Chapter 203: Does grandma hate dad?
The referee announces the start of the game.

Almost as soon as his opponent finished playing the chess pieces, Qin Sui'an stretched out his little hand to move the chess pieces.

The speed is so fast that the opponent's mind is instantly confused, and he can't help but wonder: This little kid, doesn't he need time to think when playing chess?
The opponent only felt as if someone was urging him to move faster, even though the kid sitting opposite him didn't say a word, or even looked at him.

This little brat must have deliberately disturbed his mind!
He put away his unnecessary thoughts and stared at the chessboard.

However, no matter how long he thought about and thought about the perfect move, the small breasts in front of him would always quickly block his retreat in the next moment.

A little panicked sweat broke out on his forehead.

Psychological warfare, this is definitely psychological warfare!
There is no way he would lose to a little kid!

He tried hard to find some flaws in her from the chessboard, but in vain.

how so……

The referee stood in the middle of one side of their table, watching them play chess with a serious expression.

After Xiao Naituan moved another chess piece, the referee raised his card: "Qin Sui'an, wins."

Qin Sui'an immediately climbed down from the chair and walked to the waiting area to rest there.

The opponent sat stubbornly in his position and refused to leave, "It's impossible, I haven't thought about it yet! I haven't lost yet!"

The referee's face was expressionless: "I'm trapped, I have no son left."

"I do not believe!!!"

Seeing that he was still refusing to admit defeat, the referee called security and took him away from the scene.

The games at other tables were still going on. When I heard the noise, I couldn't help but take a look at what was going on. I saw a little girl sitting alone in the waiting area.

Only the winners can go there, the losers leave directly.

The players subconsciously glanced at the time.

It’s only the third minute of the game!

In other words, the little chess god who is known as the Little Chess God easily defeated his opponent in 3 minutes!
Everyone's pressure suddenly doubled, but their expressions were a little excited and entangled.

They hope to meet Xiao Nipple and play a good game of chess with her, but they are worried that they will meet Xiao Nipple too quickly and be eliminated without a good ranking.

As soon as the preliminary round ended, half of the people in the waiting area were missing.

Some of the people who ordered it were sitting on the chairs around Xiao Naituan.

"Hello, kid."

Qin Sui'an looked at them, blinked his round eyes, and responded with a soft voice: "Big sister, big brother, hello."

There was not a long break in the game, and they simply asked her: "Kid, did Mr. Ji teach you chess?"

Mr. Ji is famous and prestigious in the chess world. I heard that it was Mr. Ji who helped this three-year-old girl sign up for the competition.

Qin Sui'an shook his little head: "It's not Grandpa Ji."

They asked curiously: "Who taught you that?"

"Kid, if you are so powerful, isn't your master even more powerful than you?"

Qin Sui'an thought of the two chess games that his great-grandfather lost to him.

Well...grandpa is awesome.

Seeing that she didn't answer for a long time and frowned, as if she had something to hide, the others stopped asking and changed the topic.

The next preliminary round begins, followed by the semi-finals, and finally the finals.

There is no suspense that Qin Sui'an has advanced all the way. Although she will spend more time playing chess with the opponent who is pleasing to the eye and polite, she still wins steadily.No matter how pleasing your opponent is, the bonus will not be pleasing to your eyes~
Qin Sui'an's goal was decisive and straightforward. After the referee announced the ranking and received her trophy and bonus, she happily ran to the audience to find her family.

"Daddy! An An wins!"

Qin Haochen went up to meet her and firmly hugged the little breasts that flew towards her.

Qin Sui'an happily raised the red paper bag containing the bonus, with a lovely smile of excitement and joy on his little face: "I got the bonus!"

"An'an is great!" Qin Haochen couldn't help but kiss her soft little face, with a smile on his lips that was proud of her small breasts.

After Qin Sui'an shared the joy of winning the game with her father, she looked at her grandma and grandpa happily again. Xiao Naiyin couldn't hide her joy: "Grandma and grandpa, An An won! This is the bonus that An An won, which is better than last time." The winning bonus is even bigger!”

She blinked her big round eyes, which were shining brightly.

Mrs. Ye was infected by her happiness, with a doting smile on her face, "An An is great."

Mr. Ye also smiled and narrowed his eyes, full of pride: "An An's chess skills are so good! He actually beat so many people in a row!"

"Hehe~" Qin Suian leaned in his father's arms, smiling happily.

Mr. Ye felt a little embarrassed when he thought about how he had played chess with Little Nipple before. His chess skills were so bad that it was hard for Little Nipple to play with him.

The game was over and it was time for lunch.

Mr. Ye proposed to take the little milk dumplings with him for lunch, "There happens to be a restaurant nearby, and the food is pretty good. An'an, would you like to have lunch with us?"

Qin Suian nodded his head happily: "Okay~"

Her two little hands were wrapped around the back of her father's neck, and she was keenly aware of her father's instant mood changes.

Qin Sui'an frowned in confusion and lowered his voice: "Is Daddy going to be busy again?"

Qin Haochen did not answer her immediately and remained silent for a moment.

Mr. Ye turned to look at his wife standing beside him, asking for her opinion with his eyes.

Mrs. Ye pursed her lips and glanced at him first, then looked at Qin Haochen and said, "Let's go together. No matter how busy you are, you have to make time to eat."

Qin Sui'an agreed very much with what grandma said. He nodded his head vigorously and said in a sweet voice: "Daddy, grandma is right! No matter how busy you are, you still have to eat!"

Qin Haochen raised his lips and said, "Okay, let's eat together."

The restaurant is in a nearby shopping mall. You don't need to drive, you can also walk there.

Qin Haochen answered a phone call midway, and the little girl said she wanted to hug her grandma and grandpa. She didn't want her father to have to hug her and answer the phone again.

Mrs. Ye took the small breast ball from his arms and walked slowly in front.

Qin Sui'an put her little face against her grandmother's neck and looked back from time to time to see if her father was missing.

Qin Haochen was a few steps behind them, talking on the phone in a lowered voice.

After receiving the concerned look from Little Nipple, he smiled at her.

Qin Sui'an looked away with peace of mind and continued to nestle in her grandmother's arms.

On the sidewalk, in addition to Lucy and Jehans following them, there were also several bodyguards "hanging out" around.

Mrs. Ye noticed that the little breasts occasionally showed a hesitant expression, and she asked softly: "An'an, what's wrong?"

Qin Sui'an pursed her lips, and her voice was thin and low: "Grandma, can An An ask you a question?"

Mrs. Ye gently rubbed her little head and said, "Okay, just ask An An."

The little girl thought for a while before speaking again and asked in a low voice: "Does grandma hate daddy?"

(End of this chapter)

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