Chapter 201 Grandpa also lost!

Listening to the little breasted dumpling's milky voice and sweet words, my great-great-grandfather wished he could hug her, she was so cute!
He laughed cheerfully: "I don't want it from you, hahaha, this is An An's treasure, how can I be willing to take away An An's treasure?"

When Qin Sui'an heard this, he relaxed his hands with peace of mind, raised his little hands happily, and said generously: "Show it to Grandpa!"

"Hahaha, okay, okay!" The great-grandfather didn't shirk and came closer, his eyes almost touching the pair of silver bracelets.

He could feel that the spiritual energy that competed with the Yin energy in his soul came from the silver bracelet.

After completing the close observation, the great-grandfather straightened up, stroked his beard, and muttered to himself: "God, I have lived for so long and have been dead for many years, but I have never come across this special silver bracelet. .”

Qin Sui'an heard what her great-grandfather said, but she couldn't quite understand it. She raised her round eyes in confusion: "Why is my great-grandfather so interested in An An's silver bracelet?"

Although my great-grandfather had also thought about her silver bracelets in the past, he never started researching her silver bracelets soon after meeting her like today.

Grandpa said: "Well, it's nothing. I'm just worried that if you wear this silver bracelet for a long time, it will have a bad impact on you."

Qin Sui'an justified his silver bracelet: "No way! Silver bracelets are very good!"

"Hahaha..." Grandpa laughed loudly, "Yes, yes, An An's silver bracelet is as good as An An."

He was not obsessed with the silver bracelet issue. He floated to the opposite side of Xiaonuituanzi and looked at the chessboard: "An'an, why don't you call your brothers to play with you?"

Qin Sui'an shook his little head slightly: "No."

She was embarrassed to say that playing chess with her brothers was a bit tiring. She could win, but she didn't want to win, but it was difficult to lose.

An An's brothers also felt her struggles, which would not benefit her chess skills in the long run, so they slowly stopped forcing An An to play chess with her and let her play with them.

Although it sounds a bit pitiful, Qin Sui'an had a lot of fun. He played against himself and knew how to move and block the moves. It was very challenging.

Grandpa thought about it for a moment and roughly guessed it, "Oh, in our Qin family, An'an is the smartest, everyone else is stupid! He can't even play a simple game like chess well."

"You're not stupid, my brothers are also very smart." Qin Sui'an immediately retorted, "Grandpa, you can't scold your brothers."

"Oh, I didn't scold you, I just said it." Grandpa quickly changed the subject to avoid upsetting Xiaotuanzi, "An'an, let me play chess with you."

Qin Sui'an was very happy and nodded: "Okay~"

She stretched out her little hands and expertly restored the chessboard to its original state, "Grandpa first~"

Grandpa rolled up his sleeves seriously, "Okay, I have to be serious. You are my great-granddaughter, and I won't let you go."

"Don't let An An!" Qin Sui'an was full of expectation, his round eyes became bright, and his little hands couldn't help but move with excitement, "Grandpa, where are you going?"

Grandpa thought solemnly for a few seconds, and then carefully asked Xiao Naituanzi to move the chess piece.

In the chessboard room, two great-grandsons, separated by generations and boundaries, began their chess game.

in the living room.

The atmosphere was eerily quiet.

Everyone could clearly see the scene in the surveillance camera just now, and also heard clearly what the little nipple said.

Qin Fuga suddenly received the gazes of others.

He calmly pinched the prayer beads in his hand and said, "As you can see, Grandpa is here to see An An again."

Mr. Qin took a breath: "Again?!" The "grandpa" they were talking about was his father who had been deceased for many years.

Mr. Qin thought about how he often dreamed about his father. Every time he dreamed about his father, his father would urge him to burn more paper money, saying that the underworld was expensive.

Mr. Qin still remembered the last time he dreamed about his father. His father was very happy to say that the Qin family had a baby girl.

So those dreams weren’t really dreams?It was really his father who came to see him in his dream!
And now, the father even ran directly to find his little granddaughter, more than once.

Although he was his father, Mr. Qin couldn't help but worry. He lowered his voice and asked: "Fujia, they say that there is a separation between yin and yang. Will your great-grandfather come to An'an like this to affect An'an?"

Qin Fuga shook his head and comforted: "Grandpa, don't worry, I gave An An a piece of talisman paper, it won't affect An An."

Mr. Qin finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

Then, he frowned in confusion and glanced around the grandchildren present, "Your great-grandfather never came to see you?"

"It's not just that I haven't looked for it, I haven't even dreamed about it." Qin Qianyi touched his chin, "Does Grandpa not know how many great-grandchildren he has?"

Qin Yaoyu is a sensible person: "I'm afraid he knows and doesn't want to talk to us."

Qin Qianyi covered his heart and said, "Fifth brother, this hurts my heart."

Their great-grandfather passed away early, and they had no impression of their great-grandfather, but they couldn't help but wonder whether their great-grandfather was too fond of girls over boys.

Mrs. Qin looked at the surveillance camera with a smile, "As long as it doesn't affect An An, you see, your great-grandfather's chess skills are much better than yours. An An is having so much fun."

This is a fact. No one present, including Qin Haochen, can make An An have fun playing chess. An An has to find a way to let them go every time.

Now that Grandpa is here, An An can play chess happily without having to worry about how weak his opponent is.

Mrs. Qin's words brought everyone's attention back to the surveillance.

A game of chess was played for nearly 10 minutes, and at the end it was the great-grandfather who sighed first.

"An An is indeed the smartest person in the Qin family. Even I can't compare to An An." Grandpa waved his hand, "I lost."

Qin Sui'an's little face was filled with an excited smile, "Grandpa, An An still wants to play~"

It’s so fun to play chess with my great-grandpa!It can last for a long time~
"Oh, you're addicted to torturing me." Grandpa chuckled, unwilling to refuse her, "Okay, let's try one more, An'an, don't even think about letting me, or I won't play chess with you in the future. "

Qin Sui'an immediately said in a cowardly voice: "Don't let me, An An, play seriously!"

The little hands quickly restored the chessboard, and a new game began again.

But this time, within 15 minutes, Great Grandpa was defeated first again.

He covered his face and said, "It's over. I have to go back and study chess skills."

Qin Sui'an comforted him: "Grandpa, don't be sad~"

Grandpa regained his composure and said, "An'an, let's do it next time. I won't lose to you next time."

After a pause, he tried to make amends for himself: "I will definitely not lose to you so soon."

(End of this chapter)

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