Chapter 169 The little nipple ball is missing!

When Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin got up and went downstairs, they heard how quiet the castle was and thought their precious little granddaughter had gone to play in the garden.

As soon as they had finished their breakfast, they went to the garden.

There was no one in the familiar flowers, not even the big white goose.

Mr. Qin frowned and murmured curiously: "Where will An An go to play?"

There are many places to play in Bay Villa. For example, a few days ago, my granddaughter went to the golf course, and yesterday she also went to the basketball court to play.

Mrs. Qin glanced around, but did not see the lovely figure of her little granddaughter in her field of vision.

She waved to a bodyguard: "Where's An An?"

The bodyguard looked confused. If he remembered correctly, Miss An An had returned to the castle from the garden and never came out again.

But he was afraid that he had misremembered, so he pressed the Bluetooth headset on his ear. It was the internal bodyguard communication device of Bay Villa.

After asking other bodyguards and getting unanimous answers, the bodyguard replied: "Old Madam, Miss An An returned to the castle from the garden an hour ago and has not come out since."

"Castle?" Mr. Qin frowned again, "Why didn't I hear anything just now?"

Could it be that he is old and his ears are not working well?
Mrs. Qin also thought she was old.

The two supported each other and returned to the castle.

"An'an, An'an?"

Mrs. Qin felt vaguely uneasy. She shook off her husband's hand and walked quickly into the living room while shouting.

There is no one in the living room.

She was about to turn around and go to the chess room to have a look, when she saw a piece of paper on the table in the living room.

The paper was held down by a delicate trinket and did not fly away.

Mrs. Qin paused, turned around suddenly, walked to the table, and picked up the paper.

The paper was filled with drawings.

There is a pig, a milk bottle, bread biscuits, a big white goose, a big man with long hair, and a small man who looks like an adult child.

On the paper, there are two houses, and a striking red paintbrush marks an arrow going back and forth between the two houses.

Mrs. Qin frowned tightly. She saw that one of the houses was their castle, but where was the other house?

This was painted by my granddaughter, there is no doubt about it.

What is your little granddaughter doing drawing these?
Mr. Qin arrived late and saw her looking solemn and running with a cane: "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

He leaned over and took a look, "Did An An draw it? What did she mean by drawing these?"

Are you just painting for fun?

Mrs. Qin didn't speak, her mind was spinning rapidly.

The next moment, she shouted to the bodyguards around her: "Look to see if An An is in Bay Villa."

"Yes! Old lady!"

All the bodyguards responded in unison and conveyed her order.

All the bodyguards of Bay Villa were dispatched to search for the little breasts.

"Castle, no."

"Basketball court, no."

"Golf course, no."

"Pool garden, no."


As the results were reported one after another, Mrs. Qin and Mr. Qin were completely unable to sit still.

Mrs. Qin's voice trembled: "Quick, call Hao Chen."

After saying this, she hurriedly took out her mobile phone. Her fingers were shaking so hard that she pressed the dial button several times.

Mr. Qin was so flustered that he managed to say comforting words, "Don't worry, surveillance has checked and An'an has not left the Bay Villa. The Bay Villa is so big, and the bodyguards haven't finished searching her yet."

Mrs. Qin took a deep breath and put the phone to her ear.

It beeped, and after two beeps, someone picked it up.It was special assistant He Yan: "Old madam, the president is in a meeting, you..."

"Fuck you! An An is missing!" Mrs. Qin said angrily: "Let him go home immediately!"

He Yan took a breath, then rushed into the conference room, "President!"

Qin Haochen suddenly panicked when he saw his ugly expression.

He Yan approached his ear and tried to lower his voice: "President, Miss An An is missing!"

Qin Haochen stood up suddenly and strode out of the conference room, bringing with him a chilling evil feeling.

In the conference room, the remaining group executives looked at each other with frightened expressions.

"What happened?"

"What did Assistant He Te tell the president?"

"what happened?"

“The president’s expression is so ugly!”


Although Qin Haochen didn't give any instructions, He Yan knew what he should do and immediately called the driver: "Drive the McLaren to the entrance of the group."

The driver immediately drove the spare supercar McLaren in the group's parking lot to the group's entrance as quickly as possible.

As soon as the car stopped, Qin Haochen had already strode out of the group.

The driver didn't dare to ask any more questions and quickly got out of the car.

Qin Haochen sat on the driver's seat and the accelerator sounded.

In the blink of an eye, the supercar McLaren disappeared at the door of the Qin Group.

He Yan immediately made another call and ordered people to quickly clear the road to Bay Villa, without delaying even a second at red lights.

The driver returned to the Bentley that the president usually used and took He Yan to Bay Villa.

A villa on the bay.

All places were searched again and again, but Qin Suian was nowhere to be found.

The surveillance footage was repeatedly checked, and finally Qin Sui'an disappeared from the castle living room, and then disappeared. The gate surveillance of Bay Villa did not capture Qin Sui'an leaving.

Mrs. Qin tried her best to calm down, "Search again and expand the scope."

"Yes! Old lady!"

Mr. Qin was panicking, but he still tried to calm down, "Don't worry, Xiaojin, An'an is so young, even if she leaves the Bay Villa, she won't be able to walk far, so don't worry."

The Bay Villa is very large, and the only road leaving it is several kilometers long. It would take an adult more than an hour to walk there.

Mrs. Qin nodded and maintained a calm expression.

The next second, she felt a tight pain in her chest, an iron smell surged in her throat, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Then her vision went black and she fainted in an instant.

"Xiao Jin!" Mr. Qin immediately supported her and ordered the bodyguard: "Go and get a doctor quickly!"

"Yes! Old gentleman!"

There is a villa in the bay, and everything is in chaos.

Qin Haochen rushed to Bay Villa as quickly as possible.

He didn't have any extra thoughts to accuse anyone. His face was covered with thin ice and he allowed himself to think calmly.

He took a look at the handwritten drawing of small breasts, and then ordered the bodyguard: "Go to An'an's room and see if the pink piggy schoolbag is there."

The bodyguard did not move and lowered his head deeply: "President, Miss An An went downstairs with the schoolbag you mentioned and asked me to prepare food for her and put it in the schoolbag."

Qin Haochen stared at him coldly: "What then?"

"Then...Miss An An was painting in the living room." The bodyguard's head lowered.

Qin Haochen did not ask any more questions, but looked at the others: "Who is responsible for guarding the entrance of Bay Villa?"

Several bodyguards stepped forward: "President... we did not see Miss An An leaving the Bay Villa, and the surveillance did not capture Miss An An leaving the Bay Villa."

(End of this chapter)

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