Chapter 172 I want to hear her voice

Mrs. Ye's expression paused for a moment before she looked into the clear round eyes of the little girl.

She didn't want Little Nipples to know about the complicated disputes between adults, nor did she want to lie to Little Nipples.

Mrs. Ye was silent. After a few seconds, she replied: "Maybe, I don't know."

Qin Sui'an didn't ask any more questions, but just looked in the direction of the elevator a few more times, as if she was looking forward to the appearance of her other family members.

Mrs. Ye suppressed the emotions in her eyes and said, "Let's go in."

Qin Sui'an immediately withdrew his attention from the elevator and raised his little head slightly.

With her height and vision, she couldn't see the window on the ward door.

Qin Sui'an couldn't hide his nervousness. Under the mask, his cherry-like mouth unconsciously pursed into a straight line.

Mrs. Ye seemed to be able to feel her nervousness, a faint smile raised her lips, and she rubbed the top of her hair soothingly.

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Ye took a small step forward, reached out and turned the doorknob of the room.

She pushed open the door, walked into the ward with Little Nipples one after another, and then closed the door of the ward.

This special ward is a hundred square meters, like a small home. There is a hallway disinfection area at the entrance, and further inside is a living room with a sofa, coffee table, TV, and an office area that is divided into a small study. .

There are no redundant furniture or exaggerated and luxurious decorations. It is clean and white at a glance. The corridor is very spacious and it is not a problem for the two hospital beds to move sideways.

Directly opposite the living room is the ward where patients live.

Qin Suian's eyes turned around, then looked at the room with the door ajar.

Mrs. Ye put her piggy schoolbag on the sofa, then patted the sofa gently and said, "An'an, put the big white goose here first."

Mrs. Ye was worried when an animal went inside. She hugged the animal all the way, and her hands would get sore no matter how hard she exerted herself.

"Yeah." Qin Sui'an walked to the sofa and carefully put down the big white goose in his arms.

The big white goose woke up in a daze, opened his eyes, and looked at his surroundings.

Mrs. Ye stood nearby and saw the big white goose like a doll moving. She was still surprised that it was a living thing.

Qin Sui'an stretched out his little hand, touched the head of the big white goose, and whispered: "Big white goose, you sleep here, An'an goes in to see Mommy~"

The little girl's voice has a coaxing softness and is so cute.

The big white goose nodded gently, adjusted its posture, buried its head in the fluffy goose feathers, and fell asleep again.

Mrs. Ye took a paper towel and wiped the little nipple's hands.

She took her little hand and walked slowly towards the room.

The slightly ajar door opened silently with a slight push.

The room is very large, with a beautiful and bright floor-to-ceiling window, the sun just shines in, and the lighting is very good.

In the middle, there is a hospital bed surrounded by medical equipment.

This floor is exclusive to the Ye family, there is no noise, and it is on the highest floor, so you can't hear the busy traffic outside.

The room was so quiet that only the medical equipment made a steady "beep, beep..." sound.

Mrs. Ye felt that the little hand in her palm suddenly tightened her grip.

She lowered her head and looked at the small nipples.

Qin Sui'an was wearing a mask, and his only exposed big eyes were looking at the woman on the hospital bed, his small brows slightly furrowed.

Mrs. Ye gently squeezed her little hand and couldn't help but lower her voice: "Your mother is asleep."

"Well, fell asleep..."

Qin Sui'an took cautious steps, one small step at a time, closer to the hospital bed, and finally stopped at the edge of the hospital bed.

She stared at the woman lying on the bed seriously.The woman's skin is fair and delicate, and her eyebrows are very similar to her small breasts. Her eyes are closed, and her long and thick eyelashes cast a light gray shadow under her eyelids.

After being in a coma for a long time, all the nutrients needed by the body were delivered through drips. His lips were pale, but they were kept moist by specialized caregivers.

One of the woman's hands is covered under the sheets, and the other hand is pressed on top of the sheets. There is a hand warmer bag with an intravenous drip attached. There is a medical clip on the tip of her index finger, which is connected to the nearby medical equipment to monitor her life. physical signs.

Qin Sui'an couldn't help but hold his breath, and looked closely at her lying on the hospital bed with his round eyes.

This is An An's——


Such a strange, yet familiar vocabulary.

The voice of the little nipple was very low, and even more so because of the mask, it was as thin as a mosquito or fly.

Mrs. Ye didn't hear what she said. She stood behind her and looked at her daughter in the hospital bed, with sadness in her eyebrows.

Mrs. Ye suppressed her surging emotions, raised the corners of her lips, and said softly to the person on the hospital bed: "Sisi, An An is here to see you."

The person on the hospital bed was motionless and showed no reaction, and the data displayed by the medical equipment did not fluctuate at all.

Mrs. Ye knew in her heart that the probability of a vegetative person waking up was no more than 10%, unless a miracle came to her.

But she couldn't help but have delusions along the way.

What if?
What if my daughter Chao Si hears An An's voice and suddenly wakes up?
The facts slapped her hard, and there was no miracle or chance.

As if her tense emotions along the way had reached the extreme, Mrs. Ye's eyes turned red and she hurriedly said to Little Nipple: "I'm going to the bathroom."

She quickly turned around, left the room, even closed the door tightly, and then walked into the bathroom in the living room.

The sound of running water came from the bathroom, and the sound of running water covered the suppressed and hazy choking.

In the room, only the small breasts and the unconscious Ye Chaosi were left.

Qin Sui'an walked around to the other side of the hospital bed. He rubbed the palms of his little hands together until they were warm, and then carefully put them into the sheets.

She gently and slowly held Ye Chaosi's hand.

The numb hands were warm, not cold, and thin, as if they were even thinner than An An's hands, without any flesh.

She felt her mother's hand carefully, and her eyes fell on her mother's face.

Mama is so beautiful, even when she is asleep.

Qin Sui'an recalled the photos of her mother that her father showed her, and the mother in the family photo that her eldest sister showed her.

No matter which photo it is, the mother in the photo is awake and smiling.

Relying on the memory in his mind, Qin Sui'an imagined what his mother would look like waking up in the hospital bed.

He must be smiling too.

Thinking about it, Qin Sui'an curved his round eyes, relaxed his tight mouth, and turned it upward.

It's a pity that she hasn't heard Mom's voice.

What does Mummy's voice sound like?

Is it the same as grandma?

When grandma talks to her, her voice is very soft and gentle, and when she talks to her elder sister and uncle driver, she is cool.

Is Mommy gentle or cool?

Qin Sui'an couldn't figure it out and sighed in annoyance, "It would be great if Mom could talk to An An."

She didn't need to say many words, just one word was enough. She wanted to hear Mama's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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