My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 183 Executive President of Ye’s Group, Uncle of Xiaonaituan 3

Chapter 183 Executive President of Ye Group, Third Uncle of Xiao Naituan

Jehans quickly bought a chess set and sent it to the ward.

Mr. Ye played the chess piece happily and said, "I haven't played for a long time. An'an, you won the No. 1 game. You have to give it to me later."

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an nodded her little head. She was familiar with this.

When playing chess with her father, grandparents, and brothers at home, except for the beginning, she always let everyone go.

A game of chess begins.

Mr. Ye was not polite. He made the first move and took the chess match between him and Xiao Naituan seriously.

Qin Sui'an also had a serious expression on his face, thinking seriously about how to let his grandfather walk a little longer.

Mrs. Ye watched quietly from the side, raising the corners of her lips from time to time, showing a meaningful smile.

Five minutes later, Mr. Ye picked up the water cup and began to drink water frequently.

Ten minutes later, Mr. Ye felt that the surrounding air was a bit stuffy, and his forehead began to sweat.

15 minutes later……

Mrs. Ye looked at him funny: "Why don't you admit defeat? I feel tired for An An."

It is not easy to have small breasts. She is worried that her grandpa will play the wrong chess piece, and she has to give in to her grandpa so that she does not accidentally win her grandpa.

Mr. Ye persisted until eighteen minutes. He raised his hands and surrendered, "An An, I admit defeat."

"Grandpa didn't lose. Grandpa can play here!" Qin Sui'an pointed to one of the chess pieces specially reserved for grandpa. "You can continue playing here."

Madam Ye couldn't help laughing, "An'an, your grandpa is terrible at chess, there's no need to accommodate him."

Qin Sui'an couldn't help but pursed his lips and stared at the chess board, as if trying to find the advantages of his grandfather's chess playing, "Well..."

Grandpa couldn't play chess better than her little brother, and he made many wrong moves. It was not easy for her to win.

It's easy to win, but it's really hard to lose.

Mr. Ye finished two glasses of water intermittently and sighed, "An An is really amazing."

Qin Sui'an finally thought of it and praised sweetly: "Grandpa works hard too!"

Mrs. Ye laughed even louder. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at him: "Why don't you go and become Ji Yi's teacher? Let him teach you so that you can play with An An again."

Otherwise, with his chess skills, she was afraid that her little breasts would be distorted by him.

"Ahem, that's what I meant." Mr. Ye looked stunned.

However, Ji Yi would definitely not accept him as his disciple. At most, he would reluctantly teach him how to play chess for the sake of his old classmates.

Outside the ward door.

Lu Xi listened to the movements in the ward and heard the old lady's joyful and heartfelt laughter, and she felt filled with emotion.

She was not distracted for too long. After the movement inside became quieter, she knocked on the door again: "Old lady, the milk is ready."

"Bring it in."

After Xiao Naituan mentioned that there were dairy cows in Haiwan Villa, she sent someone to go to Haiwan Villa to bring some milk for Xiao Naituan to drink.

Qin Sui'an's milk bottle was cleaned and disinfected and filled with fresh and warm milk.

Lu Xi handed the bottle in front of her, "Little miss, be careful because it's hot."

"Thank you, big sister~" Qin Sui'an happily held the bottle and took a sip to test the temperature. After it didn't burn his mouth, he immediately started drinking.

Mrs. Ye's eyelids gradually became heavy when she saw the little breasts. She walked into the room with the little breasts in her arms and sat on the chair next to the bed.

She adjusted the position of the little nipple, and then helped hold the bottle, so that the little nipple could free her hands to hold her mother's hand.

Then Mrs. Ye kissed her forehead and said softly: "Sleep peacefully." Qin Suian drank the milk and fell asleep at the moment when the milk bottomed out.

Mr. Ye carefully took away the bottle and sat next to it.

The couple just sat quietly, sometimes looking at their daughter, sometimes at their granddaughter.

At the same time, a villa in the bay.

The six brothers who were "invited" home in the morning seemed to have grown up in the living room and not gone anywhere.

Qin Qianyi could not sit still and moved around too much. His fourth brother Qin Niexun was forcibly restrained on the sofa chair.

He shook the "silver bracelet" on his hand and said, "I want to be safe."

Qin Yaoyu slapped him on the back, "If you want An An, you want An An. What does it mean to take a look at the handcuffs?"

Qin Qianyi said confidently: "An An also has a pair of silver bracelets!"

Aren't these all silver?

Qin Niexun glanced at his sixth brother and had no intention of helping him untie it.

Speaking of the silver bracelet, Qin Qianyi thought of An An's magic on the silver bracelet, "This silver bracelet is like a big white goose, it has become a spirit."

He reasonably suspected that the pair of silver bracelets must have contributed a lot to An An's ability to leave the Bay Villa quietly from all the bodyguards and all the surveillance at home.

Unable to judge from a scientific perspective, Qin Qianyi turned to look at his elder brother and asked: "Brother, what do you think?"

Qin Fuga was sitting on the sofa, with his back straight and his slender fingers turning the beads. When he heard his words, he didn't even open his eyes: "I didn't look."

Qin Fuga probably guessed that the pair of silver bracelets had an unusual origin.

Their father, Qin Haochen, and everyone in the Qin family had never been exposed to such a situation that could not be explained scientifically.

Therefore, the Ye family should know the secret of the silver bracelet better than they do.

Qin Yanyi seemed to agree with him. He took out his mobile phone and stood up and walked out as if there was something urgent.

They stayed in the living room for most of the day when someone suddenly left. Qin Qianyi immediately shouted out of curiosity: "Second brother, where are you going?"

Qin Yanyi didn't look back: "Make a call."

"Can't you make a phone call here? You have to do it behind our backs?" Qin Qianyi wanted to get up and follow him, but was suddenly stopped by handcuffs.

He was speechless and turned to look at Fourth Brother: "Fourth Brother, can you untie it?"

Qin Niexun had no mercy and shook his head in refusal.

Qin Yanyi came to the gate of the castle and made a call: "Zhan Ding, it's me. Do you have Ye San's contact information?"

"Who? Ye Laosan?" Zhan Ding is the doctor in his hospital.

Qin Yanyi remembered that late one night, the third young master of the Ye family had a stomachache. He went to their hospital under the pseudonym Ye San without telling the Ye family.

At that time, the Ye family had a deep hatred for the Qin family. Ye San directly refused Qin Yanyi's treatment by name, and Zhan Ding was later responsible.

Qin Yanyi really wanted to laugh at him at that time. It was just a minor stomach problem, and it was not his turn to help him heal it himself.

From then on, whenever Ye San felt uncomfortable, he would ask Zhan Ding to see a doctor. Over time, the friendship between the two gradually deepened.

Zhan Ding asked in confusion: "Don't you hate Ye Laosan? Why do you want his contact information?"

"I don't hate him." Qin Yanyi said, "I have something urgent to do with him."

"Then wait, I'll send you his cell phone number."

(End of this chapter)

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