Chapter 198 Grandpa’s legs are a bit too normal
Mr. Qin is busy in the restaurant, preparing to bring dinner upstairs.

Hearing the footsteps approaching, he looked back and immediately frowned: "Xiaojin, why did you come downstairs? It's so hard on your body."

"There's an elevator. It's just a few steps away, and I don't need to climb the stairs." Mrs. Qin took Little Nipple's hand and entered the restaurant, "Just eat here."

She stayed upstairs for almost two days. Although she was falling asleep, she had stayed enough.

Qin Suian took two steps forward and pulled open the dining chair with her little hands, "Grandma, sit here!"

What Mr. Qin wanted to do, she was one step ahead of him. She smiled and said, "Why did An An still complete the 'task' I was responsible for?"

Mrs. Qin walked over and sat down, "Who told you to move slowly?"

Qin Sui'an did not leave. He climbed onto the dining chair next to him and made a serious expression as if he wanted to supervise his grandma to eat well.

Mrs. Qin was so cute that her heart softened, and the happy smile continued to stay on her face.

Mr. Qin was sitting on the other side. The two of them had just started eating dinner, and Qin Sui'an was staring at them intently.

From time to time, he opens his little mouth to accept feeding from his grandparents.

Although she had already had dinner, she could still eat a little more.

An An didn't want to admit it because she was greedy.

After the two elders finished their dinner, Qin Suian's supervision task was completed.

She happily took her grandparents to the living room.

Qin Haochen heard her brisk footsteps and stood up to meet her. He first took the little breasts into his arms and then looked at his mother, "Mom, Yan Yi said you are feeling much better."

Mrs. Qin smiled and said, "Yes, you don't have to worry about me anymore, just worry about your dad's legs."

When Mr. Qin heard this, he immediately stamped his feet: "Don't worry about my legs."

It's better to be able to walk on your own than to sit in a wheelchair and wait for someone to push you.

Qin Sui'an looked at his grandfather's legs, and then at the inseparable crutch that his grandfather was holding.

It seems that without the crutches, grandpa cannot walk on his own.

Her little brows began to frown again.

Qin Haochen hugged her and sat on the sofa, and her other brothers began to gather around her, thinking of playing various little games with her.

Seeing that the little breasts in her arms were about to move, Qin Haochen smiled helplessly and asked her to play with her brothers.

After playing this game until nearly ten o'clock in the evening, Qin Sui'an seemed to be exhausted and retracted into her father's arms.

Qin Haochen carried her back to the room to wash up and put on clean pajamas.

The dolls that were taken to the hospital came back again, and there was also a larger bear doll.

Qin Haochen reluctantly let the bear doll stay on their bed. Fortunately, the bed was big enough, which was more than enough.

Qin Sui'an lay on the comfortable quilt, her eyelids were heavy, and she held her father's strong arms with her little hands, "Daddy..."

Qin Haochen approached the little nipple, "Dad is here, what's the matter, An'an?"

"Daddy, have grandpa's legs always been like this?" Qin Suian's round eyes were half closed, feeling sleepy, but he still insisted on finishing his words.

Qin Haochen originally wanted to say some nice words to coax the little girl so that she wouldn't worry too much.

After thinking about it, give up.

He stretched out his other hand, gently stroked her little face, and replied patiently: "The doctor has checked her, and the probability of getting better is not very high."

The little girl then asked her doubts: "So grandpa has to hold a cane all the time to be able to walk?"

"That's more or less the case. Without crutches, it might be more difficult to walk." Qin Haochen comforted him: "With crutches, your grandpa can actually walk very fast, and he can even chase after your little brother."

"Huh?" This was a scene she had never seen before.

Qin Sui'an's round eyes suddenly widened a little, "Grandpa still beats my little brother?" "I did before." Qin Haochen smiled, "Your little brother didn't go to school well, skipped class and went outside to play, so he was punished. Your grandfather chased and beat me."

Qin Sui'an imagined in his mind that his little brother was screaming, and his grandfather was chasing him with a cane. He smiled with crooked eyes: "No wonder the little brother is afraid of grandpa."

Qin Haochen patted her little body gently and said, "An'an, it's getting late, go to sleep."

"Well..." Qin Sui'an nodded his head slightly and leaned slightly on his father's arm.

She pursed her lips and murmured softly: "I hope grandpa's leg can get better..."

After a while, the little nipple fell into sleep.


Mr. Qin had a dream that made him feel terrible. It could be said to be a nightmare, but it could not be called a nightmare.

In the dream, there were two little elf-like things chasing him, saying they would eat his bad legs.

Mr. Qin was so frightened that he risked his life and ran away endlessly.

Finally, he couldn't run anymore. As soon as he fell to the ground, the two little things immediately pounced on his legs, as if they were really biting him.

It doesn't hurt at all, it just feels numb.

After the two little things flew away, Mr. Qin looked down and saw that he was missing a leg. He was so frightened that he exclaimed:


He also woke up from the weird dream.

Mrs. Qin was awakened by his screams and turned to look at him, "Are you having a nightmare? What's wrong?"

"I dreamed that something was going to eat my legs." Mr. Qin was frightened and patted his chest, "It's so scary."

Mrs. Qin glanced at the sky outside. It was already dawn. She sat up and took out a tissue to wipe his sweat. She comforted him: "Dreams and reality are opposite. What's more, your legs are not very good, and eating is useless." Eat."

"Alas." Mr. Qin wiped the cold sweat on his face from being frightened by this strange dream, then lifted up the quilt and walked towards the bathroom.

Although it was still early, he really couldn't sleep if he was asked to go to bed again.

He was afraid that those two little things were still trying to eat his legs, which was scary.

Mrs. Qin did not lie down again, but sat beside the bed.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember something and turned to look at her husband who walked into the bathroom.


Mrs. Qin turned her head again and looked at the crutches placed beside the bed.


Mr. Qin heard her two confused sounds, stepped back and asked, "Xiao Jin, what's wrong?"

"You..." Mrs. Qin pointed to his leg.

Mr. Qin lowered his head, almost thinking that he was scared to death by a nightmare, but luckily it wasn't, "What's wrong with me?"

Mrs. Qin stared at him for a moment before saying, "Can you walk on your legs without crutches?"

"How is it possible? My legs..." Mr. Qin subconsciously wanted to raise the crutches, but his hands were empty.

He took a breath and finally came to his senses.

"Can I leave?!"

Mrs. Qin immediately picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table. She didn't want to worry about whether this would disturb her second grandson's rest. She hurriedly made a call: "Yan Yi, come to our room now. Your grandfather's legs are a little too big." Normal!"

(End of this chapter)

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