My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 192: Will the little girl no longer belong to the family?

Chapter 192 Will the little titty ball never come home again?
Mrs. Ye's gentle eyes met the curious round eyes of the little girl, "An An is still young, so we don't know yet. When she grows older, An An will be able to sense where there is more spiritual energy."

This passage is a bit difficult to understand for the little girl.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes slowly, as if trying to understand what his grandmother said.

Mrs. Ye gently held her little hand, "These are not important now, An An will understand later."

After standing up, Mrs. Ye carried her out of the lounge and returned to the ward.

Qin Sui'an seemed to suddenly remember something, left his grandmother's arms, and entered the room with small steps.

She walked to the hospital bed, stretched her little hand forward, and stared at the silver bracelet on her wrist carefully.

In the lounge and living room next door, directly behind the pot of flowers, was Ye Chaosi's hospital bed.

Just like the reaction when he approached the pot of flowers, the silver bracelet slowly glowed faintly.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes in surprise, turned back to look at his grandmother who was guarding the door of the room, and said softly: "Grandma, there is more spiritual energy here~"

"An An is so smart." Mrs. Ye raised her lips and smiled.

Qin Suian's attention was basically focused on her mother today. She had been with her mother for most of the day and had not noticed the changes in the silver bracelet.

Mrs. Ye walked up to her, rubbed the top of her hair, knelt down and said, "An'an, we can't let a third person know about this, please remember."

"We can't let the third person know..." Qin Sui'an asked blankly: "Why? Grandma and daddy, can't they know too?"

"Well, no." Mrs. Ye rarely showed a serious look to her, "It can only be known to you and me. We can't let the third person know."

Qin Sui'an lowered his little head, looking at the silver bracelet with confusion in his big round eyes.

After a while, she seemed to vaguely understand something, and nodded her head gently, "An An remembers it."

"Be good." Mrs. Ye gently stroked her little face, "Let's keep this secret together."

Qin Sui'an nodded his head again: "Yeah!"

This is a secret between her and her grandmother.


After Qin Haochen finished the meeting, he had no intention of continuing to deal with official matters, so he left the group and returned to Bay Villa.

The living room has become the habitat of the six brothers. Except for Qin Yanyi, who left and came back midway, the others almost stayed in the living room without moving.

Hearing the sound of the car, the six brothers stood up suddenly at the same time and walked quickly towards the castle gate one after another.

The Bentley was parked in front of the castle's main entrance.

Qin Qianyi: "Is An An back?"

Qin Yaoyu: "It should be that dad went to pick up An An and go home."

The six brothers all stared at the back seat door of the Bentley, nervously but with strong hope.

He Yan got out of the car, walked around the back of the car, came to the back seat door, and opened the door carefully.

A pair of long legs landed on the ground, and Qin Haochen's tall figure stepped out of the car.

He raised his eyes slightly and saw a row of people standing at the gate of the castle. He was not surprised at all and walked forward.

He Yan closed the car door.

There was a soft "bang" sound, as if the hope in the hearts of several brothers had been extinguished.

Qin Qianyi stepped forward and asked hurriedly: "Dad, why are you the only one? Where is An An?"

Qin Yaoyu couldn't wait: "Dad, An An didn't go home with you?"

Others also had anxiety in their eyes, staring at him closely.

Qin Haochen stopped slightly and said, "An An won't be back tonight."

"What?!" This sentence was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue to the other brothers.

Qin Niexun stepped forward quickly, "Dad, are they unwilling to let An An go?"

Qin Luzheng looked solemn as if he was ready for a court hearing at any time: "Dad, I'll go talk to them."

Qin Yanyi's expression didn't change much, but even though he had expected it, he felt a little melancholy and lost.

Qin Fuga remained silent. At this moment, his dark eyes looked at Qin Haochen, waiting for his answer.

"An An told me that she wanted to stay there for one night." Qin Haochen raised his hand to look at the time, then continued walking into the castle and went straight to the second floor.

Qin Haochen took out a brand-new children's suitcase and put some of Xiaonuituan's items one by one.

In fact, there was nothing, just a toothbrush, towel, bath towel, pajamas, a change of clothes, and the rest was her favorite doll.

She picked out a few dolls with small breasts that she would usually put next to the bed to accompany her to sleep, and the small suitcase was filled to the brim.

Qin Haochen looked at those dolls and really wished that he could become a doll and accompany the little breasts.

With a barely noticeable sigh on his thin lips, he closed the suitcase and walked out of the room.

The six brothers were still standing at the gate of the castle, their depressed mood enveloped them.

Seeing him coming with his suitcase, Qin Qianyi seemed to have been hit hard and stepped back twice, "Dad, won't An An go home anymore?"

As soon as he finished speaking, one after another looked at him coldly.

Qin Haochen couldn't help but frown at him and emphasized in a cold voice: "An'an is just staying for one night."

He Yan opened the back seat door, and Qin Haochen bent down and sat in the car.

Bentley cars come and go in a hurry.

Arriving at the door of the hospital again, Qin Haochen was sitting in the car with a child's suitcase beside him.

During the last video call, the little girl had just finished her snack, and it was not yet dinner time.

After pondering for a moment, Qin Haochen dialed the number to Xiao Naituan.

The screen of the phone stayed on [Calling...], and after a while, someone picked up the phone.

"Daddy~" the soft little voice came out, and the cute little face with small breasts was displayed on the screen.

Qin Haochen raised his lips and smiled: "An'an."

Qin Sui'an held the phone in his hands, his round eyes curled up, "Is daddy off work?"

"Yeah." Qin Haochen said, "Dad brought An An's luggage over. It's at the door of the hospital now. Can An An come out and get it?"

"Yes~" Qin Sui'an immediately nodded his little head, slid his little body from the sofa to the ground, and ran towards the door of the ward as he spoke.

Mrs. Ye quickly followed her, "An'an, slow down, I'll carry you."

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an stopped, raised his little hands obediently, and let his grandma pick him up.

Mrs. Ye glanced at the screen of her mobile phone without leaving any trace, and she hadn't ended the call yet.

At the door, Lu Xi saw that they were leaving, so she didn't ask any questions, walked a few steps quickly, and pressed the elevator button for them in advance.

The smile on Qin Haochen's face couldn't help but deepen a little.

You can see the little breasts in a moment.

When they took the elevator to the hospital entrance, Qin Haochen got off the car.

He was standing next to the car holding the child's suitcase, looking at the small breasts on the screen of his mobile phone, and occasionally looking up at the door of the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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