Chapter 185 Don’t hide anything
While waiting for the elevator to rise, Ye Rongyuan couldn't bear it anymore and turned around to reprimand: "How did you become a special assistant! Why did you wait until I asked you about such an important thing?"

The special assistant quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, President."

This is indeed a mistake on his part, because he thinks that as long as it is related to the Qin family, it is best not to take the initiative in front of the president and wait for the president to ask before answering.

When the elevator arrived, Ye Rongyuan walked in and said in a cold voice: "Half a month's salary will be deducted from you, so reflect on it!"

The special assistant nodded in agreement: "Yes, President."

The CEO has a bad temper, but he is generous with his actions. Although half a month's salary is being deducted now, when the salary slip is finally issued, his salary will only be more or less.

The silver sports car Maserati was parked in front of the group.

Ye Rongyuan walked over quickly, took the key from the bodyguard, bent down and got into the car.

The moment before closing the car door, he issued an order: "You will be responsible for all the affairs of the group today. Until the group goes bankrupt, you are not allowed to call me again! Otherwise, I will fire you!"

The special assistant nodded again: "Yes, President."

The low engine roared, and the next second, the silver Maserati drove away from the entrance of the group and headed for Chaokang Hospital under the name of the Ye family.

The special assistant respectfully watched the Maserati leave until it disappeared from sight.

Following such a somewhat willful CEO, the special assistant believes that as long as he doesn't cause serious trouble and can lead the group to prosper, it doesn't matter if he is a little willful, as long as he is a good president.


The silver Maserati arrived at the entrance of Chaokang Hospital.

Ye Rongyuan deliberately slowed down the car and scanned the vehicles at the door.

After confirming that there was no car suspected of belonging to the Qin family, he drove into the hospital parking lot.

As expected, he saw his mother's and father's two cars at a familiar location in the parking lot. Ye Rongyuan parked the car and walked towards the exclusive elevator while muttering softly:
"It's true for parents too! An An came to the hospital and didn't even say a word to me!"

As he entered the elevator, he suddenly remembered something.

Wait, that means mother has already met An An?

That's why my father rushed back to the hospital in such a hurry, partly because of his mother, and partly because of An An.

When you think about it this way, it makes more sense that your father would be speeding.

Ye Rongyuan suddenly realized: "That's it."

With a "ding dong" sound, the elevator reached the top floor.

Ye Rongyuan walked lightly and walked out of the elevator slowly.

At a glance, he saw Lucy, his mother's special assistant, and Jehans, his father's special assistant, standing at the door of the ward.

When he saw them, Lucy and Jehans also noticed his arrival.

The two said in unison: "Three..." Young Master.


Ye Rongyuan raised his hand to stop what they were saying.

Lucy and Jehans immediately shut up and nodded to him as a greeting.

Ye Rongyuan walked to the door of the ward, bent down slightly, and looked quietly into the ward through the window.

There was no one in the living room, and the door to the room was ajar. Because of the angle, the situation inside the room could not be seen.

Suddenly, a "cushion" moved on the sofa in the living room.

Ye Rongyuan was startled and moved his eyes towards the "cushion", "Goose?"

Why is there a goose in the ward?It looks like he's still alive!
Lu Xi explained in a low voice: "Third Young Master, this is the little lady's pet white goose."

Ye Rongyuan opened his mouth but said nothing.An An's pet... is quite unique. It turns out to be a goose, which is a bit interesting.

He retracted his gaze from the goose and continued to look at the room with the door ajar.

Even though he saw nothing, he still looked at it for a long time.

Lu Xi and Jehans looked at each other and tacitly agreed not to offer any advice to the Third Young Master, in case they suddenly stepped into the Third Young Master's minefield and were scolded by the Third Young Master instead.

As everyone knows, the third young master's temper is not very good, so avoid him if you can.

I don't know how long it took, maybe 10 minutes, but Ye Rongyuan finally finished his observation.

He straightened up and asked, "How long has An An been in the hospital?"

Lu Xi replied in a low voice: "Third Young Master, Miss An An came to the hospital with the old lady this morning."

"Come with my mother? How come?" Ye Rongyuan was stunned for a few seconds.

He took a look inside the ward, then waved to Lu Xi, and walked with her to the end of the corridor, listening to her detailed report of what happened in the morning.

A sneer appeared on Ye Rongyuan's lips, "No wonder Qin Yanyi came to me."

Maybe he couldn't get into the hospital and wanted to find him through the back door.


"Remember, the Qin family is not allowed to enter the hospital." Ye Rongyuan told Lu Xi seriously, "Especially the one named Qin Yanyi."

Lu Xi nodded: "Yes, Third Young Master."

She was a little confused in her heart, when did Young Master Yan Yi offend the Third Young Master?
The Third Young Master specifically told me that I am afraid that I will never even think about entering the hospital in the future.

After understanding the whole story, Ye Rongyuan's expression became a little more solemn, and he lowered his voice and asked, "How is my mother's mood? Did she take the medicine on time?"

Lu Xi lowered her eyes slightly, suppressed her excess emotions, and said, "The old lady is very happy. She has been very happy after meeting the young lady, and she took her medicine on time."

"That's good." Ye Rongyuan felt completely relieved, and then said seriously: "If my mother cries, or something happens, you must not help her hide it from us."

Lu Xi nodded, still not meeting his eyes: "Okay, Third Young Master."

Ye Rongyuan then walked back to the door of the ward.

He pondered for a while, took a few deep breaths, moved his hand to the doorknob, then retracted it, and continued to take deep breaths.

Seeing this, Jehans promptly asked: "Third Young Master, I have a small mirror here, do you need it?"

Without saying a word, he said, "Yes."

Jehans immediately took out the mirror and handed it to him.

The last person to use this mirror was Mr. Ye, and now it is his third son's turn.

Ye Rongyuan looked in the mirror and carefully sorted out his appearance.

Another 10 minutes passed, and Ye Rongyuan finally held the door handle of the ward, opened the ward, and walked in quietly.

He had absolutely no image of being the president of the Ye Group. He hunched over and approached the room cautiously and furtively.

The big white goose sleeping on the sofa heard the noise and opened his eyes.

It blinked its small, bean-sized eyes and saw a human-looking and sneaky human approaching the room. It jumped off the sofa, flapped its wings vigorously, and flew towards the human. past:

"Gah! Gah! Gah!"

Catch the thief!There's a thief!Here comes the thief!
The big white goose opened its long beak and pecked his feet unceremoniously, trying to drive away the thief who broke into the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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