Chapter 186 The Third Uncle of Little Nipples


Ye Rongyuan was pecked and bitten several times by the big white goose, and he gasped in pain.

He quickly lowered his voice: "I am An An's uncle, not a bad person!"

"Gah?" An An's cub's uncle?

The big white goose froze, temporarily suspended its righteous behavior of chasing away the bad guys, raised its little head, and stared at him seriously with its big bean eyes.

It seems that he is the uncle of the An An cub!

It sensed the blood relationship between this man and An An's cub.

The big white goose folded its flapping wings and glanced at him, "Quack!"

Why is An An's cub's uncle so strange!
Just come in, why are you still sneaking around!Just like a thief!
You can't blame it for mistaking him for a thief.

Just as Ye Rongyuan was confronting the big white goose, the people in the room heard the noise outside.

Mrs. Ye held the small breast in her arms, frowned, looked at the door of the room, and asked in a low voice: "Is there someone outside?"

Mr. Ye also frowned dissatisfied.

Usually no one comes here.

The sleeping little breast made a cry: "Um..."

Mrs. Ye quickly lowered her head, just in time to see the little breasts opening her eyes in a daze, "An'an, did I disturb you?"

"The big white goose is calling..." Qin Sui'an raised a little hand and rubbed his eyes, "the big white goose said there is a thief."

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye exclaimed in unison: "Thieves?!"

The two looked at each other and then stood up at the same time.

Mr. Ye walked in front, and Mrs. Ye hugged the small breast in her arms tightly and followed him cautiously.

The possibility of a thief breaking into the ward was very low, not to mention their two special assistants guarding the door.

But they did not relax their vigilance and cautiously approached the door of the room.

The squawking of geese outside has quieted down, and there is still a faint sound, but it cannot be heard clearly.

Mr. Ye looked wary and opened the door to the room.

The next second, he saw his third son Ye Rongyuan standing outside in a panic, "Rongyuan, why are you here?"

At this point in time, shouldn't Rongyuan be in the group?
Ye Rongyuan didn't expect that the door to the room would be opened, so he called out hastily, "Dad..."

Looking behind his father again, "Mom..."

And, the mother was holding a small milk ball in her arms, "An An..."

The little breasted dumpling had obviously just woken up. His expression was slightly cute, and his big round eyes were like black grapes. He blinked curiously and stared at him.

Ye Rongyuan's mentality collapsed instantly.

Before entering the ward, he tidied up his appearance for a while, just to give the little breasts a perfect first impression.

But now, after being pecked by the big white goose, his trousers are wrinkled, his hair is a bit messy, and he has no image at all.

Without saying a word, Ye Rongyuan turned around and ran out of the ward decisively.

No, he can't leave such a disgraceful image in Xiaonaituan's heart!

"Hey, Rongyuan, where are you going?" Mr. Ye was confused.

Mrs. Ye burst into laughter, "He must have gone to look in the mirror."

Qin Sui'an slowly woke up, raised her little face, and asked in a soft voice: "Grandma, who is that?" "It's your third uncle, Ye Rongyuan." Mrs. Ye touched her gently He raised his eyebrows and said, "You weren't scared by him, were you? Your third uncle is always like this. He is startled every now and then, just like a child."

Qin Sui'an shook his little head, "An'an is not afraid."

She looked curiously at the ward door that was opened hastily.

It turns out that he is An An's third uncle.

Seeing that baby An An was awake, the big white goose said with embarrassment: "Hey, baby An An, I thought your third uncle was a thief just now, so I yelled. Was it me who woke you up?"

"Third uncle is not a thief~" Qin Sui'an bent his round eyes and comforted the big white goose: "It doesn't matter, An An is going to wake up too."

Mrs. Ye knelt down and let Xiaonuituan play with the big white goose, and then said, "I'll go out and have a look."

Mr. Ye nodded and stayed with the little nipple.

on the corridor.

Lu Xi and Jehans looked at each other in confusion, looking at the third young master standing at the end of the corridor in confusion: The third young master looked very sad, why is this?
Mrs. Ye walked out of the ward.

The two special assistants whispered at the same time: "Old Madam."

"Where are the others?" After Mrs. Ye asked, she saw Ye Rongyuan's figure, and she walked over slowly.

Ye Rongyuan was busy looking in the mirror and carefully rearranging his appearance.

Hearing the footsteps, he glanced back, then shrugged his shoulders very depressedly, "Mom, is An An scared by me?"

"Not really, but I was definitely frightened by your appearance." Madam Ye caught a glimpse of the wrinkled legs of his trousers, with a vague feeling that they might be torn at any time, "Please ask someone to send you a new pair of trousers."

"My special assistant sent it here." Ye Rongyuan kicked his feet and gasped with a grin on his face: "This big goose is really fierce! It almost bit me and made me bleed! Is it a goose or a dog?"

"It's An An's pet goose." Mrs. Ye couldn't stop smiling, "It seems to have mistaken you for a thief."

"How do I look like a thief!"

Ye Rongyuan gritted his teeth. If it wasn't Xiaonuituan's pet goose, he would have stewed it on the spot!
Seeing that he did not suffer any external injuries, Madam Ye returned to the ward first.

Ye Rongyuan waited outside until the special assistant finally delivered the pants. He immediately ran to the bathroom to change into them, and then carefully tidied up his appearance before heading back to the ward.

In the ward.

Qin Sui'an was sitting on the sofa, hugging the big white goose, and the baby and the goose were talking.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye sat nearby and listened. They couldn't understand the quacking of the big white goose, but they could roughly guess what they were talking about from the little nipple's answer.

Suddenly, Qin Suian's voice stopped, his mumbling mouth closed, he turned his head and looked at the door of the ward.

Immediately afterwards, the ward door was lightly knocked twice.

Without waiting for the people inside to respond, Ye Rongyuan pushed the door open and entered.

He was dressed in a neat high-end suit, his hair was deliberately styled, refreshing and clean, and he had a handsome face with a serious expression, making the whole person look noble and elegant.

Ye Rongyuan saw the small breasts sitting on the sofa, raised a smile that he had practiced countless times in the mirror, and said in a steady voice:
"An'an, this is our first meeting. Hello, I am your third uncle, Ye Rongyuan."

Qin Suian's big round eyes blinked twice.

first meet?

Looking at his third uncle who suddenly ran away and came back, Qin Sui'an corrected him with a sweet voice: "Third uncle, An An has met you just now. This is the second time we have met~"

Ye Rongyuan:......

The little breasts have a really good memory.

He was so upset that he cried.

(End of this chapter)

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