Chapter 176 The grandpa with little breasts
Qin Sui'an's round eyes widened in disbelief: "Grandma doesn't like it?"

In the eyes of Little Milk Tuan, milk is very precious and very delicious!

During that time in the orphanage, she couldn't even drink a sip of milk.

Mrs. Ye looked at her, thinking she would try to persuade her to like milk. The next second, she heard her say:
"Then what does grandma like?" Qin Sui'an's face was full of seriousness, "Next time, An'an will bring what grandma likes!"

Mrs. Ye was stunned for a long time, and an unknown warmth flowed into her heart silently.

When she came to her senses again, she bent down slightly and hugged her small breasts, "Thank you An An, no need to bother."

"It's not troublesome." Qin Sui'an patted his Zhuzhu schoolbag, "Grandma, An'an's schoolbag is very big! There are even bigger schoolbags!"

The little breasts were so warm and sincere that Mrs. Ye couldn't bear to reject her again and again. She thought about it and asked, "Does An An have coffee at home?"

Qin Sui'an nodded his head vigorously, "Yes! It's black. Dad and his brothers often drink it."

Mrs. Ye rubbed the top of her hair and slightly bent her eyes: "Well, just bring me coffee next time."

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an remembered and recited with a small mouth: "Bring black coffee to grandma next time~"

Mrs. Ye couldn't be unhappy listening to the soft and sweet sound of her breasts, and the corners of her lips kept rising.

The milk in the bottle was already cold, so Lucy heated it up.

Mrs. Ye first fed her some other food, moving carefully.

Qin Sui'an ate happily, his mouth was not big, and he ate in small bites.

Lu Xi handed the heated milk back to her: "Little miss, be careful not to scald it."

"Thank you, big sister~" Qin Sui'an happily hugged the bottle and took a tentative sip, "Not hot~warm~"

Lucy laughed: "That's good."

Qin Sui'an held the bottle and drank the milk attentively, her round eyes narrowed with satisfaction, like a satisfied kitten.

Mrs. Ye couldn't help but chuckle, looking at her with more and more endearing eyes.

At the same time, Mr. Ye rushed to Chaokang Hospital from Ye's Group.

As the car drove into the main entrance of the hospital, Mr. Ye turned his head and saw the eye-catching McLaren parked low-key in the parking space in front of the hospital.

He glanced at the car's license plate number. It was Qin Haochen's car.

Through the McLaren's front windshield, you can see a dignified figure sitting in the driver's seat.

As the car drove into the hospital, Mr. Ye looked away and asked, "How long has he been waiting at the entrance of the hospital?"

In the passenger seat was his special assistant Jehans.

Jehans turned half of his body to the back seat and replied respectfully: "Old sir, President Qin has been waiting for more than two hours."

Mr. Ye didn't speak any more.

The car drove into the parking lot and parked in the parking space next to the Maserati.

Before the special assistant could open the door for him, Mr. Ye got out of the car first. With a straight back and steady steps, he strode into the exclusive elevator of their Ye family.

The elevator goes to the top floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Mr. Ye was no longer so anxious, and suddenly felt a sense of timidity.

After seeing his granddaughter again after such a long time, shouldn't he hear from Wen in advance?
The special assistant held down the door button of the elevator and was extremely patient. He waited quietly for the old gentleman to step out of the elevator on his own initiative without any further urging.

Nearly a minute later, Mr. Ye stepped out of the elevator.

The corridor was as quiet as ever.

I don't know whether the sound insulation effect of the ward is too good or the ward itself is very quiet. Mr. Ye can't hear any sound.

Mr. Ye couldn't help but walk softly, even though he was already walking very lightly.The ward door was getting closer and closer, and his steps were getting slower and slower.

He stopped next to the door of the ward, thought again and again, took a few steps back, took out his mobile phone, used the dark screen as a mirror, and looked at it carefully.

Special Assistant Jehans felt surprised in his heart. He hurriedly found a small mirror from his briefcase and handed it over.

Knowing that the old gentleman wanted to keep quiet, Jehans said silently: Old gentleman, use my mirror.

Mr. Ye nodded, did not refuse, put away his mobile phone, took the mirror, and looked at it carefully again and again.

His hair is not messed up, his face is not dirty, and his tie is neat. Well, it looks okay.

In the ward.

Qin Suian finished a bottle of milk and continued to eat the delicious food on the table with her grandmother.

The food here is also delicious and delicious, and she is very satisfied with it.

Suddenly, Qin Suian's little ears moved slightly and he heard footsteps coming from outside.

She looked at the ward door curiously. There was no figure in the small window on the ward door.

The footsteps were very faint, as if they had gone a few steps further.

Qin Sui'an looked curiously again.

Did she hear it wrong?

How strange.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes in confusion and continued to eat without paying attention to the door of the ward.

With Little Milk Ball by her side, Mrs. Ye ate half a bowl of rice more than usual. It wasn't until Little Milk Ball said she was full that she felt her stomach was full.

Mrs. Ye put down the dishes and chopsticks, took out her handkerchief, held her little face with round breasts in one hand, held the handkerchief in her other hand, and gently wiped the corners of her mouth.

Qin Sui'an raised his little face, very obediently and motionless.

"Okay." Mrs. Ye put down the handkerchief, and the hand holding her small face couldn't help but pinch her cheek gently. The soft touch made her want to pinch it again.

Mrs. Ye retracted her hand, restrained her impulse, turned around and told Lu Xi: "Take care of it."

Lu Xi nodded in agreement: "Okay, old lady."

Just as she finished answering, Lu Xi suddenly remembered something and couldn't make up her mind. She asked cautiously: "Old madam, the old gentleman has rushed to the hospital from the group. Do you need to prepare lunch for the old gentleman again?"

"Why is he here?" Mrs. Ye frowned in confusion. She picked up her phone and took a look, but she didn't receive any message from him.

In the past, when he wanted to come to the hospital, he would tell her in advance.

Lu Xi shook her head: "Old madam, I don't know this."

Mrs. Ye looked at the time again: "When did he come from the group?"

"About half an hour ago." After Lucy finished speaking, she muttered in confusion: "That should be here..."

The distance between the group and the hospital is only 15 minutes at normal driving speed.

Qin Sui'an sat on the sofa, moved to the big white goose, touched the plush and slippery feathers of the big white goose, and listened to their conversation.

Suddenly feeling something, she raised her eyes and looked at the small window of the ward door.

The next second, Qin Sui'an saw the human head appearing on the small window of the ward door.

She tilted her little head in confusion.

The little hand stretched out, pinched the corner of grandma's clothes, and gently pulled it. Her voice was innocent and curious: "Grandma, there is a head on the window~"

(End of this chapter)

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