Chapter 175 Giving up the only milk bottle to grandma

The front camera of the phone automatically recognized Mr. Ye's face, and the photo album was unlocked, which was full of photos of his granddaughter An An.

From the first time he was born, the baby's face was red and his hands and feet were rosy. Then when he was one month old, the baby doubled in size. He was white, tender and pink, and could cry, fuss, laugh, eat, and sleep.

When I was six months old, the photo album stopped and was not updated. It was not until a while ago that new photos were finally stored in this photo album.

He is three and a half years old, and his facial features have almost been enlarged in proportion. There is not much change, but he can be seen to be exaggeratedly thin. He has obviously grown up, but he does not look as chubby as when he was a few months old.

Fortunately, the Qin family is quite conscientious and knows how to replenish the small breasts. From the photos below, it can be seen with the naked eye that the small breasts are getting rounder and healthier day by day.

In the past three years, the Qin family has continued to search for small breast balls, and the Ye family naturally did not give up. They were just afraid of irritating Mrs. Ye, so everyone tacitly agreed not to mention it and acted secretly.

When the Qin family found Xiao Naituan, the Ye family initially wanted to snatch Xiao Naituan back. However, they were worried that Madam Ye would be unstable and that Xiao Naituan would be sad. They were all her relatives, but they were at odds with each other.

After much thought, the Ye family chose to pretend that they didn't know the news for the time being.

The elevator reached the first floor. Before the door opened automatically, Mr. Ye quickly pressed the corners of his eyes with his sleeves, put away his mobile phone, and walked out of the elevator.

When the driver saw the old gentleman coming out, he immediately opened the back seat door: "Old gentleman, be careful."

Mr. Ye bent down and got into the car and ordered: "Go to the hospital."

The driver responded: "Yes, sir."

The car drove steadily towards Chaokang Hospital.

Mr. Ye frowned and said, "Drive faster."

The driver quickly increased his speed, "Yes! Old sir!"

A silver sports car Maserati passed their car.

In the driver's seat, the handsome man glanced at the rearview mirror.

He always felt that the car that was driving very fast just now looked a lot like his father's car.

But he wasn't sure because his father was very taboo about speeding.

If these children receive a speeding ticket, their father will definitely not give them a good look within a month.

The silver Maserati parked slowly at the door of Ye's Group. The man got out of the car and gave the car keys to the bodyguard at the door, who then parked the car in the parking lot.

The man took two steps, turned around and asked, "Did my dad just go out?"

The bodyguard nodded and replied: "Yes, Third Young Master."

He paused in surprise, "So anxious, where is he going?"

"It seems to be going in the direction of the hospital." The bodyguard didn't know clearly, but he vaguely heard the old gentleman's instructions to the driver.

The man frowned, his expression solemn.

Could it be that something happened at the hospital?


When Qin Sui'an woke up, it was already early twelve noon.

She opened her eyes and saw a beautiful and dignified face.

Her round eyes blinked twice, as if she was slowly returning to reality from sleep. She raised the corners of her mouth and softly called out in a soft and sweet voice: "Grandma~"

Mr. Ye's brows and eyes were full of tenderness. He bent down and touched the tip of her cute little nose affectionately, "Have you had enough sleep?"

"Hmm~" Qin Sui'an moved her little hand and remembered that she was still holding her mother's hand. She immediately raised her eyes happily, looked at the person on the hospital bed, and said sweetly: "Mom, An'an wakes up! "

The unconscious person didn't give the little milk ball any response.

Qin Sui'an didn't feel sad, and squeezed her mother's palm with her little hands.She shifted her attention to the hand on the other side that was still getting an IV drip, "Grandma, does Mommy always need injections?"

Mrs. Ye also looked at that hand.

The thin needle was inserted into the back of the thin hand. There was more than one pinhole left on the back of the hand, which had been accumulated over the years.

Her throat was dry. After a while, she sighed softly: "When your mother wakes up, there will be no need for injections."

Qin Sui'an nodded her head seriously and looked at her mother with a serious expression, "Mom, please wake up quickly. The injection is very painful."

Mrs. Ye rubbed the top of her hair.

The door of the room was knocked twice very lightly. Lu Xi carefully opened the door a crack and asked: "Old madam, do you want to have lunch in the living room? Or in the dining room?"

When Qin Sui'an heard the word "eat", he immediately felt something in his stomach and let out "gu~gu~" twice.

Mrs. Ye lowered her eyes and looked at the small breasts in her arms, and smiled softly: "Are you hungry?"

"Well." Qin Sui'an thought of the Zhuzhu schoolbag she carried all the way, "Grandma, there is food in Anan's schoolbag."

"Then let's eat together." Mrs. Ye responded according to her words, then looked at Lu Xi, "Just eat in the living room outside."

Lucy nodded: "Okay, old lady."

The door to the room was closed again, and Lucy started to prepare, placing lunch on the table in the living room.

Mrs. Ye and Xiao Naituan stayed in the room for a while before walking out of the room together.

In the living room, the air was completely covered by the delicious lunch, and the smell of disinfectant alcohol was no longer noticeable.

Qin Suian's belly growled even louder.

Mrs. Ye carried her to the sofa and moved the table inside so that she could enjoy lunch more conveniently.

Qin Sui'an stared at the food on the table eagerly, swallowing from time to time.

She brought Zhuzhu's schoolbag over and pulled it out of Zhuzhu's schoolbag.

Mrs. Ye helped her carry her schoolbag, and then she saw her taking out milk, bread, biscuits from her schoolbag...

Qin Sui'an brought all the food and drink in his schoolbag to the table, raised his little face, and said with bright round eyes: "Grandma, let's eat together~"

Mrs. Ye chuckled and said, "Okay, let's eat together."

Qin Sui'an first picked up the bottle filled with milk and held it in both hands, as if hesitating for something. After a while, he handed the bottle to his grandmother: "Grandma, let's drink it for you."

Mrs. Ye looked at her in surprise, then looked at the bottle.

The little girl was obviously hesitant and reluctant to give up, but he was still willing to give her the only bottle of milk to drink.

Seeing that she didn't take it immediately, Qin Sui'an lowered his head slightly and explained in a low voice: "An'an's milk bottle does not have the adult version, so there is very little milk. If grandma doesn't drink enough, An An will bring a bigger bottle for grandma next time. !”

Madam Ye showed surprise again.

It turned out that the little milk ball was not hesitating or reluctant to part with the milk, but felt that the bottle of milk was too small and too little, not enough for an adult like her to drink.

The tip of her heart suddenly softened. Mrs. Ye's eyes were moist, she raised the corners of her lips and said softly: "I don't drink milk, An'an, you can drink it."

She pushed the bottle back gently and pushed it into the small breast.

Qin Sui'an looked at her in surprise, his round eyes blinking: "Grandma, don't you like drinking milk? It's delicious!"

"I don't like it." Mrs. Ye shook her head.

(End of this chapter)

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