Chapter 184 Who is the elder of the Qin family?

After ending the call, Qin Yanyi received the mobile phone number sent by Zhan Ding.

Without much hesitation, he dialed the phone number.

It beeped, and three seconds later, someone picked it up.

A calm male voice came from the receiver: "Hello, who are you?"

"I'm Qin Yanyi."


There was sudden silence on the other side of the receiver. After a moment, the male voice asked again: "Who?"

"I am Qin Yanyi."

"Beep beep..."

The other party immediately hung up on him and blocked his mobile phone number, so that when Qin Yanyi called back, he received a busy signal and could not get through.

Qin Yanyi resisted the urge to roll his eyes and called Zhan Ding again, "Does he have another mobile phone number? Send it to me."

"Ah? What I gave you is his personal mobile phone number. I also have his work mobile phone number. If you call, his special assistant may answer it." Zhan Ding suggested kindly: "You are Can't get through? Why don't you wait? Maybe he's busy."

Qin Yanyi did not explain that it was because he was blocked by the other party, but just said: "Send me his work mobile phone number."

"Okay, then I'll send it to you." Zhan Ding didn't try to persuade him anymore, and quickly sent another mobile phone number to Qin Yanyi.

Qin Yanyi entered the mobile phone number and dialed it.

This time, I waited for nearly ten seconds before I was picked up.

Sure enough, what I told Zhan Ding was right, it was his special assistant who picked it up.

"Hello, our president is in a meeting. Who are you? What do you need from our president? If it is convenient, please tell me. I will convey your matter to you after our president's meeting is over."

"I am Qin Yanyi. Please ask him to spare 10 minutes. I will go to the Ye Group to find him now."

As soon as Qin Yanyi finished speaking, he vaguely heard a sneer coming from the receiver.

The owner of the mobile phone number seemed to be standing nearby and listening, his voice mocking: "Hey, why? Who is he?"

His special assistant was very professional and answered Qin Yanyi's words politely: "I'm sorry, Master Yan Yi, our president has a busy schedule and can't spare time."

Qin Yanyi only felt strange.

His reaction seemed to be that he hadn't seen An An yet.

Qin Yanyi asked: "Your president didn't go to the hospital today?"

The special assistant took one look at his CEO's reaction and replied cautiously: "I'm sorry, Master Yan Yi, the CEO's schedule is private and I am not in a position to answer."

"Oh, it's okay then." Qin Yanyi stopped waiting for their reaction and simply hung up the phone.

He strode to the garage.

In the living room, other people heard the sound of the engine and looked at each other.

Qin Yaoyu: "It's the sound of second brother's car, right?"

Qin Qianyi: "Where is the second brother suddenly running to?"

Qin Niexun: "It doesn't look like there's something temporary at the hospital."

at the same time.

Ye's Group, in the president's office.

Ye Rongyuan, the third young master of the Ye family, currently serves as the executive president and CEO of the Ye Group.

He is only 21 years old, and his appearance has been inherited from Mr. and Mrs. Ye. His handsome face has made countless women fall in love at first sight.

The silver-gray suit made his figure extremely tall. Just standing there, his mountain-like aura made people not to underestimate him, and they did not dare to underestimate him.Ye Rongyuan's expression was gloomy, and he stared coldly at the mobile phone containing his work number card.

The special assistant looked at him cautiously, not daring to express his anger.

Everyone knows that the Ye family and the Qin family don't deal with each other, but today the second young master of the Qin family didn't know what happened and actually called Ye Rongyuan.

The point is, Second Young Master Qin hasn't explained clearly what's going on.

After thinking for a while, the special assistant asked softly: "President, do you need to call back and ask for clarification?"

"Who is he? He wants me to call him back." Ye Rongyuan laughed coldly and said, "Block his phone number."

"Okay, President!"

The special assistant acted quickly and added Qin Ershao's mobile phone number to the blacklist in front of him.

Ye Rongyuan's mood improved slightly.

He had the worst temper and was the most difficult to get along with among the Ye family brothers. However, when the group was selecting the CEO, his luck was unexpectedly good and he won the prize directly.

This CEO has been in office for almost four years.

But after so many years of hard work in the business world, Ye Rongyuan's temper has become increasingly bad, and strangely, the worse his temper is, the more stable his position as president becomes.

Perhaps it was his bad temper that prevented others from bullying him at will, but it was really a mistake.

Ye Rongyuan often complained to his brothers: "Sooner or later, the Ye family will be destroyed in my hands."

Unexpectedly, Ye's business has developed more and more smoothly in recent years.

"Fuck." Ye Rongyuan blurted out. He hadn't used foul language for a long time and was still a little unfamiliar. "Is this Qin Yanyi sick? Isn't he a doctor? If he is sick, he doesn't know how to see him?"

The special assistant did not speak, his expression was calm, and he listened to the CEO's complaints in one ear and out in the other, which shows that this situation often happens.

After scolding Qin Yanyi, Ye Rongyuan's mood completely returned to calm.

Getting back to the topic, Ye Rongyuan frowned, "What did he just say? How did he know that I haven't gone to the hospital today?"

Suddenly, he remembered that when he rushed back to the group at noon today, he encountered his father Ye Yanzhi speeding and rushed to the hospital.

Ye Rongyuan once specially ordered the medical staff responsible for taking care of his sister Ye Chaosi to inform him immediately whenever his sister has any situation, whether good or bad.

After he learned that his father had gone to the hospital, he also called the medical staff. Everything was normal at his sister's side, and there was no special situation.

Ye Rongyuan turned to look at the special assistant and asked, "What's wrong with the hospital? Did something happen?"

The special assistant replied seriously: "President, President Qin and several young masters of the Qin family have been to the hospital. Now they have left. Only the young lady is still in the hospital."


Ye Rongyuan responded and raised his eyes suddenly, "Who? Who is in the hospital?"

The special assistant answered word by word and seriously again: "The young lady is in the hospital, your niece Qin Sui'an."


Ye Rongyuan took a breath and took two steps back, "Are you sure it's An An?"

The Qin family found An An and then held a banquet with great fanfare. Ye Rongyuan knew about this.

He also thought about going to Bay Villa secretly, but damn, the Qin family made Bay Villa look like a prison and there were so many bodyguards that he couldn't go there secretly.

Let him go in an open and honest manner, but they are worried that the news will be spread to their mother. If her mother's mood becomes unstable again, they will not be able to bear the consequences.

At this moment, someone actually told him that An An was not in Bay Villa, but in their Ye family's hospital!
The special assistant nodded affirmatively: "Yes, President."

"Prepare the car." Ye Rongyuan strode out of the office without missing a second.

(End of this chapter)

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