Chapter 174 Don’t tell them about this matter
At the same time, the bathroom door was opened, and Mrs. Ye walked out of it.

Lu Xi was stunned for a moment, with a look of surprise and worry that could not be concealed: "Old Madam..."

Mrs. Ye raised her eyes, her eyes still moist.

Her expression had returned to its usual indifference, and her original delicate makeup was gone.

Mrs. Ye stood there, too lazy to move forward, and said in a hoarse voice: "You're here just in time, bring my bag."

"Okay, old lady!"

Lu Xi quickly came to her senses, picked up the limited edition luxury bag on the table, and handed it over carefully: "Old madam, what else do you need me to do?"

"Pour me a glass of water."

After giving the instructions, Mrs. Ye took her bag and re-entered the bathroom. She touched up the makeup on her face carefully and attentively to avoid being caught by her little nipples.

Lu Xi poured a glass of warm water, held it in her hand, and stood guard at the bathroom door.

She heard her heartbeat not slowing down.

The old lady has not cried for a long time. The last time she cried was more than two years ago. In the end, the doctor gave her a sedative and she fell into a coma.

Lucy pricked up her ears and secretly listened to what was going on in the bathroom.

I don’t know if I need to report this situation to the old gentleman...

She clenched the water glass in her hand and hesitated.

Mrs. Ye walked out of the bathroom again, her makeup on her face restored to perfection, except for a little red at the end of her eyes.

Seeing the special assistant's frown, she reached out to take the water glass and said, "Don't tell them about this."

This "them" are naturally the rest of the Ye family.

Lu Xi was startled and nodded immediately: "Okay, old lady, I will keep it a secret."

"Yes." Mrs. Ye drank all the water in the water glass, and then walked slowly towards the room.

She gently turned the doorknob, opened the door and looked inside.

Just one glance made Mrs. Ye's heart instantly soften into a puddle of water.

The small breasts were right next to the hospital bed, not on the same side as before she left.

The small body remained in a standing position, half of the body was lying on the edge of the bed, and a pair of small hands reached under the sheets. It was not difficult to see that those small hands were holding the hands of the unconscious person on the hospital bed.

The little face is facing the person on the hospital bed, the big round eyes are closed at the moment, half of the cheek is pressed against the bed, and the pink little mouth is squeezed to make a slight pout.

She was sleeping so soundly that she didn't even notice anyone walking in.

Mrs. Ye raised a faint smile on her lips, her eyes fell softly on the little nipples, and she walked lightly and came behind the little nipples.

She gently hugged the small body with small breasts and said, "An'an."

Qin Sui'an slept in a daze, his eyelids struggled to move, and he barely opened a crack to see the person clearly, "Grandma..."

She almost murmured and closed her eyes again.

After a morning of "rage", this little body could not withstand the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion.

"My dear, I'll hold you, and you can go back to sleep." Madam Ye kissed her eyebrows distressedly.

Knowing that Little Nipple wanted to hold her mother's hand, Mrs. Ye did not pull away and moved a chair over.

She sat sideways and held the little breast ball in her arms, so that the little breast ball could hold her mother's hand and sleep more comfortably.

Qin Sui'an moved a little, resting his little head on her arm, and soon fell asleep again.

Mrs. Ye gently patted the little breasts, her moist eyes sometimes looked at the little breasts in her arms, and sometimes looked at her daughter on the hospital bed.

Lu Xi secretly glanced outside the room and saw the quiet, harmonious and warm scene of three generations of grandparents inside, and the tip of her nose felt inexplicably sour.She wiped the tears from her eyes and turned back to the sofa. Just as she was about to sit down, she suddenly remembered that there was a big white goose on the side of the sofa.

The big white goose has not yet woken up and is motionless. Its feet are hidden under its body and its head is tucked into the hair on its chest. At first glance, it looks like a big round white ball of fur.

Lu Xi thought about it again and again, but still didn't dare to sit down for fear of waking up the big white goose.

The phone in my pocket suddenly buzzed.

Lu Xi took it out, looked at the caller ID, and immediately walked out of the hospital bed quickly and went to the corridor to answer the phone.

She shouted respectfully: "Old sir."

It must have been the Qin family who made a fuss at the gate of the hospital. This matter spread and reached the ears of other people in the Ye family.

Ye's Group, in the office of Chairman Ye Yanzhi.

Mr. Ye Yanzhi has already reached the age of retirement, but because of his daughter's sudden change, he did not dare to let himself be idle, so he continued to stay in the Ye Group as the chairman of the board.

He had white hair and a strong body. He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and asked with a frown, "Why did the Qin family run to the hospital? What happened?"

The two families have not had any contact with each other for several years, which is considered a quarrel.

Lu Xi suddenly wanted to cry. After holding it in for a whole morning, she was finally able to tell the rest of the Ye family about the great good news.

Her voice couldn't hide her excitement and was a little trembling: "Old sir, on the way to the hospital this morning, the old lady met the young lady!"

There was ten seconds of silence.

Mr. Ye's brows furrowed even deeper, "Tell me clearly, what kind of young lady?"

"Your granddaughter, Miss An An!"

Lucy glanced at the direction of the ward and then continued:
"The old lady and the young lady are in the young lady's ward now. The Qin family came to the hospital to pick up the young lady, but they failed. Our people stopped them and the Qin family couldn't even enter the hospital."

"it is good."

Mr. Ye only replied one word, and then there was silence again.

Just when Lu Xi was wondering whether the phone was broken and the signal was not good, the old man's voice came from the receiver again:

"How is Wen Ting's mood?" Mr. Ye was a little angry. He was angry at himself. He didn't know about such a big thing until two or three hours later.

While angry, he wished he could fly directly to the hospital and see his granddaughter.

Moreover, he is worried that his wife will be stimulated and his old illness will relapse.

Everything was mixed together, making him unable to calm down, and his usually shrewd mind became a mess.

Lucy did not hesitate and replied very calmly: "Don't worry, old man, the old lady is very good and very happy."

"That's good. I'll go over now. If anything happens, let me know as soon as possible."

Before Lu Xi could say "ok", the phone was hung up.

Mr. Ye picked up his suit jacket and put it on his arm, walking out of the office quickly and quickly.

While calling the driver to prepare the car, he told his assistant to leave all the group's affairs to his son.

As soon as the elevator door closed, the silent space gave him a moment of calm.


His granddaughter.

Mr. Ye took out his mobile phone and clicked on the mobile phone album group. There was a private album.

(End of this chapter)

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