Chapter 173 The Qin family is not allowed to enter

The only response to Qin Sui'an was the "beep" sound from the medical equipment.

Qin Sui'an felt a little unhappy.

She lowered her little head in a depressed manner, her little hands still holding her mother's hand on the hospital bed.

at the same time.

The main entrance of Chaokang Hospital.

Several luxury cars were forced to park side by side, unable to enter the hospital.

The female special assistant Lu Xi's expression was serious, without any fear at all. She straightened her back and calmly faced the Qin family who came to beg for small breast balls.

The hospital security couldn't stop the bodyguards brought by the Qin family, so they dispatched the Ye family's personal bodyguards to stop the Qin family.

Qin Qianyi looked at the expressionless Ye family bodyguards in front of him and rolled up his sleeves angrily:
"What do you mean? What do you mean? Just don't let us come to visit my mother. My sister is inside, so I can go find my sister, right?"

The Ye family bodyguards were only responsible for stopping them, leaving Lu Xi to "reason" with them.

There is no reason to say.

Lu Xi calmly replied: "Master Qianyi, in the past three years, the Ye family and the Qin family have kept the same. Please calm down, Master Qianyi, and don't act impulsively."

"It's you again? Where are the rest of the Ye family?" Qin Qianyi got angry when he saw her. Every time he came to the hospital before, he was kicked out by this woman.

Not to mention visiting his nominal mother Ye Chaosi, the other Ye family members have not been seen in the past three years.

"Ye's Group is busy with business, and the old gentleman, old lady, and young masters don't have time." Lu Xi continued: "The hospital is not our own backyard, and there are many patients. I hope you can leave as soon as possible without affecting other patients."

Qin Qianyi: "Then I'm injured, can I go in for medical treatment?"

Lu Xi was unmoved: "There are nearly a hundred hospitals in city A, large and small. Master Qianyi, for your safety, I hope you go to other hospitals nearby."

After hearing this, Qin Qianyi just wanted to force his way in. It was obvious that he would not let them in!
Qin Yaoyu took the sixth brother's hand to stop his actions, and then looked at Lu Xi: "How much did the Ye family spend to hire you? I will give you a hundred times. Come work in our Qin family, and the treatment will be better than that of the Ye family." good."

Anything that can be done with money is not a big deal.

Lu Xi raised her chin slightly and said, "The old lady has been kind to me, and I will not repay kindness with enmity."

Qin Yaoyu:¥%&*#……

Qin Niexun looked at the bodyguard in front of him, as if he was weighing how much time it would take if he really took action.

Lu Xi discovered his motive and spoke at the right time: "Young lady probably doesn't want to see the Ye family and the Qin family fighting each other."

Qin Qianyi was angry: "You also know that An An doesn't want to see it? Then you still stopped us!"

Being tough didn't work. Qin Niexun frowned, gave up his previous idea, and turned to ask Qin Luzheng: "Third brother, isn't it illegal for the hospital to refuse to admit patients?"

"It is illegal for a hospital to refuse to admit patients." Qin Luzheng said seriously: "Hospitals are social public resources and have an obligation to serve members of society."

Unless the patient is not within the scope of the hospital's treatment, such as a special infectious disease, etc., it is not illegal to refuse admission.

Qin Niexun took out a sharp Swiss knife from his pocket and waved towards his sixth brother: "Sixth brother, come here."

Qin Qianyi glanced at the silvery Swiss knife, walked towards him hesitantly, and then weakly and slowly stretched out his hand.

He swallowed, and even though he heard clearly just now, he still asked again: "Third brother, are you sure they can't refuse patients?"

Qin Luzheng looked at Lu Xi.

Lu Xi took out her mobile phone with a calm expression: "I am always ready for Master Qianyi."

Be prepared to call an ambulance from a nearby hospital.

Furthermore - Lu Xi looked at Qin Yanyi, the second young master of the Qin family.There is a professional doctor here. If something goes wrong, can he just ignore it?
Qin Qianyi was stunned: "You are such a cold woman!"

Qin Nexun put away the Swiss knife. He couldn't really see blood, otherwise An An would be sad.

Qin Fuga held the prayer beads in his hand and slowly turned them around with his fingertips. He looked at the hospital building in front of him and remained silent.

Lu Xi "pacified" several of the more impulsive young masters, and turned to look at the president of the Qin Group, the former son-in-law of the Ye family, and now the son-in-law that the Ye family does not recognize.

Lu Xi has been in the Ye family for many years and has watched Miss Chao Si and President Qin go from being acquainted to getting married and having children. Unfortunately, the ending of Miss Chao Si and President Qin is not perfect.

"President Qin, I hope you won't embarrass small employees like us." Lu Xi lowered her head slightly and said sincerely: "The young lady and the old lady are very happy to get along. President Qin doesn't need to worry."

Qin Haochen had actually expected it when he arrived at the hospital.

This hospital is the territory of the Ye family. The Ye family has banned the Qin family from setting foot in this hospital. This is no secret.

He also guessed that Xiao Naituan's disappearance was not because he met a bad person or because he was running away from home.

The little girl just wants to see her mother.

How could he stop it?
Not even going to snatch the little nipples back.

Qin Haochen looked at his sons and said in a calm voice: "You guys go back first. I'll stay here. When An An comes out, I will take her home with me."

The six brothers frowned at the same time, obviously disagreeing with his decision: "Dad..."

Qin Haochen did not listen to their resistance, "He Yan, send them away."

"Yes! President!" He Yan immediately called the Qin family's bodyguards and respectfully invited the young masters to get in the car.

The bodyguards of the Ye family did not dare to take action against the young masters of the Qin family. They would avoid it if they could, but the bodyguards of the Qin family were really good at taking action.

Those who know the current affairs are heroes. Although they were reluctant, they got in the car one by one and left the door of the hospital.

Lu Xi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at President Qin gratefully: "Thank you, President Qin, for your cooperation."

Qin Haochen glanced at her and said only: "After An An leaves the hospital, I can only take her away."

This is the final concession.

Lu Xi raised a polite smile: "I will convey President Qin's words to the old lady."

After watching President Qin get into the cool black McLaren, and making sure that President Qin would not forcefully break into the hospital door, Lu Xi turned around.

She said to the Ye family's bodyguard: "Keep guarding. If anything happens to the Qin family, notify me as soon as possible."


After taking care of the Qin family, Lu Xi did not stay downstairs anymore. She entered the hospital and took the elevator to the top floor.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, a nurse came to him anxiously and whispered: "Sister Lu Xi, the old lady..."

There is 24-hour monitoring in the ward, and medical staff take turns watching in case special circumstances occur.

They saw the old lady entering the bathroom for half an hour, but they did not dare to go in and ask rashly.

Lu Xi comforted her first: "I'm going to take a look. Listen to my voice. I'll call you if anything happens."

"Okay, Sister Lucy." The nurse nodded vigorously.

Lucy quickly ran towards the ward, opened the door and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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