Chapter 191 Grandma knows everything
Mr. Ye's eyes were full of joy, and he stretched out his hand to take the little breast ball directly from his third son's arms, "It turns out that An An is here."

He turned around, hugged An An and walked inside. As if he suddenly thought of the existence of another person, he turned around and said, "Close the door."

"Oh." Ye Rongyuan walked into the lounge and closed the door.

The layout of the lounge is similar to that of the ward next door. It has the same living room and rooms, but it lacks medical equipment and the decoration style is more family-style.

Mrs. Ye had slept for a while and was relaxing in her room. She heard her granddaughter's voice and walked out of it.

Seeing the exhaustion on her face, Ye Rongyuan stepped forward in fear, "Mom, are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm a little tired, just take it easy." Mrs. Ye shook her head gently, then looked at the small breasts, she couldn't help but smile, and she seemed to be more energetic.

Ye Rongyuan frowned slightly, "Mom..."

Mrs. Ye interrupted him, "Okay, I'm fine. After dinner, I'll squint for a while."

Ye Rongyuan hesitated to speak. After thinking about it, he skipped this topic for the time being and brought up another thing that could make them happy. "An An just told me that she wants to stay here with her sister for the night."

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye both exclaimed in unison: "Really?"

Qin Sui'an nodded: "Really~"

Ye Rongyuan nodded at the same time: "Of course it's true."

Mrs. Ye's energy was visible to the naked eye, and she immediately said, "Then let Lu Xi prepare to buy a new bed and place it next to Chaosi's bed."

"No, Mom, I just asked Jehans to buy it." Ye Rongyuan smiled and said, "It's so cute and pink!"

Mrs. Ye glanced at him and asked him, "Do you like it or An An likes it?"

"Anything An An says is fine. Our An An doesn't choose anything. It's so easy to talk to." As he said that, he pinched the little cheeks with his hands again.

Qin Sui'an bent his eyes and smiled.

Mrs. Ye looked at her wife and said, "Yanzhi, why don't you go with Jehans and pick out some daily necessities that children need."

"Okay." Mr. Ye nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Ye looked at her third son again, "Why don't you follow?"

"Me? Okay!" Ye Rongyuan readily agreed. He was very excited. He was extremely happy at the thought of being able to buy things for the little nipple in person.

The father and son walked out one after the other.

Before Ye Rongyuan closed the door, he suddenly thought of something, poked his head in and asked, "Um, does An An need to wear diapers?"

Mrs. Ye then turned to look at the little breasts.

Qin Sui'an's small breasts puffed up her soft cheeks, she shook her little head seriously, and solemnly declared: "Third uncle, An An doesn't need diapers, An An is three and a half years old!"

Ye Rongyuan was amused by her angry expression, and ran back to pinch her little face, "Okay, okay, An'an doesn't need diapers, that's great!"

Mrs. Ye was afraid that his hand would be too strong, so she quickly slapped his hand away, "The kid has thin skin, be careful not to hurt An An."

"No, Mom." Ye Rongyuan walked out of the room again, "Then let's go shopping. See you later."

The door to the room closes.

Madam Ye hugged her little breasts and sat down on the sofa, "An'an, have you told your father? You have to stay here tonight."

"I told you, Dad said he is very busy at work and can't stay here with An An." Qin Sui'an touched the silver bracelet on her wrist with her little hands, and murmured in a low voice: "Daddy also wants to stay here. Yes, An An knows."

Mrs. Ye raised her hand and touched the top of her hair soothingly.Moving her eyes downward, she looked at the pair of silver bracelets on her thin wrists, "An'an, are these silver bracelets good for you?"

"Huh?" Qin Suian blinked his round eyes in confusion, as if trying to understand what his grandmother said.

Mrs. Ye did not rush and waited patiently.

After a while, Qin Sui'an nodded his head gently, "The silver bracelet is very good~ and it's also warm~"

She looked at the silver bracelet and said, "It's just that the silver bracelet was very tired in the morning, so now it's not warm or shining."

Mrs. Ye asked softly: "It usually glows and is warm to the touch, is that right?"

"That's right!" Qin Sui'an raised his little face happily and raised his two little hands as if offering a treasure, "Grandma, the silver bracelet is very powerful! It will heal my little brother's injured fist! "

Mrs. Ye looked at her silver bracelet thoughtfully.

Qin Sui'an said in a sweet voice: "My little brother has seen it too! My little brother told An An that this cannot be told to outsiders~this is a secret~"

Hearing this, Mrs. Ye couldn't help but smile, "What about An An telling grandma? This is a secret."

The corners of Qin Sui'an's mouth turned up, "Grandma is not an outsider. Grandma can know."

"You're so good." Madam Ye's mood became clearer because of Xiao Naituan's words, "But, your little brother is right, An An, this matter cannot be known to outsiders, it is a secret."

She nodded her head vigorously: "Yeah! An An knows it, and An An won't tell anyone else!"

She wouldn't tell anyone except her family.

Mrs. Ye's eyebrows were full of tenderness, "Be good."

Qin Sui'an suddenly remembered something and pursed his lips in confusion.

Mrs. Ye saw it and asked softly: "An'an, what's wrong?"

She whispered: "Silver Bracelet must be very hungry today, but An An is not home, so we can't feed it with spiritual energy."

"Where does An An usually collect spiritual energy for it to eat?"

"Among the flowers in the garden, Big White Goose said that there is a flower bush with a lot of spiritual energy that can feed Silver Bracelet." Qin Sui'an said seriously: "An'an goes to the flowers every day to feed Silver Bracelet."

"So that's it." Madam Ye finally understood.

It is really amazing that the Qin family has such a treasure land.

Mrs. Ye said soothingly: "An'an, Silver Bracelet doesn't have to go to the flowers to eat spiritual energy every day. There is more or less spiritual energy in the place where we live, but it is not as obvious as the spiritual energy in the cluster of flowers."

Qin Sui'an heard this for the first time and blinked his round eyes in confusion: "Is it true?"

"Yes." Mrs. Ye picked her up and walked to the small square table next to the sofa in the living room. There was a pot of bright roses on the table, "An'an, please stretch your hands over here."

Qin Sui'an did as she said and stretched out his small hands in the direction of the flowerpot.

The next second, the silver bracelet on his wrist shone faintly.

She opened her round eyes in surprise, "Grandma, there is spiritual energy here!"

"Yes." Mrs. Ye explained softly: "Aura is everywhere."

"Grandma is so powerful!" Qin Sui'an was very curious and looked at grandma, "How did grandma know that there is more spiritual energy here?"

(End of this chapter)

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