arms before suddenly became a three-and-a-half-year-old baby.

Mrs. Ye blinked, then blinked again, and the little nipples were still there, "An'an."

The female special assistant continued to be excited and nodded vigorously: "Yes, old lady, she is little Miss An'an!"

Qin Sui'an hugged the big white goose, tilted his little head, and blinked his round eyes: "Are you An An's grandmother?"

The sound of the little breasts was soft and sweet, and Mrs. Ye felt as if her whole body was deeply immersed in soft and sweet marshmallows.

It was so sweet that her heart trembled, and her eyes were filled with tears.

Mrs. Ye's whole body felt weak and she held on to the seat with trepidation.

The female special assistant quickly stepped forward and helped her out of the car, "Old madam, be careful."

Mrs. Ye squatted in front of the small breasts, her vision was hazy, but she still couldn't stop her from looking at the small breasts.

Her voice was choked, "She looks so much like your mother, even more so than when she was a baby."

(End of this chapter)

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