My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 202: Which wealthy family is creating gods and bragging?

Chapter 202: Which wealthy family is creating gods and bragging?
Grandpa played two games of chess with An An. It seemed that his self-confidence was frustrated. After staying for a while, he hurried back to the underworld, saying that he wanted to hone his chess skills.

Soon, the day came for the municipal chess competition that An An signed up for.

Qin Haochen made time to let He Yan take charge of the group's affairs and prepared to accompany An An to the competition.

During this period, Mrs. Ye, Mr. Ye and Xiao Naituan also learned about An An's upcoming participation in the chess competition through several video calls.

Naturally, they didn't want to miss such an important competition for the Little Milk Group, so they found out the venue of the competition in advance. The venue was still being decorated, and the Ye family's car was waiting in the parking lot.

inside the car.

Madam Ye frequently raised her hands to check the time, her palms sweating from nervousness. She glanced around from time to time, "Lu Xi, please keep an eye on it. If the Qin family's car appears, tell me immediately."

"Okay, old lady."

Lu Xi was sitting in the passenger seat. She was also very nervous. She didn't dare to slacken her eyes and stared at the surroundings all the time.

Jehans walked around the scene, came back, and knocked on the back seat window.

Mr. Ye lowered the window and asked, "How is it?"

Jehanshui reported: "Old sir, everything is normal, nothing unusual."

Mr. Ye nodded and told him: "Okay, keep an eye more closely. If there are not enough manpower, ask the bodyguards at home to come over."

"I will, old gentleman."

In fact, the surrounding area is very safe, but it was because of a small laxity that Miss Chao Si caused tragic consequences that the old lady and the old gentleman have always regretted.

Jehans could understand the worries of the two elders, and he did his duty and promised not to let accidents happen again.

An hour later, the competition venue was all set up.

Contestants also arrived one after another and entered the arena after signing in.

Mr. Ye couldn't help but feel anxious, "The Qin family won't forget what day it is, right?"

"No." Mrs. Ye glanced at the time. She was initially nervous, but now her mood has stabilized a lot.

The phone in her hand suddenly vibrated, and Mrs. Ye clicked on the latest news.

It was a message from the two bodyguards she arranged at Qin's house.

Mrs. Ye put away her cell phone and said to her wife, "We're almost there."

As soon as the Qin family's car appeared in sight, Lu Xi immediately reported: "Old madam, Miss An An is here!"

At the same time as she said this, Lu Xi quickly got out of the car and opened the back seat door.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye couldn't wait for even half a second. They got out of the car one after another and strode towards the entrance of the competition.

Lucy and Jehans followed closely behind.

When Qin Haochen set off with the little milk ball, he learned that Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye had arrived in advance.

When he got out of the car with his little breasts in his arms, he was not surprised when he saw the two elders of the Ye family coming towards them not far away.

The little girl in her arms also saw them, waving her little hands happily, calling softly and loudly: "Grandma~Grandpa~"

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye quickened their pace and came to Xiao Naituan, "An'an."

Qin Haochen nodded gently to them: "Dad, Mom."

Mrs. Ye glanced at him, paused for a moment, and asked him: "Why are you the only one here with An An?"

Qin Haochen explained simply: "An An's brothers are too noisy, and my parents are also worried that too many people will distract An An."

There are six brothers alone, and each one of them can drown the little breasts with just one sentence.

Qin Haochen simply told them not to come.

As for Mrs. Qin and Mr. Qin not accompanying them, it was because they knew that Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye would come so that the two elders of the Ye family could spend more time with An An.

There is only one small breast, and no one can monopolize her. They can only cooperate with each other tacitly.

Mrs. Ye nodded, "So that's it." Qin Haochen bent down and put down the small breast in her arms.

This venue is different from the venue for the last chess match, but the process is similar.

Qin Suian walked in front alone, followed by her father, grandmother, and grandfather.

Last time, Qin Haochen helped Xiao Naituan sign in and write his name. This time, Xiao Naituan can sign in and write his name by himself.

The sign-in table was a bit high and the chair was a bit short. Qin Haochen sat on the chair and hugged her little breasts.

Qin Sui'an held the pen that was much longer than her hand and signed her name on the paper seriously.

She wrote stroke by stroke with great care, and her little face was so soft that the staff on the side couldn't help but want to reach out and touch her.

Of course, the staff didn't dare to touch her, and her little breasts looked cute, but the family members who accompanied her were not little people to be trifled with.

After Qin Sui'an finished writing his name, he put the pen back into the pen holder, raised his little face, blinked his big round eyes, and said to the staff in a sweet voice: "Sister, An'an has signed!"

"Wow, the kids are great!" The staff member bent down and took a closer look.

Xiao Naituan's writing style is well controlled, the fonts are neat and a little childish.

The staff member smiled at the little girl and said gently: "Okay, kids, please go to the aisle on the right and wait in the waiting area for the chess game to start."

"Okay~Thank you sister~"

Qin Sui'an responded softly.

Qin Haochen, Mrs. Ye, and Mr. Ye watched her little figure enter the waiting area. When she found a seat and sat down, they went around to the auditorium and sat down.

The appearance of the small breasts caused a small sensation in the waiting area.

"Did the baby go to the wrong place? Whose family member is it? The auditorium is not here."

"Haven't you heard of her? A three-and-a-half-year-old chess god. I saw a lot of videos of her playing at Station B."

"She is the three-and-a-half-year-old chess god?!"

"I heard that she can also control chess, which is very good! The last time she participated in a chess competition, she won all the games and lost zero!"

"Is he really that powerful? He looks very expensive. The daughter of some wealthy family bribed the contestants to become a god and brag."

"We'll find out when the game starts..."

Their conversation was deliberately kept low, but Qin Sui'an heard it clearly.

Qin Sui'an didn't go to see them. Since they didn't want her to hear them, she just pretended not to hear them.

She turned her little head and looked toward the auditorium. When she saw her father, grandma, and grandpa, she immediately raised her little hands and waved to them.

Qin Haochen, Mrs. Ye, and Mr. Ye saw her movements and waved at the same time to respond to her.

Ten minutes later, the preliminary round began.

It’s similar to the previous games, they draw lots first and play against each other.

Qin Sui'an finished drawing the lots in a familiar manner and found his own seat.

Soon, her first opponent came and sat across from her.

"Little brat, your family didn't spend any money to bribe me, so don't expect me to show mercy."

As soon as his opponent opened his mouth, Qin Sui'an immediately recognized him. This person was the one who had just said something like "making a god and bragging".

She didn't understand, but the tone didn't sound good.

Qin Suian pursed his lips and ignored him.

Humph, An An hates him!
Qin Suian hates an opponent and expresses it in a very direct way——

(End of this chapter)

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