Chapter 182 Win bonuses and make big money

Qin Haochen nodded lightly.

The car that had been parked in front of the hospital for several hours finally started and drove in the direction of the Qin Group.

Not long after the car left, Mr. Ye received a message from Jehans informing him of President Qin's departure.

After Mr. Ye saw the news, he remained calm, but he couldn't help but feel relieved and a little happy.

At least for the next few hours, their granddaughter would be here to keep them company.

Mr. Ye's eyes were full of tenderness that he had not seen for a long time, and he looked at the small breasts beside him fondly.

Qin Sui'an was still holding her mobile phone and making a video call with her father.

Only the sweet milky voice was left in the living room, and Mr. Ye couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly.

The hospital is not far from the Qin Group, and it is not the peak period for commuting at this point, so the whole journey is smooth.

Qin Haochen glanced ahead, with a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

Why did you arrive at the group so quickly?
The car stopped at the front entrance of Qin's Group. He Yan got out of the car, walked around the back of the car and opened the back seat door.

Meeting the CEO's cold and questioning gaze, He Yan quickly reacted and closed the back seat door gently and carefully again.

He stood silently next to the car, wiping away a cold sweat.

inside the car.

Qin Haochen continued to talk softly to Xiao Naituan, listening to her talk about the special message placed in the living room of the castle, her whispers when she secretly left the castle, and her walk to the hospital to find her mother. time of bravery.

Qin Haochen couldn't laugh or cry.

He not only thinks that his little breasts are very powerful. He can "run away from home" with a goose in his schoolbag at the age of three and a half. He also thinks that his little breasts are very well-behaved and sensible. He clearly misses her mother, but he He endured not telling them, fearing that her affairs would delay the adults' work, so he made the decision alone.

Qin Haochen had to look serious and said seriously: "An'an, where you want to go and what you want to do in the future, you must tell your father, you know?"

Qin Sui'an lowered his head slightly, "Is daddy angry?"

Qin Haochen couldn't bear to scold her or blame her, but this situation really couldn't happen again.

He grimaced and continued to remain serious: "Yes, I am angry. An'an is still young and cannot go out alone. Even if dad, grandpa, grandma, and your brothers are all busy, our family There are also many bodyguards who can accompany you when you go out."

"You can't leave secretly by yourself anymore, do you understand?"

He was obviously planning to preach more sternly, but when he saw the little head of the little breasts drooping lower and lower, Qin Haochen felt extremely distressed. He sighed helplessly and softened his voice: "An'an, dad is very worried about you."

Qin Sui'an pursed her lips and her round eyes were moist. She rubbed her eyes and said, "Papa, An An will never leave alone again."

"Be good, An'an."

Qin Haochen regretted it. He should have forced his way into the hospital. He should have hugged her little breasts and coaxed her.

Instead of being like now, I can't even do something as simple as wiping the tears of my little breasts through the phone screen.

Mr. Ye felt depressed when he saw the little girl secretly wiping her tears. He really wanted to scold Qin Haochen for being so cruel to his granddaughter!
But he didn't do that, and he didn't stop Qin Haochen. It was really dangerous for Little Nipples to go out alone today. If he hadn't happened to run into Assistant Lucie getting out of the car to see him, no one knew what would happen. What happened?

Looking at the time, it seemed that the father and daughter had been on the phone for a long time. Mr. Ye also wanted to coax the little girl, so he pretended to mutter to himself: "We should be at the Qin Group."

When Qin Sui'an heard this, he immediately looked at the scenery behind his father on the screen. It seemed that he had arrived, but the car was not moving.She said in a sweet voice: "Daddy, hurry up and get busy! When An An wins many, many competitions and earns a lot of money, Daddy won't have to go to work!"

"Okay." Qin Haochen couldn't help but laugh.

He reluctantly said goodbye to the little nipples and ended the phone call.

It doesn't matter, I can pick up the little breasts and take them home later.

He convinced himself in this way to make his mood less depressed.


Mr. Ye took out his handkerchief, hugged the little breasts sadly, and slowly wiped the remaining tears on her face, "Are An'an sad?"

Qin Sui'an shook his little head, "Don't be sad, Daddy is right, An An can't go out alone, it's very dangerous."

"Be good." Mr. Ye gently patted her little body. Thinking of what she had just said to Qin Haochen, he asked, "What competition is An An participating in?"

"Chess competition!" Qin Sui'an's round eyes lit up, he raised his little face and said happily: "Grandpa, if An An participates in the chess competition and gets No. 1, she will get money! An An has already won a game! There is a bag money!"

It's a pity that she didn't bring out the red envelope containing the bonus, otherwise she would definitely show it to her grandfather.

"An An is so amazing. He can win a chess match at such a young age." Mr. Ye was extremely surprised.

In the room, Mrs. Ye just walked out of the room, "An'an knows how to play chess?"

"Yes!" Qin Sui'an narrowed his round eyes, "Grandpa Ji said that An An's chess skills are very good!"

Mr. Ye frowned in confusion: "Grandpa Ji? This last name is a bit familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere."

"An An should be talking about Ji Yi." Mrs. Ye walked over and sat down next to Xiao Naituan. "If Ji Yi can praise her personally, then An An must be very powerful."

Mr. Ye remembered, "Old Ji, is he still thinking about chess? I thought he should retire."

The two were old classmates and rarely contacted each other. In his opinion, Ji Yi was a chess madman who played chess in addition to chess every day. Unexpectedly, he was still around chess at his age.

Mrs. Ye looked at him and said, "You haven't retired yet? Why are you so embarrassed to tell others?"

"Aren't I too busy?" Mr. Ye smiled, and then asked Xiao Naituan, "An'an, didn't he say he wanted to accept you as his disciple?"

"Yes~" Qin Sui'an replied seriously: "But An'an already has a master."

He was surprised and subconsciously asked: "Who?"

Although Ji Yi has an awkward temperament, there is no doubt that Ji Yi is definitely a leader in the chess world.

"Uh... um..." Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes and hesitated to speak.

Mrs. Ye stretched out her hand and took the little breasts from his arms, "Okay, why are you asking so clearly? If you can teach An An so well, An An's master must be a powerful person."

Qin Sui'an nodded his head vigorously: "Yeah, that's awesome!"

Mr. Ye laughed and said, "Okay, then I won't ask."

On a whim, he asked Jehans to buy a chess set and wanted to play with the little nipples.

(End of this chapter)

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