Chapter 199 Believe in Little Milk Ball’s Judgment
After Qin Yanyi received the call from grandma, he immediately rushed to their room.

Mr. Qin was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a complicated expression.

If his legs were healed, it would definitely be a good thing, but the sudden recovery made him feel that one day in the future, his legs would inexplicably get worse.

Mrs. Qin's expression was completely opposite to his, and the smile on her face never disappeared. She comforted him: "Ahuo, don't worry, let Yan Yi take a look and see what he says."

Qin Yanyi, wearing pajamas at home, hurried to the second floor and knocked on their room door: "Grandpa, grandma."

Mrs. Qin responded to him: "Come in quickly."

Qin Yanyi pushed the door open and walked towards them, scanning his grandfather's body up and down.

He sat next to his grandfather, and gently covered his injured leg with his long, white and clean hands. "Grandpa, are you suddenly able to walk when you wake up?"

"Yes, I had a strange dream. When I woke up, I wanted to get up and wash up." Mr. Qin came back from his thoughts and said, "It was your grandma who reminded me that I realized that I was not using a cane. ."

Qin Yanyi checked briefly and found that the muscle groups responded normally and there was no excessive pain.

He frowned slightly and said softly: "Everything seems to be normal. Grandpa, I will accompany you to the hospital for a detailed examination."

Mr. Qin nodded: "Okay."

Mrs. Qin laughed cheerfully, "You don't have to use a cane anymore."

Qin Yanyi glanced at the time. It was only after seven in the morning, but the situation was special and there was no further delay: "Grandpa, how about we clean up and go now?"

"Okay." Mr. Qin had no objection, and it was rare for him to be obedient.

Mrs. Qin stood up and said, "I'll go too."

Qin Yanyi and Mr. Qin were about to refuse her company when they heard her continue:
"I mean, I also want to have a physical examination." Mrs. Qin didn't say much yesterday, but she also had her concerns: "Yan Yi, you told Dr. Han that I am healthy, and I also want to go to the hospital for a physical examination." Check it more carefully so you can feel more at ease in the future.”

Qin Yanyi thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "Grandma is right, we were negligent."

They packed up and changed their clothes, went downstairs to the restaurant to have breakfast, and then prepared to set off.

Qin Fuga happened to be walking down the stairs with the big white goose.

Seeing them about to go out, he asked doubtfully: "Grandpa, grandma, where are you going?"

Mr. Qin turned around and responded: "Go to the hospital, your grandma and I will check your health."

When Qin Yanyi saw that his eldest brother wanted to accompany them, he said, "Brother, I just want to accompany my grandparents."

Qin Fuga stopped for a moment and said without forcing, "Okay."

Watching them get into the car and leave, Qin Fuga put the beads he was twisting on his wrist and counted them with his fingertips.

For a moment, he whispered to himself: "Happy, no illness or disaster."

Qin Fuga slowly breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to the castle.


Today was not the weekend. When Qin Sui'an woke up and saw a familiar figure sitting beside the bed, she said "Huh".

His little hands stretched out from the quilt and rubbed his round eyes again and again.

Qin Haochen was sitting by the bed, using his laptop to handle some important matters of the group.

Hearing the sound of the little nipple, he looked back, immediately closed the laptop and put it aside.

Qin Sui'an climbed out of the comfortable bed, and couldn't hide the joy in her little voice: "Daddy, don't you have to go to work today?" "I'll go in the afternoon, there's nothing to do in the morning." Qin Haochen completely forgot about the official business he was dealing with just now. .

He held the small breast in his arms and gently combed her soft hair with one hand, "Would An'an not sleep for a while?"

"I'm not sleepy!" Qin Sui'an was full of energy, his round eyes were full of light, and he didn't look like he had just woken up. "Daddy, good morning!"

Qin Haochen smiled and said, "Good morning, good morning."

He stood up and carried her to wash up and put on a clean little skirt.

Just as he was about to take her out of the bedroom, Qin Sui'an hurriedly pointed to the laptop on the bedside table that had been forgotten by its owner, "Papa, don't you want that big notebook?"

Qin Haochen followed her gaze, and then smiled softly: "Don't worry, just let the others go back to the study later."

"Oh~" Qin Sui'an then followed him downstairs.

At 09:30 in the morning, the castle was very quiet, and most people who had something to do were out.

As soon as Qin Sui'an sat down in the children's dining chair, the big white goose immediately ran into the castle to find her.

"Ga~ An'an cub, good morning!"

The big white goose swaggered into the restaurant and squatted down under her dining chair very skillfully.

Qin Sui'an hugged the bottle handed over by her father and said, "Good morning, Big White Goose!"

After saying hello to the big white goose, she immediately put her pacifier in her mouth and drank the mellow and silky milk.

The big white goose talked to her: "Gah~ Baby An'an, your grandfather, your grandmother, and your second brother have all gone to the hospital."

In the Qin family, only cub An An can understand its words, so as soon as it sees cub An An, it can't wait to talk to cub An An.

When Qin Sui'an heard this, his round eyes widened.

She quickly let go of the pacifier and asked anxiously: "Are grandparents sick?"

The big white goose raised one wing, combed the goose feathers on its body, and replied: "Gah~ I heard your eldest brother calculated a 'quick happiness, no illness and no disaster', your eldest brother's calculation is quite accurate, your grandparents Not sick."

Qin Sui'an half understood what he said, but he understood the last sentence, "That's good~ I'm not sick~"

She settled down, continued to hold the pacifier in her mouth, and drank all the milk from the bottle.

Qin Haochen waited for the little milk ball to finish drinking the milk, and then slowly fed her another breakfast.

He couldn't understand goose language, but he could analyze the specific content of the conversation between them from Xiao Naituan's response.

Mrs. Qin and Mr. Qin sent messages to inform Qin Haochen. Qin Haochen probably knew the process and sent He Yan to the hospital to help, so he only needed to use his laptop to temporarily handle some things in the morning.

The father and daughter had just finished breakfast when the sound of a car engine was heard outside, and then, three footsteps entered the castle.

Qin Sui'an listened carefully, raised her little face to look at her father, bent her eyes and smiled, "Papa! It's the grandparents, and the second brother, they are back!"

"Then let's go take a look." Qin Haochen helped her wipe the corners of her mouth, and then picked her up from the children's dining chair, without doubting the judgment of the little girl.

in the living room.

Qin Yanyi put together some of the urgent reports, with a happy face: "Grandpa, although your leg injury has healed, you still shouldn't work too hard."

(End of this chapter)

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