Chapter 168 The little girl ran away from home

As soon as Mrs. Ye finished speaking, tears flowed silently from her eyes, "It's so similar, so similar."

Qin Suian wanted to wipe her tears, but he still held the big white goose in his arms, "Don't cry, don't cry."

Mrs. Ye wiped away the tears on her face and raised the corners of her lips, "Okay, don't cry."

The female special assistant said: "Old madam, it's windy outside. Please get in the car with the young lady first."

Mrs. Ye nodded gently, took a deep breath, stretched out her hands towards the little breasts, "I'll hug you."

Qin Sui'an looked at the slightly taller car in front of him and nodded his head: "Okay~"

Mrs. Ye carried the little breasts into the back seat of the car, and then got into the car herself.

The female special assistant closed the back seat door and got into the passenger seat.

The driver looked in the rearview mirror, waiting for the old lady's instructions.

Mrs. Ye took a handkerchief and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. Her eyes were fixed on the little breasts and couldn't move away.

After a while, she recovered from the news of "meeting her granddaughter", and her attention slowly shifted to Xiaonuituan's schoolbag and the big white goose doll in her arms.

Mrs. Ye turned her head and looked out the car window again. There was no trace of other Qin family members on the road.

The female special assistant noticed her searching gaze and immediately said: "Old madam, only the young lady is here, and no other Qin family members are seen."

Mrs. Ye's brows suddenly furrowed and her red lips pursed tightly. Due to the presence of her small breasts, she did not open her mouth to scold the Qin family.

Qin Suian's round eyes looked at the grandmother beside him, then at the eldest sister in the passenger seat, and then at the uncle driver.

As if she couldn't wait any longer, she said seriously: "An'an has to go to the hospital to see Mommy, and after meeting Mommy, she has to go home. Don't go home too late, or Daddy will be worried."

Mrs. Ye heard important information from her words. Xiao Naituan knew that her mother was in the hospital and Xiao Naituan secretly left the house.

The female special assistant asked in a low voice: "Old madam, do you need to contact the Qin family first?"

The young lady left the Qin family alone. The Qin family was probably in chaos right now.

Mrs. Ye laughed, her smile not reaching her eyes.

There was a kidnapping case three years ago, and the Qin family was still able to let Xiao Naituan go out alone. If Xiao Naituan hadn't been by their side, Mrs. Ye would have scolded the Qin family severely.

And she would definitely not contact the Qin family.

Huh, let the Qin family find it themselves!
The female special assistant observed her expression and then nodded: "Old madam, I understand."

Mrs. Ye stretched out her hand and gently placed her palm on the top of the little girl's hair, "Let's drive to the hospital."

The driver immediately responded, "Okay, madam!"

The Maserati parked on the side of the road restarted and continued driving towards the hospital.

Mrs. Ye sat sideways, her eyes fixed on the small breasts. Sometimes her eyes turned red, and sometimes her lips raised slightly.

Qin Sui'an's little pig schoolbag was placed next to the seat. She sat obediently, holding the big white goose in her arms.

After knowing that the female special assistant was the special assistant of An An's cub's grandmother, the big white goose completely relaxed and fell into a deep sleep like An An's pair of silver bracelets that had exhausted their spiritual energy.

Qin Sui'an felt a little strange and a little embarrassed when he noticed that his grandmother beside him had been staring at him.

Her cheeks puffed up slightly, as if she was gathering courage.After a moment, she turned her little head again, and her soft milky voice was mixed with her shyness: "Why does grandma keep looking at An An?"

Mrs. Ye looked at the gradually rosy cheeks of the little breasts and smiled, "Sorry, I was rude."

After speaking, Mrs. Ye straightened her body slightly, but her head turned towards her uncontrollably.

Three years ago, Mrs. Ye never wanted to recall the day her daughter and granddaughter had an accident, and she didn't want her memory to restart, as if the incident had been sealed in her depths.

The disappearance of her granddaughter was a huge blow to her. Coupled with the fact that her daughter was lying unconscious in the hospital, it made her feel like the sky was falling.

Perhaps it was the self-protection of human life. After that day, as long as someone mentioned the word "An'an" in front of her, Mrs. Ye would become physiologically dizzy and fall into a coma.

Over time, the Ye family made a tacit agreement to no longer mention related words such as "An'an" and "granddaughter", and also cut off all contact with the Qin family, even more so than enemies.

There are countless lost children in the world. Mrs. Ye never dared to dream that her granddaughter would come back. She subconsciously comforted herself that her granddaughter was taken away by the Qin family.

She didn't dare to look away from the small breasts, for fear that it was all her imagination.


Female special assistant Lucy suddenly heard the old lady calling her and was startled. She quickly turned around and responded: "Old lady, I'm here."

A slender, white hand with some signs of age stretched out from the back seat, and Mrs. Ye said to her: "Pinch me."

Lu Xi's face suddenly turned pale, and she shook her head and waved her hands in a panic: "That's not possible, old lady."

I know that the old lady is worried that the appearance of the young lady is a lie. After all, this kind of situation has happened before.

During that time, the old lady's mood fluctuated greatly. After returning home from the hospital, she often hugged a pillow and ran to the garden to bask in the sun, saying that the young lady wanted to bask in the sun.

Later, the Ye family hired a psychiatrist and prescribed medicine to the old lady, and the old lady no longer had fantasies. After that, the Ye family did not allow anyone to mention the little miss.

Lu Xi's voice was choked and she gently held the old lady's hand: "Old madam, the young lady is back. It's true. The Qin family found the young lady a while ago and held a banquet for the young lady."

Mrs. Ye's mood did not improve because of her words, and there was a deep coldness in her eyes.

Not long after I found my granddaughter, I actually let her go out alone!

Are the Qin family all useless people?

Hearing the eldest sister mentioning the banquet, Qin Sui'an frowned, raised his face and looked at the grandmother beside him, and asked, "Why didn't grandma come to the banquet?"

The Ye family received the invitation letter and was worried that it would cause Mrs. Ye's old illness to relapse, so it was destroyed directly.

Lu Xi's expression was subtle and she glanced at Mrs. Ye cautiously.

Seeing that she was so guilty, Mrs. Ye probably guessed that the invitation letter had been received, but no one informed her.

Madam Ye glared at her first, and then looked at the little breasts with gentle eyes and said apologetically: "It's my fault. I will definitely go to An An's banquet next time."

Qin Sui'an nodded his little head seriously and said in a sweet voice: "Okay, An'an, forgive grandma, grandma will come next time."

"Okay, I'll do it next time." Mrs. Ye smiled softly.

The atmosphere inside the Maserati is harmonious and warm, but the Bay Villa on the other side is astonishing.

(End of this chapter)

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