Chapter 170 Song Wenting, Chairman of Ye Group
Qin Haochen's expression became colder and colder.

The bodyguards did not dare to look up at him and held their breath.

Qin Haochen's emotions had reached an extreme. His hands were clenched into fists inadvertently, and there was no blood left.

He calmly issued the order and dispatched all his bodyguards. Some of them stayed in Bay Villa to continue searching, and some left Bay Villa to follow them all the way.

The news quickly spread to Qin Suian's six brothers.

Qin Fuga immediately checked with his fingers and found out that his sister's vital signs were normal, then returned to Bay Villa as quickly as possible.

Qin Yanyi's surgery to be performed today was handed over to other doctors urgently, postponed for the time being, and hurried back to Bay Villa from the hospital.

Qin Luzheng stopped his work and returned directly to Haiwan Villa without missing a moment.

Qin Niexun stayed in the team and used his connections to screen the surveillance footage at various intersections in the city and at various time periods.

Qin Yaoyu hurried back to Bay Villa, not forgetting to spend money to hire people to see if there was any news about his sister An An.

Qin Qianyi "robbed" his classmate's motorcycle again and quickly returned to Bay Villa.

Except for Qin Niexun, who had a video call with them to ensure that the latest information could be exchanged as soon as possible, the other brothers were all in the living room.

Qin Qianyi suddenly remembered something and hit his forehead hard: "Fuck! How could I forget this!"

He cursed angrily, and the next second, he rushed to the third floor, moved the laptop from the room, and then returned to the living room.

"Dad! Wasn't An An's little apple necklace broken before?" Qin Qianyi quickly turned on the computer and typed a series of mysterious numbers on the keyboard, while saying: "I asked my friend, in An An The little apple necklace is equipped with a positioning function!"

Qin Yaoyu wanted to slap him, but he held it back. He cursed: "You just remembered such an important thing!"

"I didn't forget it because I was anxious." Qin Qianyi had already scolded himself.

His fingers tapped quickly on the keyboard and he pressed the Enter key.

A new page immediately popped up on the laptop screen. After three seconds of reaction, a map was displayed with a red dot flashing on it.

Qin Qianyi pointed at the red dot excitedly, "An'an is in this position!"

There is no specific address shown on the map, just a coordinate.

He opened the city's map again, aligned the coordinates in his mind, and shouted, "Found it! An An's location is in this hospital!"

Everyone exclaimed in unison: "Hospital?!"

Did something happen to An An?

Qin Haochen strode out of the living room. Without waiting for anyone else's reaction, he got into the McLaren he was driving and stepped on the accelerator hard.

In the blink of an eye, the McLaren speeds out of Bay Villa.

He Yan did not hesitate, dialed the phone, and continued to order people to clear the road to Chaokang Hospital without wasting half a second of precious time.

Suddenly, He Yan remembered something, "Isn't this hospital the same hospital where the CEO's wife lives?"

When he looked up, he saw several other young masters rushing to the garage and driving away from Bay Villa one after another.

President, young masters!

It’s useless for you to go!

You are on this hospital’s blacklist!

Through the video call, Qin Niexun heard their conversation and was about to set off immediately when he suddenly heard the team members shouting:

"Captain! The surveillance here has photographed your sister! Carrying a small schoolbag and a goose!"

Qin Niexun strode over and bent down to take a closer look.

Surveillance footage from the roadside showed Xiao Naituanzi walking alone on the sidewalk, causing traffic jams on the surrounding roads.But after about 10 minutes, a woman suddenly walked towards the small breast dumpling.

Qin Niexun suddenly frowned and stared at the woman.

Dare to abduct his sister?Kill without mercy!

The surveillance video was played at four times the speed. The woman didn't know what she said to Xiao Naituanzi, and she stopped her and refused to let her go. She looked very excited.

Qin Niexun couldn't help but move his hand behind his waist to hold the gun.

The woman seemed unable to convince Xiao Nai Tuanzi, so she took out her mobile phone again, not knowing what content to show Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

Qin Nexun gritted his teeth: "Can't you zoom in any more? Look what's in her phone."

"Captain, this scene has been maximized." The team member secretly wiped his sweat, feeling that the normally stern captain was particularly murderous at this moment.

The surveillance screen continues to play.

After reading the contents of the woman's cell phone, Xiaotai Tuanzi followed her.

Qin Niexun quickly grabbed the mouse and let the surveillance screen continue to watch them move.

Finally, Xiaonuituanzi got into a black car and left.

Qin Nexun ordered sternly: "Check for me! Whose car belongs to!"

The other team members immediately set out to search for all information about the car.

"Captain, this car belongs to Song Wen, the chairman of Ye Group! The car is currently located in the parking lot of Chaokang Hospital in the city."

Qin Niexun frowned fiercely.

So familiar, why is it so familiar?

do not care!
Let’s go first!
He quickly ran to the parking lot and drove to Chaokang Hospital as quickly as possible.

Mrs. Qin was unconscious, and Mr. Qin had inconvenient legs and feet, so he could only stay in the Bay Villa and wait anxiously.

Except for the two elderly people, all other Qin family members went to Chaokang Hospital.

at the same time.

Maserati drove into the parking lot of Chaokang Hospital with familiarity and parked in its exclusive parking space.

Qin Sui'an stretched his little neck and looked out the window: "Is Mom here?"

"Upstairs." Mrs. Ye shed tears just now and took out the mirror to adjust her makeup.

This hospital was originally a hospital acquired by Ye's Group. After Ye Chaosi's accident, he visited all the top hospitals. Finally, based on the recommendations of major hospitals, he returned to his own hospital and continued to take care of it carefully.

The medical conditions of Chaokang Hospital have jumped into the top ten in the country in the past three years. Not only have they recruited many top doctors at home and abroad, but they have also continued to spend heavily on purchasing various high-end and expensive medical equipment. All of this is just for the sake of Can give them the best medical conditions for the daughter of the Ye family.

Female special assistant Lu Xi got out of the car, opened the back seat door, and carefully protected Mrs. Ye from the car.

After Mrs. Ye got out of the car, she turned around and stretched out her hands towards the little breasts, "I'll hug you."

Qin Suian frowned hesitantly, "Grandma, An'an is holding the big white goose, and the big white goose is asleep."

"Asleep?" Madam Ye glanced at the doll in her arms.

Is this big goose doll alive?Not a plush doll?

Madam Ye flashed a surprised look, then turned to look at Lu Xi.


Can she say that she doesn't dare to hold the goose?
I have read popular science on the Internet. If a goose is angry, it will chase people and bite them. It is a ferocious poultry!
(End of this chapter)

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